因为要实现部门排序功能,而且要考虑部门的层级,直接用 sql 排序是不行的,所以写个 sql function 来支持。
CREATE TABLE company( CompanyId id NOT NULL, CompanyName nvarchar(115) NOT NULL )
CREATE TABLE company_report( CompanyId id NOT NULL, ReportToId id NOT NULL, DisplayOrd ord CONSTRAINT [DF1_company_report] DEFAULT (1) NOT NULL )
在 company_report 中 ReportToId 是指上级部门的 CompanyId 。
像这种树形结构,在代码中一般都是用递归来遍历了,但是在 sql 中实现递归还是很麻烦的,还是写成循环简单点。
定义 function :
go if (exists (select * from sys.objects where name = ‘get_company_report_name_fn‘)) drop FUNCTION get_company_report_name_fn go CREATE FUNCTION get_company_report_name_fn (@i_vCompanyId id, @i_vCompanyName string2) RETURNS string2 AS BEGIN DECLARE @t_vResult string2; DECLARE @t_vReportToId id; SET @t_vResult = ‘‘; --父部门ID SET @t_vReportToId = 0; --拼接父部门Name SELECT @t_vResult = r.CompanyName + ‘_‘ + c.CompanyName, @t_vReportToId = cr.ReportToId FROM company_report cr, company c, company r WHERE cr.CompanyId = c.CompanyId AND cr.ReportToId = r.CompanyId AND cr.CompanyId = @i_vCompanyId --while 父部门还存在父部门 while ( exists(select cr.ReportToId from company_report cr where cr.CompanyId = @t_vReportToId) ) begin SELECT @t_vResult = r.CompanyName + ‘_‘+ @t_vResult, @t_vReportToId = cr.ReportToId FROM company_report cr, company c, company r WHERE cr.CompanyId = c.CompanyId AND cr.ReportToId = r.CompanyId AND cr.CompanyId = @t_vReportToId end --已经是最顶层的部门了 返回原值 if @t_vResult = ‘‘ begin SET @t_vResult = @i_vCompanyName end return @t_vResult END GO
原理就是在子部门的 name 上加上父部门的 name 用 _ 符号连接,如果父部门还存在父部门则继续连接下去。
select dbo.get_company_report_name_fn(companyId, companyName) from company order by dbo.get_company_report_name_fn(companyId, companyName)
ula-client01 LTD.
ula-client01 LTD._ula-client02
ula-client01 LTD._ula-client02_ula-client02-子
ula-client01 LTD._ula-client03
写完给 Leader 看看,他觉得我写复杂了,然后就随手改了下:
go if (exists (select * from sys.objects where name = ‘get_company_report_name_fn‘)) drop FUNCTION get_company_report_name_fn go CREATE FUNCTION get_company_report_name_fn (@i_vCompanyId id, @i_vCompanyName string2) RETURNS string2 AS BEGIN DECLARE @t_vResult string2; DECLARE @t_vReportToId id; DECLARE @t_vReportToName string2; SET @t_vResult = @i_vCompanyName; SET @t_vReportToId = @i_vCompanyId; while (exists(select cr.ReportToId from company_report cr where cr.CompanyId = @t_vReportToId)) begin SELECT @t_vReportToId = cr.ReportToId, @t_vReportToName = c.companyName FROM company_report cr, company c WHERE cr.ReportToId = c.CompanyId AND cr.CompanyId = @t_vReportToId; set @t_vResult = @t_vReportToName + ‘_‘ + @t_vResult; end return @t_vResult; END go