#include <iostream> using namespace std; class Element { public: Element* left; Element* right; char key; Element(); Element(char k); }; Element::Element() { left = NULL; right = NULL; key = 0; } Element::Element(char k) { left = NULL; right = NULL; key = k; } class BinaryTree { public: Element* root; BinaryTree(); void createTree(Element* e); void postTravel(Element* e); void destroyTree(); }; BinaryTree::BinaryTree() { root = NULL; cout<<"please enter the tree element by preorder:(use ‘#‘ as empty node)"<<endl; createTree(root); } void BinaryTree::createTree(Element* e) { //create root node e = new Element(); cin>>e->key; if(e->key==‘#‘) { return ; } else { //create left child tree createTree( e->left ); //create right child tree createTree( e->right ); } } void BinaryTree::postTravel(Element* e) { if(e->key==‘#‘) { cout<<"#"<<endl; return ; } else { postTravel(e->left); postTravel(e->right); cout<<e->key<<endl; } } int main(void) { BinaryTree tree; tree.postTravel(tree.root); return 0; }
A / B C / \ / D # # E / \ / F # # # / # #
please enter the tree element by preorder:(use ‘#‘ as empty node) ABDF####C#E## Segmentation fault
经过追查,发现是建树的时候发生的错误。在声明一个树的对象的时候,会调用默认的构造方法,而在构造方法中调用了函数createTree,该函数的参数是Element* e。在递归建树的过程中,第一次传递给createTree的参数是root,root的值是NULL。因此编译器将root的值NULL,复制了一份,保存在临时变量中,当使用new Element来分配一个新的对象的时候,并没有把这个新对象的地址保存在root的地址空间中,而是保存在了临时的变量中,所以这就是由于值传递造成的错误。在很多时候,需要特别小心在参数中带有指针的函数,这些函数往往是发生错误的根源。
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class Element { public: Element* left; Element* right; char key; Element(); Element(char k); }; Element::Element() { left = NULL; right = NULL; key = 0; } Element::Element(char k) { left = NULL; right = NULL; key = k; } class BinaryTree { public: Element* root; BinaryTree(); void createTree(Element** e); void postTravel(Element* e); void destroyTree(); }; BinaryTree::BinaryTree() { root = NULL; cout<<"please enter the tree element by preorder:(use ‘#‘ as empty node)"<<endl; createTree(&root); } void BinaryTree::createTree(Element** e) { //create root node *e = new Element(); cin>>(*e)->key; if((*e)->key==‘#‘) { return ; } else { //create left child tree createTree( &((*e)->left) ); //create right child tree createTree( &((*e)->right) ); } } void BinaryTree::postTravel(Element* e) { if(e->key==‘#‘) { cout<<"#"<<endl; return ; } else { postTravel(e->left); postTravel(e->right); cout<<e->key<<endl; } } int main(void) { BinaryTree tree; tree.postTravel(tree.root); return 0; }
please enter the tree element by preorder:(use ‘#‘ as empty node) ABDF####C#E## # # F # D # B # # # E C A