Most of us use OpenGL/ DirectX based program to meet our 3d requirement. Also we need not to reinvent the wheel as most of the methods / capabilities established by these libraries are well tested and confirmed. However these tools does not help a learner to understand how 3d graphics being rendered into 2d screen, because those are controlled by different APIs. This attached samples explains how typical 3d modeling graphics projected into 2d screen.
This sample project created using Visual studio 2010 and targeted dot net framework 4.0
This sample contains 3 different parts.
1. VecrorLib
Contains Vector2D, Vector3D, Point2D, Point 3D classes which are required for any 3d modeling
Matrix3D, Quaternion(under development) class to do transformation such as Translation, scaling, rotation, shear, projection etc
2. Renderer
Contains a camera class and canvas object
3. Sample Project
Sample winform screen which uses Renderer and VectorLib to draw sample 3D cube and provides rotational transformation of the camera and UI to position the Coordinate axes.
This sample currently provides support to render wireframe modeling and rotational transformation to support orthographic, perspective projections. Later it will be extended to support Quaternion based camera rotations and translations. which will include hidden line removal and depth buffer algorithms lighting concepts.