print "unzipping target target-files..." OPTIONS.input_tmp, input_zip = common.UnzipTemp(args[0])上面的代码是开始进行解压缩的入口
def UnzipTemp(filename, pattern=None): """Unzip the given archive into a temporary directory and return the name. If filename is of the form "foo.zip+bar.zip", unzip foo.zip into a temp dir, then unzip bar.zip into that_dir/BOOTABLE_IMAGES. Returns (tempdir, zipobj) where zipobj is a zipfile.ZipFile (of the main file), open for reading. """ # 该函数用于创建一个临时文件夹,参数指的是临时文件夹的前缀,返回值tmp是临时文件夹的绝对路径,并赋给OPTIONS的tempfiles属性 tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="targetfiles-") OPTIONS.tempfiles.append(tmp) def unzip_to_dir(filename, dirname): #这里设置了一个变量名cmd的数组,里面存放的是需要执行的命令和参数,这个命令也就是“unzip -o -q filename -d dirname” cmd = ["unzip", "-o", "-q", filename, "-d", dirname] if pattern is not None: cmd.append(pattern) #这里调用了Run方法 p = Run(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) """Popen.communicate(input=None)与子进程进行交互。向stdin发送数据,或从stdout和stderr中读取数据。可选参数input指定发送到子进程的参数。Communicate()返回一个元组:(stdoutdata,stderrdata)。注意:如果希望通过进程的stdin向其发送数据,在创建Popen对象的时候,参数stdin必须被设置为PIPE。同样,如果希望从stdout和stderr获取数据,必须将stdout和stderr设置为PIPE。""" p.communicate() if p.returncode != 0: raise ExternalError("failed to unzip input target-files \"%s\"" % (filename,)) #match :只从字符串的开始与正则表达式匹配,匹配成功返回所匹配的项,否则返回none; m = re.match(r"^(.*[.]zip)\+(.*[.]zip)$", filename, re.IGNORECASE) #如果这里加上并执行"""print m"""语句的话,结果为"""[target.zip]""" if m: unzip_to_dir(m.group(1), tmp) unzip_to_dir(m.group(2), os.path.join(tmp, "BOOTABLE_IMAGES")) filename = m.group(1) else: #这里执行解压操作,文件名的值为"target.zip",tem的值为"/tmp/targetfiles-fEX9aH",并且调用upzip_to_dir方法来执行解压缩命令 unzip_to_dir(filename, tmp) #这里返回临时路径和存储了zipfile内容的变量 # 这里的第二个参数用r表示是读取zip文件,w是创建一个zip文件 return tmp, zipfile.ZipFile(filename, "r")#这里开启新的进程来执行解压缩的命令
def Run(args, **kwargs): """Create and return a subprocess.Popen object, printing the command line on the terminal if -v was specified.""" if OPTIONS.verbose: print " running: ", " ".join(args) """这里调用Popen模块开启新的进程用来执行系统命令,这种方式可运用对进程的控制,将返回结果复制给变量,更方便去处理。args的值实际上是一个list,用于指定进程的可执行文件及其参数。""" return subprocess.Popen(args, **kwargs)接着回到main函数中对解压缩返回的结果进行处理
OPTIONS.target_tmp = OPTIONS.input_tmp OPTIONS.info_dict = common.LoadInfoDict(input_zip)第二步,解析target.zip中META/misc_info.txt、imagesizes.txt中的信息,如下图:
recovery_api_version=3 fstab_version=2 tool_extensions=out/target/product/wt98360/obj/CUSTGEN/config/../common default_system_dev_certificate=build/target/product/security/testkey mkbootimg_args= use_set_metadata=1 update_rename_support=1 fs_type=ext4 system_size=1363148800 userdata_size=1152385024 cache_size=132120576 extfs_sparse_flag=-s mkyaffs2_extra_flags=-c 2048 -s 64 selinux_fc=out/target/product/wt98360/root/file_contexts
def LoadInfoDict(zip): """Read and parse the META/misc_info.txt key/value pairs from the input target files and return a dict.""" #定义一个字典变量用于存储处理后的信息 d = {} try: #这里zip.read()方法打开update.zip中的META/misc_info.txt,并按"\n"进行切片 for line in zip.read("META/misc_info.txt").split("\n"): line = line.strip()#用于移除字符串头尾指定的字符(默认为空格) if not line or line.startswith("#"): continue#跳过注释信息 k, v = line.split("=", 1)#这里按照第一个"="进行切片 d[k] = v#封装成数据字典 except KeyError: # ok if misc_info.txt doesn't exist pass # backwards compatibility: These values used to be in their own # files. Look for them, in case we're processing an old # target_files