create or replace procedure uc_users_amount_pro(endDate in varchar2) is insMember number; perMember number; insMemberMon number; perMemberMon number; -- 变量名 表名.字段名%type; -- rowtype表示该类型为行数据类型,存储的是一行数据,一行数据里可以有多列,类似于表里的一行数据,也可以是游标里的一行数据,如: -- vs_row1 表%rowtype; -- vs_row2 游标%rowtype; -- CURSOR 游标名 [( 参数 in type)] IS -- Select 语句 begin select count(*) into insMember from uc_users u, uc_form f where u.form_id = f.id and f.form_cn = '企业会员' and u.gmt_create < to_timestamp(endDate,'yyyy-mm-dd'); select count(*) into perMember from uc_users u, uc_form f where u.form_id = f.id and f.form_cn = '个人会员' and u.gmt_create < to_timestamp(endDate,'yyyy-mm-dd'); select count(*) into insMemberMon from uc_users u, uc_form f where u.form_id = f.id and f.form_cn = '企业会员' and to_char(u.gmt_create, 'yyyy-mm') = to_char(to_timestamp(endDate, 'yyyy-mm-dd'), 'yyyy-mm'); select count(*) into perMemberMon from uc_users u, uc_form f where u.form_id = f.id and f.form_cn = '个人会员' and to_char(u.gmt_create, 'yyyy-mm') = to_char(to_timestamp(endDate, 'yyyy-mm-dd'), 'yyyy-mm'); dbms_output.put_line(insMember || ' ' || perMember || ' ' || insMemberMon || '' || perMemberMon); end uc_users_amount_pro;然后在这个存储过程的名字上方右键->Test