我们都知道无法通过delete关键字针对变量和函数进行操作,而对于显示的对象属性声明却可以进行,这个原因需要深究到js的实现层上去,让我们跟随 Understanding delete 来探究一番,另外本文并不考虑浏览器的兼容性实现问题。
var o = { x: 1 }; delete o.x; // true o.x; // undefined
var x = 1; delete x; // false x; // 1
在上下文中定义的变量,函数声明以及函数的入参和AO特有的arguments对象等等,都属于VO(AO)的属性。而对于VO这样的实体对象而言,它也有自己的元数据,也就是在ES5中对象的数据特性:[[configurable]],[[enurable]],[[value]],[[writable]]。而对于VO的属性,默认的[[configurable]]是false,这样就无法针对这些变量使用delete操作。而对于显示的对象属性赋值,比如obj.name = “a”,对于name属性的[[configurable]]特性是true,因此可以删除。
var GLOBAL_OBJECT = this; /* `foo` is a property of a Global object. It is created via variable declaration and so has DontDelete attribute. This is why it can not be deleted. */ var foo = 1; delete foo; // false typeof foo; // "number" /* `bar` is a property of a Global object. It is created via function declaration and so has DontDelete attribute. This is why it can not be deleted either. */ function bar(){} delete bar; // false typeof bar; // "function" /* `baz` is also a property of a Global object. However, it is created via property assignment and so has no DontDelete attribute. This is why it can be deleted. */ GLOBAL_OBJECT.baz = ‘blah‘; delete GLOBAL_OBJECT.baz; // true typeof GLOBAL_OBJECT.baz; // "undefined"
/* `foo` is created as a property with DontDelete */ function foo(){} /* Later assignments do not modify attributes. DontDelete is still there! */ foo = 1; delete foo; // false typeof foo; // "number" /* But assigning to a property that doesn‘t exist, creates that property with empty attributes (and so without DontDelete) */ this.bar = 1; delete bar; // true typeof bar; // "undefined"
(function(){ eval(‘var foo = 1;‘); foo; // 1 delete foo; // true typeof foo; // "undefined" eval(‘var foo = 1;‘); foo; // 1 delete foo; // true typeof foo; // "undefined" })();
ES5的严格模式与上述提到的行为不同,它不准许delete删除函数入参,变量和函数,以及函数对象的length。删除未声明的 变量也会抛出语法错误SyntaxError。
(function(foo){ "use strict"; // enable strict mode within this function var bar; function baz(){} delete foo; // SyntaxError (when deleting argument) delete bar; // SyntaxError (when deleting variable) delete baz; // SyntaxError (when deleting variable created with function declaration) /* `length` of function instances has { [[Configurable]] : false } */ delete (function(){}).length; // TypeError delete i_dont_exist; // deleting undeclared variable (or in other words, unresolved Referece) throws SyntaxError })();