Author:Pirate Leo
1、 文件,由许多Box和FullBox组成。
2、 Box,每个Box由Header和Data组成。
3、 FullBox,是Box的扩展,Box结构的基础上在Header中增加8bits version和24bits flags。
4、 Header,包含了整个Box的长度size和类型type。当size==0时,代表这是文件中最后一个Box;当size==1时,意味着Box长度需要更多bits来描述,在后面会定义一个64bits的largesize描述Box的长度;当type是uuid时,代表Box中的数据是用户自定义扩展类型。
5、 Data,是Box的实际数据,可以是纯数据也可以是更多的子Boxes。
6、 当一个Box的Data中是一系列子Box时,这个Box又可成为Container Box。
aligned(8) class Box (unsigned int(32) boxtype,optional unsigned int(8)[16] extended_type) { unsigned int(32) size; unsigned int(32) type = boxtype; if (size==1) { unsigned int(64) largesize; } else if (size==0) { // box extends to end of file } if (boxtype==‘uuid’) { unsigned int(8)[16] usertype = extended_type; }
ftyp |
√ |
file type and compatibility |
pdin |
progressive download information |
moov |
√ |
container for all the metadata |
mvhd |
√ |
movie header, overall declarations |
trak |
√ |
container for an individual track or stream |
tkhd |
√ |
track header, overall information about the track |
tref |
track reference container |
edts |
edit list container |
elst |
an edit list |
mdia |
√ |
container for the media information in a track |
mdhd |
√ |
media header, overall information about the media |
hdlr |
√ |
handler, declares the media (handler) type |
minf |
√ |
media information container |
vmhd |
video media header, overall information (video track only) |
smhd |
sound media header, overall information (sound track only) |
hmhd |
hint media header, overall information (hint track only) |
nmhd |
Null media header, overall information (some tracks only) |
dinf |
√ |
data information box, container |
dref |
√ |
data reference box, declares source(s) of media data in track |
stbl |
√ |
sample table box, container for the time/space map |
stsd |
√ |
sample descriptions (codec types, initialization etc.) |
stts |
√ |
(decoding) time-to-sample |
ctts |
(composition) time to sample |
stsc |
√ |
sample-to-chunk, partial data-offset information |
stsz |
sample sizes (framing) |
stz2 |
compact sample sizes (framing) |
stco |
√ |
chunk offset, partial data-offset information |
co64 |
64-bit chunk offset |
stss |
sync sample table (random access points) |
stsh |
shadow sync sample table |
padb |
sample padding bits |
stdp |
sample degradation priority |
sdtp |
independent and disposable samples |
sbgp |
sample-to-group |
sgpd |
sample group description |
subs |
sub-sample information |
mvex |
movie extends box |
mehd |
movie extends header box |
trex |
√ |
track extends defaults |
ipmc |
IPMP Control Box |
moof |
movie fragment |
mfhd |
√ |
movie fragment header |
traf |
track fragment |
tfhd |
√ |
track fragment header |
trun |
track fragment run |
sdtp |
independent and disposable samples |
sbgp |
sample-to-group |
subs |
sub-sample information |
mfra |
movie fragment random access |
tfra |
track fragment random access |
mfro |
√ |
movie fragment random access offset |
mdat |
media data container |
free |
free space |
skip |
free space |
udta |
user-data |
cprt |
copyright etc. |
meta |
metadata |
hdlr |
√ |
handler, declares the metadata (handler) type |
dinf |
data information box, container |
dref |
data reference box, declares source(s) of metadata items |
ipmc |
IPMP Control Box |
iloc |
item location |
ipro |
item protection |
sinf |
protection scheme information box |
frma |
original format box |
imif |
IPMP Information box |
schm |
scheme type box |
schi |
scheme information box |
iinf |
item information |
xml |
XML container |
bxml |
binary XML container |
pitm |
primary item reference |
fiin |
file delivery item information |
paen |
partition entry |
fpar |
file partition |
fecr |
FEC reservoir |
segr |
file delivery session group |
gitn |
group id to name |
tsel |
track selection |
meco |
additional metadata container |
mere |
metabox relation |
1、 ftypbox,在文件的开始位置,描述的文件的版本、兼容协议等;
2、 moovbox,这个box中不包含具体媒体数据,但包含本文件中所有媒体数据的宏观描述信息,moov box下有mvhd和trak box。
3、 moofbox,这个box是视频分片的描述信息。并不是MP4文件必须的部分,但在我们常见的可在线播放的MP4格式文件中(例如Silverlight Smooth Streaming中的ismv文件)确是重中之重。
4、 mdatbox,实际媒体数据。我们最终解码播放的数据都在这里面。
5、 mfrabox,一般在文件末尾,媒体的索引文件,可通过查询直接定位所需时间点的媒体数据。
附:Smooth Streaming中ismv文件结构,文件分为了多个Fragments,每个Fragment中包含moof和mdat。这样的结构符合渐进式播放需求。(mdat及其描述信息逐步传输,收齐一个Fragment便可播放其中的mdat)。
Author:Pirate Leo
ISO 14496 - 12 定义了一种封装媒体数据的基础文件格式,mp4、3gp、ismv等我们常见媒体封装格式都是以这种基础文件格式为基础衍生的。
本次解析ftyp box
aligned(8) class FileTypeBox extends Box(‘ftyp’) { unsigned int(32) major_brand; unsigned int(32) minor_version; unsigned int(32) compatible_brands[]; // to end of the box }
Each brand is a printable four-character code, registered with ISO, that identifies a precise specification.//在ISO注册的4个字符。
Brand | Extension | Mime Type | |
MP4 | mp41, mp42 | .mp4 | video/mp4, audio/mp4, application/mp4 |
3GPP | various, e.g. 3gp4, 3gp5 | .3gp | video/3gpp, audio/3gpp |
3GPP2 | 3g2a | .3g2 | video/3gpp2, audio/3gpp2 |
Motion JPEG 2000 | mjp2 | .mj2 | video/mj2 |
QuickTime | "qt" | .mov | video/quicktime |
ftyp box通常放在文件的开始,通过对该box解析可以让我们的软件(播放器、demux、解析器)知道应该使用哪种协议对这该文件解析,是后续解读文件基础。