序列化 的概念很简单。内存里面有一个数据结构,你希望将它保存下来,重用,或者发送给其他人。你会怎么做?嗯, 这取决于你想要怎么保存,怎么重用,发送给谁。很多游戏允许你在退出的时候保存进度,然后你再次启动的时候回到上次退出的地方。(实际上, 很多非游戏程序也会这么干。) 在这个情况下, 一个捕获了当前进度的数据结构需要在你退出的时候保存到磁盘上,接着在你重新启动的时候从磁盘上加载进来。这个数据只会被创建它的程序使用,不会发送到网 络上,也不会被其它程序读取。因此,互操作的问题被限制在保证新版本的程序能够读取以前版本的程序创建的数据。
(1)pickle将字典序列化存储到文本文件中 [root@localhost test]# pwd /tmp/test [root@localhost test]# ls 1_pickle_dump.py 2_pickle_load.py [root@localhost test]# python 1_pickle_dump.py [root@localhost test]# ls 1_pickle_dump.py 2_pickle_load.py dump.txt #存储到磁盘的文件中 [root@localhost test]# cat dump.txt (dp0 S‘age‘ p1 S‘25‘ p2 sS‘tel‘ p3 S‘132600*****‘ p4 sS‘name‘ p5 S‘ZhengYanSheng‘ p6 s. [root@localhost test]# cat 1_pickle_dump.py #!/usr/bin/env python # import pickle d = {‘name‘:‘ZhengYanSheng‘,‘age‘:‘25‘,‘tel‘:‘132600*****‘} with open(‘/tmp/test/dump.txt‘,‘w‘) as fd: pickle.dump(d,fd) (2)pickle加载文本文件中的内容并生成一个新的字典 [root@localhost test]# pwd /tmp/test [root@localhost test]# ls 1_pickle_dump.py 2_pickle_load.py dump.txt [root@localhost test]# python 2_pickle_load.py {‘age‘: ‘25‘, ‘tel‘: ‘132600*****‘, ‘name‘: ‘ZhengYanSheng‘} #生成一个新的字典 [root@localhost test]# cat 2_pickle_load.py #!/usr/bin/env python # import pickle with open(‘/tmp/test/dump.txt‘,‘r‘) as fd: d1 = pickle.load(fd) print d1
(1)json的导出 [root@localhost ~]# ipython Python 2.6.6 (r266:84292, Feb 22 2013, 00:00:18) Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. IPython 1.2.1 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. ? -> Introduction and overview of IPython‘s features. %quickref -> Quick reference. help -> Python‘s own help system. object? -> Details about ‘object‘, use ‘object??‘ for extra details. In [1]: import json In [2]: d = {‘a‘:‘a‘,‘b‘:235,‘c‘:(‘c1‘,‘c2‘),‘d‘:‘True‘,‘e‘:‘None‘} In [3]: d Out[3]: {‘a‘: ‘a‘, ‘b‘: 235, ‘c‘: (‘c1‘, ‘c2‘), ‘d‘: ‘True‘, ‘e‘: ‘None‘} In [4]: with open(‘/tmp/test/d.json‘,‘w‘) as fd: ...: json.dump(d,fd) #写入到文件中 ...: Do you really want to exit ([y]/n)? [root@localhost ~]# cat /tmp/test/d.json #在shell模式下查看写入的文件内容 {"a": "a", "c": ["c1", "c2"], "b": 235, "e": "None", "d": "True"} (2)json的载入 [root@localhost ~]# ipython Python 2.6.6 (r266:84292, Feb 22 2013, 00:00:18) Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. IPython 1.2.1 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. ? -> Introduction and overview of IPython‘s features. %quickref -> Quick reference. help -> Python‘s own help system. object? -> Details about ‘object‘, use ‘object??‘ for extra details. In [1]: import json In [2]: with open(‘/tmp/test/d.json‘,‘r‘) as fd: ...: dd = json.load(fd) In [3]: print dd {u‘a‘: u‘a‘, u‘c‘: [u‘c1‘, u‘c2‘], u‘b‘: 235, u‘e‘: u‘None‘, u‘d‘: u‘True‘}
[root@localhost Simplecmdb]# cat hostinfo/views.py from django.shortcuts import render from django.http import HttpResponse from hostinfo.models import Host import pickle #导入pickle模块 # Create your views here. def index(req): if req.method == ‘POST‘: pick_obj = pickle.loads(req.body) #接受客户端的传参是一个字典 hostname = pick_obj[‘hostname‘] #既然是一个字典,那么我们就一个变量变量的接收 ip = pick_obj[‘ip‘] osversion = pick_obj[‘osversion‘] memory = pick_obj[‘memory‘] disk = pick_obj[‘disk‘] vendor_id = pick_obj[‘vendor_id‘] model_name = pick_obj[‘model_name‘] cpu_core = pick_obj[‘cpu_core‘] product = pick_obj[‘product‘] Manufacturer = pick_obj[‘Manufacturer‘] sn = pick_obj[‘sn‘] try: host = Host.objects.get(hostname=hostname) except: host = Host() host.hostname = hostname host.ip = ip host.osversion = osversion host.memory = memory host.disk = disk host.vendor_id = vendor_id host.model_name = model_name host.cpu_core = cpu_core host.product = product host.Manufacturer = Manufacturer host.sn = sn host.save() return HttpResponse(‘ok‘) else: return HttpResponse(‘no data‘)
