Sandstorm is designed by security wonks. Where most developers don‘t want to think about security, we care deeply about it, and have designed the whole system to protect you.
Protection from malware: On a traditional server, installing an evil app could mean you lose everything. Under Sandstorm, each app runs in its own secure "sandbox" which starts out isolated from the world. It can‘t interfere with your other apps nor "phone home" to its developer until you give it permission.
让您远离恶意软件:在一个传统的服务器上面,安装了一个恶意软件可能就意味着你将一夜间一无所有。而在我们的Sandstorm服务器上,每个应用都是运行在它们自身的与世隔绝的安全“沙箱”里面。它是不可能干涉你其他应用或者在没经允许的情况下把你的电话列表呈现/发送给其他应用的该法人员的,当然,你自己手贱给予了该应用相应的权限又是另外一回事了。(天地会珠海分舵注:“Phone Home"是现代手机的一种服务,它可以让你即使手机在锁屏的状态下也可以把家里以及紧急联系人等的用户名和对应的电话号码给列出来的服务)
Protection from bugs: Let‘s face it: most developers don‘t think enough about security, and they end up producing apps that have bugs allowing hackers to get in. Sandstorm automatically protects apps against a wide range of common vulnerabilities, and security-critical functions like login and sharing are handled by the system itself.
Protection from spying: Sandstorm apps cannot phone home, so they cannot collect data about you for advertising purposes nor perform unwanted experiments on you. Moreover, we are developing advanced per-document encryption techniques to thwart even dedicated hackers.
No protection from getting your job done: Security can often be a hassle, getting in the way of your work. Sandstorm is different. When you tell a Sandstorm app to talk to some other app, or to talk to the internet, Sandstorm sees your intent and automatically grants it access. So, you are never interrupted by a prompt asking "Do you want to allow this app to the thing you just told it to do?" And yet, the apps only get the permissions you actually wanted them to have.
作者/译者 | 微信公众号 | CSDN |
天地会珠海分舵 | 服务号:TechGoGoGo 扫描码: |
Sandstorm is designed by security wonks. Where most developers don‘t want to think about security, we care deeply about it, and have designed the whole system to protect you.
Protection from malware: On a traditional server, installing an evil app could mean you lose everything. Under Sandstorm, each app runs in its own secure "sandbox" which starts out isolated from the world. It can‘t interfere with your other apps nor "phone home" to its developer until you give it permission.
让您远离恶意软件:在一个传统的服务器上面,安装了一个恶意软件可能就意味着你将一夜间一无所有。而在我们的Sandstorm服务器上,每个应用都是运行在它们自身的与世隔绝的安全“沙箱”里面。它是不可能干涉你其他应用或者在没经允许的情况下把你的电话列表呈现/发送给其他应用的该法人员的,当然,你自己手贱给予了该应用相应的权限又是另外一回事了。(天地会珠海分舵注:“Phone Home"是现代手机的一种服务,它可以让你即使手机在锁屏的状态下也可以把家里以及紧急联系人等的用户名和对应的电话号码给列出来的服务)
Protection from bugs: Let‘s face it: most developers don‘t think enough about security, and they end up producing apps that have bugs allowing hackers to get in. Sandstorm automatically protects apps against a wide range of common vulnerabilities, and security-critical functions like login and sharing are handled by the system itself.
Protection from spying: Sandstorm apps cannot phone home, so they cannot collect data about you for advertising purposes nor perform unwanted experiments on you. Moreover, we are developing advanced per-document encryption techniques to thwart even dedicated hackers.
No protection from getting your job done: Security can often be a hassle, getting in the way of your work. Sandstorm is different. When you tell a Sandstorm app to talk to some other app, or to talk to the internet, Sandstorm sees your intent and automatically grants it access. So, you are never interrupted by a prompt asking "Do you want to allow this app to the thing you just told it to do?" And yet, the apps only get the permissions you actually wanted them to have.
作者/译者 | 微信公众号 | CSDN |
天地会珠海分舵 | 服务号:TechGoGoGo 扫描码: |