表 j_wenzhang_aps201503 中 shunxu 字段为null。现在 想根据 lanmu_id,qishiye两项,更新shunxu 字段。
1 、如果让shunxu 字段 自增,不存在重复,且lanmu_id 较小的,对应的 shunxu 也小;lanmu_id 相同,qishiye较小的,对应的shunxu也小。
declare @maxid int declare @minid int declare @shunxu int declare @maxqishiye int declare @minqishiye int select @maxid= max(lanmu_id) from j_wenzhang_aps201503 where shunxu is null select @minid= min(lanmu_id) from j_wenzhang_aps201503 where shunxu is null select @shunxu=0 if ((@maxid is not null) and (@minid is not null)) begin while (@maxid>=@minid) begin select @maxqishiye=max(qishiye) from j_wenzhang_aps201503 where shunxu is null and lanmu_id=@minid select @minqishiye=min(qishiye) from j_wenzhang_aps201503 where shunxu is null and lanmu_id=@minid if ((@maxqishiye is not null) and (@minqishiye is not null)) begin while (@maxqishiye>=@minqishiye) begin select @shunxu=@shunxu+1 update j_wenzhang_aps201503 set shunxu=@shunxu where lanmu_id=@minid and qishiye=@minqishiye and shunxu is null select @minqishiye=min(qishiye) from j_wenzhang_aps201503 where shunxu is null and lanmu_id=@minid end end select @minid=min(lanmu_id) from j_wenzhang_aps201503 where shunxu is null end end go
即(每个相同lanm_id里,shunxu 都从1 开始增加)
declare @maxid int declare @minid int declare @shunxu int declare @maxqishiye int declare @minqishiye int select @maxid= max(lanmu_id) from j_wenzhang_aps201503 where shunxu is null select @minid= min(lanmu_id) from j_wenzhang_aps201503 where shunxu is null if ((@maxid is not null) and (@minid is not null)) begin while (@maxid>=@minid) begin select @maxqishiye=max(qishiye) from j_wenzhang_aps201503 where shunxu is null and lanmu_id=@minid select @minqishiye=min(qishiye) from j_wenzhang_aps201503 where shunxu is null and lanmu_id=@minid select @shunxu=0 if ((@maxqishiye is not null) and (@minqishiye is not null)) begin while (@maxqishiye>=@minqishiye) begin select @shunxu=@shunxu+1 update j_wenzhang_aps201503 set shunxu=@shunxu where lanmu_id=@minid and qishiye=@minqishiye and shunxu is null select @minqishiye=min(qishiye) from j_wenzhang_aps201503 where shunxu is null and lanmu_id=@minid end end select @minid=min(lanmu_id) from j_wenzhang_aps201503 where shunxu is null end end go