[root@localhost Simplecmdb]# vim post_hostinfo.py #!/usr/bin/env python #coding:utf8 #author:Allentuns #time:2015-02-14 from subprocess import Popen,PIPE import urllib,urllib2 import pickle import json import re ###[hostname message]##### def get_HostnameInfo(file): with open(file,‘r‘) as fd: data = fd.read().split(‘\n‘) for line in data: if line.startswith(‘HOSTNAME‘): hostname = line.split(‘=‘)[1] break return hostname #####[ipaddr message]##### def get_Ipaddr(): P = Popen([‘ifconfig‘],stdout=PIPE) data = P.stdout.read() list = [] str = ‘‘ option = False lines = data.split(‘\n‘) for line in lines: if not line.startswith(‘ ‘): list.append(str) str = line else: str += line while True: if ‘‘ in list: list.remove(‘‘) else: break r_devname = re.compile(‘(eth\d*|lo)‘) r_mac = re.compile(‘HWaddr\s([A-F0-9:]{17})‘) r_ip = re.compile(‘addr:([\d.]{7,15})‘) for line in list: devname = r_devname.findall(line) mac = r_mac.findall(line) ip = r_ip.findall(line) if mac: return ip[0] #####[osversion message]##### def get_OsVerion(file): with open(file) as fd: lines = fd.readlines() os_version = lines[0][:-8] return os_version #####[memory message]##### def get_MemoryInfo(file): with open(file) as fd: data_list = fd.read().split(‘\n‘) MemTotal_line = data_list[0] Memory_K = MemTotal_line.split()[1] Memory_G = float(Memory_K)/1000/1000 Memory_G2 = ‘%.2f‘ % Memory_G memory = Memory_G2 + ‘G‘ return memory #####[disk message]##### def get_DiskInfo(): p = Popen([‘fdisk‘,‘-l‘],stdout=PIPE,stderr=PIPE) stdout,stderr = p.communicate() diskdata = stdout disk_initial_size = 0 re_disk_type = re.compile(r‘Disk /dev/[shd]{1}.*:\s+[\d.\s\w]*,\s+([\d]+).*‘) disk_size_bytes = re_disk_type.findall(diskdata) for size in disk_size_bytes: disk_initial_size += int(size) disk_size_total_bytes = ‘%.2f‘ % (float(disk_initial_size)/1000/1000/1000) disk_size_total_G = disk_size_total_bytes + ‘G‘ disk = disk_size_total_G return disk #####[cpu message]##### def get_CpuInfo(): p = Popen([‘cat‘,‘/proc/cpuinfo‘],stdout=PIPE,stderr=PIPE) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() cpudata = stdout.strip() cpu_dict = {} re_cpu_cores = re.compile(r‘processor\s+:\s+([\d])‘) re_vendor_id = re.compile(r‘vendor_id\s+:\s([\w]+)‘) re_model_name = re.compile(r‘model name\s+:\s+(.*)‘) res_cpu_cores = re_cpu_cores.findall(cpudata) cpu_dict[‘Cpu_Cores‘] = int(res_cpu_cores[-1]) + 1 res_vendor_id = re_vendor_id.findall(cpudata) cpu_dict[‘Vendor_Id‘] = res_vendor_id[-1] res_model_name = re_model_name.findall(cpudata) cpu_dict[‘Model_Name‘] = res_model_name[-1] return cpu_dict #####[Demi message]##### def get_dmidecode(): P = Popen([‘dmidecode‘],stdout=PIPE) data = P.stdout.read() lines = data.split(‘\n\n‘) dmidecode_line = lines[2] line = [i.strip() for i in dmidecode_line.split(‘\n‘) if i] Manufacturer = line[2].split(‘: ‘)[-1] product = line[3].split(‘: ‘)[-1] sn = line[5].split(‘: ‘)[-1] return Manufacturer,product,sn if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: #####[get data]##### hostname = get_HostnameInfo(‘/etc/sysconfig/network‘) ip = get_Ipaddr() osversion = get_OsVerion(‘/etc/issue‘) memory = get_MemoryInfo(‘/proc/meminfo‘) disk = get_DiskInfo() Vendor_Id = get_CpuInfo()[‘Vendor_Id‘] Model_Name = get_CpuInfo()[‘Model_Name‘] Cpu_Cores = get_CpuInfo()[‘Cpu_Cores‘] Manufacturer,product,sn = get_dmidecode() #####[get dict]##### hostinfo = { ‘hostname‘:hostname, ‘ip‘:ip, ‘osversion‘:osversion, ‘memory‘:memory, ‘disk‘:disk, ‘vendor_id‘:Vendor_Id, ‘model_name‘:Model_Name, ‘cpu_core‘:Cpu_Cores, ‘product‘:product, ‘Manufacturer‘:Manufacturer, ‘sn‘:sn, } print hostinfo #data = urllib.urlencode(hostinfo) #注释掉原来 data = pickle.dumps(hostinfo) #添加一行 req = urllib2.urlopen(‘‘,data)
[root@localhost Simplecmdb]# python post_hostinfo.py {‘product‘: ‘VMware Virtual Platform‘, ‘ip‘: ‘‘, ‘vendor_id‘: ‘GenuineIntel‘, ‘cpu_core‘: 1, ‘disk‘: ‘17.18G‘, ‘hostname‘: ‘localhost.localdomain‘, ‘sn‘: ‘VMware-56 4d 41 69 ad a2 e6 3c-84 eb 81 81 e9 b4 4a 54‘, ‘memory‘: ‘0.50G‘, ‘osversion‘: ‘CentOS release 6.4 ‘, ‘model_name‘: ‘Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2407 0 @ 2.20GHz‘, ‘Manufacturer‘: ‘VMware, Inc.‘}
[root@localhost Simplecmdb]# cat hostinfo/views.py from django.shortcuts import render from django.http import HttpResponse from hostinfo.models import Host import pickle import json #导入模块 # Create your views here. def index(req): if req.method == ‘POST‘: pick_obj = json.loads(req.body) #修改此处 hostname = pick_obj[‘hostname‘] ip = pick_obj[‘ip‘] osversion = pick_obj[‘osversion‘] memory = pick_obj[‘memory‘] disk = pick_obj[‘disk‘] vendor_id = pick_obj[‘vendor_id‘] model_name = pick_obj[‘model_name‘] cpu_core = pick_obj[‘cpu_core‘] product = pick_obj[‘product‘] Manufacturer = pick_obj[‘Manufacturer‘] sn = pick_obj[‘sn‘] try: host = Host.objects.get(hostname=hostname) except: host = Host() host.hostname = hostname host.ip = ip host.osversion = osversion host.memory = memory host.disk = disk host.vendor_id = vendor_id host.model_name = model_name host.cpu_core = cpu_core host.product = product host.Manufacturer = Manufacturer host.sn = sn host.save() return HttpResponse(‘ok‘) else: return HttpResponse(‘no data‘)
[root@localhost Simplecmdb]# cat post_hostinfo.py #!/usr/bin/env python #coding:utf8 #author:Allentuns #time:2015-02-14 from subprocess import Popen,PIPE import urllib,urllib2 import pickle import json import re ###[hostname message]##### def get_HostnameInfo(file): with open(file,‘r‘) as fd: data = fd.read().split(‘\n‘) for line in data: if line.startswith(‘HOSTNAME‘): hostname = line.split(‘=‘)[1] break return hostname #####[ipaddr message]##### def get_Ipaddr(): P = Popen([‘ifconfig‘],stdout=PIPE) data = P.stdout.read() list = [] str = ‘‘ option = False lines = data.split(‘\n‘) for line in lines: if not line.startswith(‘ ‘): list.append(str) str = line else: str += line while True: if ‘‘ in list: list.remove(‘‘) else: break r_devname = re.compile(‘(eth\d*|lo)‘) r_mac = re.compile(‘HWaddr\s([A-F0-9:]{17})‘) r_ip = re.compile(‘addr:([\d.]