4.开源.NET基础数学类库使用Math.NET(四)C#解析Matrix Marke数据格式
5.开源.NET基础数学类库使用Math.NET(五)C#解析Delimited Formats数据格式
数值分析(numerical analysis)是研究分析用计算机求解数学计算问题的数值计算方法及其理论的学科,是数学的一个分支,它以数字计算机求解数学问题的理论和方法为研究对象。为计算数学的主体部分。数值分析有如下特点:
本文首先对Math.NET中求解线性方程的相关源码进行分析,这样大家碰到了问题,也可以更好的查找源码解决,或者进行扩展,实现自己的一些特殊需求。Math.NET中MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Factorization命名空间下有一个泛型接口:ISolver<T>,就是解AX = B类型的线性方程的接口类型。该接口功能很多,看看下面的接口源代码和注释(本人进行了简单的翻译),就很清楚了。
1 using System; 2 3 namespace MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Factorization 4 { 5 /// <summary>形如AX = B的线性方程组求解的接口类型</summary> 6 /// <typeparam name="T">泛型参数,支持类型有:double, single, <see cref="Complex"/>, 7 /// 以及 <see cref="Complex32"/>.</typeparam> 8 public interface ISolver<T> where T : struct, IEquatable<T>, IFormattable 9 { 10 /// <summary>求解AX=B的线性方程组</summary> 11 /// <param name="input">右矩阵<c>B</c>.</param> 12 /// <returns>返回求解结果矩阵 <c>X</c>.</returns> 13 Matrix<T> Solve(Matrix<T> input); 14 15 /// <summary>求解AX=B的线性方程组</summary> 16 /// <param name="input">右矩阵 <c>B</c>.</param> 17 /// <param name="result">求解结果矩阵, <c>X</c>.</param> 18 void Solve(Matrix<T> input, Matrix<T> result); 19 20 /// <summary>求解AX=b的线性方程组</summary> 21 /// <param name="input">等式的右边向量 <c>b</c>.</param> 22 /// <returns>返回求解结果的左边向量 , <c>x</c>.</returns> 23 Vector<T> Solve(Vector<T> input); 24 25 /// <summary>求解AX=b的线性方程组</summary> 26 /// <param name="input">等式的右边向量 <c>b</c>.</param> 27 /// <param name="result">求解结果矩阵, <c>x</c>.</param> 28 void Solve(Vector<T> input, Vector<T> result); 29 } 30 }
1 public abstract class LU<T> : ISolver<T> where T : struct, IEquatable<T>, IFormattable 2 { 3 static readonly T One = BuilderInstance<T>.Matrix.One; 4 5 readonly Lazy<Matrix<T>> _lazyL; 6 readonly Lazy<Matrix<T>> _lazyU; 7 readonly Lazy<Permutation> _lazyP; 8 9 protected readonly Matrix<T> Factors; 10 protected readonly int[] Pivots; 11 12 protected LU(Matrix<T> factors, int[] pivots) 13 { 14 Factors = factors; 15 Pivots = pivots; 16 17 _lazyL = new Lazy<Matrix<T>>(ComputeL); 18 _lazyU = new Lazy<Matrix<T>>(Factors.UpperTriangle); 19 _lazyP = new Lazy<Permutation>(() => Permutation.FromInversions(Pivots)); 20 } 21 22 Matrix<T> ComputeL() 23 { 24 var result = Factors.LowerTriangle(); 25 for (var i = 0; i < result.RowCount; i++) 26 { 27 result.At(i, i, One); 28 } 29 return result; 30 } 31 32 /// <summary>Gets the lower triangular factor.</summary> 33 public Matrix<T> L 34 { 35 get { return _lazyL.Value; } 36 } 37 /// <summary>Gets the upper triangular factor.</summary> 38 public Matrix<T> U 39 { 40 get { return _lazyU.Value; } 41 } 42 /// <summary>Gets the permutation applied to LU factorization.</summary> 43 public Permutation P 44 { 45 get { return _lazyP.Value; } 46 } 47 /// <summary>Gets the determinant of the matrix for which the LU factorization was computed.</summary> 48 public abstract T Determinant { get; } 49 public virtual Matrix<T> Solve(Matrix<T> input) 50 { 51 var x = Matrix<T>.Build.SameAs(input, input.RowCount, input.ColumnCount); 52 Solve(input, x); 53 return x; 54 } 55 public abstract void Solve(Matrix<T> input, Matrix<T> result); 56 57 public virtual Vector<T> Solve(Vector<T> input) 58 { 59 var x = Vector<T>.Build.SameAs(input, input.Count); 60 Solve(input, x); 61 return x; 62 } 63 public abstract void Solve(Vector<T> input, Vector<T> result); 64 public abstract Matrix<T> Inverse(); 65 }
5*x + 2*y - 4*z = -7
3*x - 7*y + 6*z = 38
4*x + 1*y + 5*z = 43
1 var formatProvider = (CultureInfo) CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.Clone(); 2 formatProvider.TextInfo.ListSeparator = " "; 3 4 //先创建系数矩阵A 5 var matrixA = DenseMatrix.OfArray(new[,] {{5.00, 2.00, -4.00}, {3.00, -7.00, 6.00}, {4.00, 1.00, 5.00}}); 6 7 //创建向量b 8 var vectorB = new DenseVector(new[] {-7.0, 38.0, 43.0}); 9 10 // 1.使用LU分解方法求解 11 var resultX = matrixA.LU().Solve(vectorB); 12 Console.WriteLine(@"1. Solution using LU decomposition"); 13 Console.WriteLine(resultX.ToString("#0.00\t", formatProvider)); 14 15 // 2.使用QR分解方法求解 16 resultX = matrixA.QR().Solve(vectorB); 17 Console.WriteLine(@"2. Solution using QR decomposition"); 18 Console.WriteLine(resultX.ToString("#0.00\t", formatProvider)); 19 20 // 3. 使用SVD分解方法求解 21 matrixA.Svd().Solve(vectorB, resultX); 22 Console.WriteLine(@"3. Solution using SVD decomposition"); 23 Console.WriteLine(resultX.ToString("#0.00\t", formatProvider)); 24 25 // 4.使用Gram-Shmidt分解方法求解 26 matrixA.GramSchmidt().Solve(vectorB, resultX); 27 Console.WriteLine(@"4. Solution using Gram-Shmidt decomposition"); 28 Console.WriteLine(resultX.ToString("#0.00\t", formatProvider)); 29 30 // 5.验证结果,就是把结果和A相乘,看看和b是否相等 31 var reconstructVecorB = matrixA*resultX; 32 Console.WriteLine(@"5. Multiply coefficient matrix ‘A‘ by result vector ‘x‘"); 33 Console.WriteLine(reconstructVecorB.ToString("#0.00\t", formatProvider));
1. Solution using LU decomposition DenseVector 3-Double 3.00 1.00 6.00 2. Solution using QR decomposition DenseVector 3-Double 3.00 1.00 6.00 3. Solution using SVD decomposition DenseVector 3-Double 3.00 1.00 6.00 4. Solution using Gram-Shmidt decomposition DenseVector 3-Double 3.00 1.00 6.00 5. Multiply coefficient matrix ‘A‘ by result vector ‘x‘ DenseVector 3-Double -7.00 38.00 43.00
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