zip. if "mkyaffs2_extra_flags" not in d: try: d["mkyaffs2_extra_flags"] = zip.read("META/mkyaffs2-extra-flags.txt").strip() except KeyError: # ok if flags don't exist pass if "recovery_api_version" not in d: try: d["recovery_api_version"] = zip.read("META/recovery-api-version.txt").strip() except KeyError: raise ValueError("can't find recovery API version in input target-files") if "tool_extensions" not in d: try: d["tool_extensions"] = zip.read("META/tool-extensions.txt").strip() except KeyError: # ok if extensions don't exist pass if "fstab_version" not in d: d["fstab_version"] = "1" try: data = zip.read("META/imagesizes.txt") for line in data.split("\n"): if not line: continue name, value = line.split(" ", 1) if not value: continue if name == "blocksize": d[name] = value else: d[name + "_size"] = value except KeyError: pass def makeint(key): if key in d: if d[key].endswith('M'): d[key] = d[key].split("M")[0] d[key] = int(d[key], 0) * 1024 * 1024 else: d[key] = int(d[key], 0) makeint("recovery_api_version") makeint("blocksize") makeint("system_size") makeint("userdata_size") makeint("cache_size") makeint("recovery_size") makeint("boot_size") makeint("fstab_version") #wschen 2012-11-07 makeint("custom_size") d["fstab"] = LoadRecoveryFSTab(zip, d["fstab_version"]) d["build.prop"] = LoadBuildProp(zip) return d
第三步,解析recovery分区信息def LoadRecoveryFSTab(zip, fstab_version):
class Partition(object):
data = zip.read("RECOVERY/RAMDISK/etc/recovery.fstab")#当前target.zip中并没有这文件,因此这里暂不作详解
except KeyError:
print "Warning: could not find RECOVERY/RAMDISK/etc/recovery.fstab in %s." % zip
data = ""
if fstab_version == 1:
d = {}
for line in data.split("\n"):
line = line.strip()
if not line or line.startswith("#"): continue
pieces = line.split()
if not (3 <= len(pieces) <= 4):
raise ValueError("malformed recovery.fstab line: \"%s\"" % (line,))
p = Partition()
p.mount_point = pieces[0]
p.fs_type = pieces[1]
p.device = pieces[2]
p.length = 0
options = None
if len(pieces) >= 4:
if pieces[3].startswith("/"):
p.device2 = pieces[3]
if len(pieces) >= 5:
options = pieces[4]
p.device2 = None
options = pieces[3]
p.device2 = None
if options:
options = options.split(",")
for i in options:
if i.startswith("length="):
p.length = int(i[7:])
print "%s: unknown option \"%s\"" % (p.mount_point, i)
d[p.mount_point] = p
elif fstab_version == 2:
d = {}
for line in data.split("\n"):
line = line.strip()
if not line or line.startswith("#"): continue
pieces = line.split()
if len(pieces) != 5:
raise ValueError("malformed recovery.fstab line: \"%s\"" % (line,))
# Ignore entries that are managed by vold
options = pieces[4]
if "voldmanaged=" in options: continue
# It‘s a good line, parse it
p = Partition()
p.device = pieces[0]
p.mount_point = pieces[1]
p.fs_type = pieces[2]
p.device2 = None
p.length = 0
options = options.split(",")
for i in options:
if i.startswith("length="):
p.length = int(i[7:])
# Ignore all unknown options in the unified fstab
d[p.mount_point] = p
raise ValueError("Unknown fstab_version: \"%d\"" % (fstab_version,))
return d
def LoadBuildProp(zip): try: data = zip.read("SYSTEM/build.prop") except KeyError: print "Warning: could not find SYSTEM/build.prop in %s" % zip data = "" d = {} for line in data.split("\n"): line = line.strip() if not line or line.startswith("#"): continue name, value = line.split("=", 1) d[name] = value return d