{7,15})‘) for line in list: devname = r_devname.findall(line) mac = r_mac.findall(line) ip = r_ip.findall(line) if mac: return ip[0] #####[osversion message]##### def get_OsVerion(file): with open(file) as fd: lines = fd.readlines() os_version = lines[0][:-8] return os_version #####[memory message]##### def get_MemoryInfo(file): with open(file) as fd: data_list = fd.read().split(‘\n‘) MemTotal_line = data_list[0] Memory_K = MemTotal_line.split()[1] Memory_G = float(Memory_K)/1000/1000 Memory_G2 = ‘%.2f‘ % Memory_G memory = Memory_G2 + ‘G‘ return memory #####[disk message]##### def get_DiskInfo(): p = Popen([‘fdisk‘,‘-l‘],stdout=PIPE,stderr=PIPE) stdout,stderr = p.communicate() diskdata = stdout disk_initial_size = 0 re_disk_type = re.compile(r‘Disk /dev/[shd]{1}.*:\s+[\d.\s\w]*,\s+([\d]+).*‘) disk_size_bytes = re_disk_type.findall(diskdata) for size in disk_size_bytes: disk_initial_size += int(size) disk_size_total_bytes = ‘%.2f‘ % (float(disk_initial_size)/1000/1000/1000) disk_size_total_G = disk_size_total_bytes + ‘G‘ disk = disk_size_total_G return disk #####[cpu message]##### def get_CpuInfo(): p = Popen([‘cat‘,‘/proc/cpuinfo‘],stdout=PIPE,stderr=PIPE) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() cpudata = stdout.strip() cpu_dict = {} re_cpu_cores = re.compile(r‘processor\s+:\s+([\d])‘) re_vendor_id = re.compile(r‘vendor_id\s+:\s([\w]+)‘) re_model_name = re.compile(r‘model name\s+:\s+(.*)‘) res_cpu_cores = re_cpu_cores.findall(cpudata) cpu_dict[‘Cpu_Cores‘] = int(res_cpu_cores[-1]) + 1 res_vendor_id = re_vendor_id.findall(cpudata) cpu_dict[‘Vendor_Id‘] = res_vendor_id[-1] res_model_name = re_model_name.findall(cpudata) cpu_dict[‘Model_Name‘] = res_model_name[-1] return cpu_dict #####[Demi message]##### def get_dmidecode(): P = Popen([‘dmidecode‘],stdout=PIPE) data = P.stdout.read() lines = data.split(‘\n\n‘) dmidecode_line = lines[2] line = [i.strip() for i in dmidecode_line.split(‘\n‘) if i] Manufacturer = line[2].split(‘: ‘)[-1] product = line[3].split(‘: ‘)[-1] sn = line[5].split(‘: ‘)[-1] return Manufacturer,product,sn if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: #####[get data]##### hostname = get_HostnameInfo(‘/etc/sysconfig/network‘) ip = get_Ipaddr() osversion = get_OsVerion(‘/etc/issue‘) memory = get_MemoryInfo(‘/proc/meminfo‘) disk = get_DiskInfo() Vendor_Id = get_CpuInfo()[‘Vendor_Id‘] Model_Name = get_CpuInfo()[‘Model_Name‘] Cpu_Cores = get_CpuInfo()[‘Cpu_Cores‘] Manufacturer,product,sn = get_dmidecode() #####[get dict]##### hostinfo = { ‘hostname‘:hostname, ‘ip‘:ip, ‘osversion‘:osversion, ‘memory‘:memory, ‘disk‘:disk, ‘vendor_id‘:Vendor_Id, ‘model_name‘:Model_Name, ‘cpu_core‘:Cpu_Cores, ‘product‘:product, ‘Manufacturer‘:Manufacturer, ‘sn‘:sn, } print hostinfo #data = urllib.urlencode(hostinfo) #data = pickle.dumps(hostinfo) #注释掉 data = json.dumps(hostinfo) #添加一行 req = urllib2.urlopen(‘‘,data)
[root@localhost Simplecmdb]# python post_hostinfo.py {‘product‘: ‘VMware Virtual Platform‘, ‘ip‘: ‘‘, ‘vendor_id‘: ‘GenuineIntel‘, ‘cpu_core‘: 1, ‘disk‘: ‘17.18G‘, ‘hostname‘: ‘localhost.localdomain‘, ‘sn‘: ‘VMware-56 4d 41 69 ad a2 e6 3c-84 eb 81 81 e9 b4 4a 54‘, ‘memory‘: ‘0.50G‘, ‘osversion‘: ‘CentOS release 6.4 ‘, ‘model_name‘: ‘Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2407 0 @ 2.20GHz‘, ‘Manufacturer‘: ‘VMware, Inc.‘}
本文出自 “郑彦生” 博客,请务必保留此出处http://467754239.blog.51cto.com/4878013/1616806