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An App ID is a two-part string used to identify one or more apps from a single development team. The string consists of a Team ID and a bundle ID search string, with a period (.) separating the two parts. The Team ID is supplied by Apple and is unique to a specific development team, while the bundle ID search string is supplied by you to match either the bundle ID of a single app or a set of bundle IDs for a group of your apps.
一个App ID是由两个部分内容组成的字符串, 用来区分一个开发团队中的多个App。这个字符串由一个Team ID 和 Bundle ID search string 组成, 用一个句号(.)来分开这两个部分。Team ID是由Apple提供的并且每个开发团队的都是独一无二的。然而Bundle ID search string是由你自己提供来匹配单个App的Bundle ID或者 一组 Apps的 bundle IDs。
There are two types of App IDs: an explicit App ID, used for a single app, and wildcard App IDs, used for a set of apps.
有两种类型的 App ID: 一个 明确的/显式App ID ,用于单个App, 另外一个通配App IDs ,用于一组 Apps。
一个用于匹配单个App的明确的/显式App ID
For an explicit App ID to match an app, the Team ID in the App ID must equal the Team ID associated with the app, and the bundle ID search string must equal the bundle ID for the app. The bundle ID is a unique identifier that identifies a single app and cannot be used by other teams.
一个明确的/显示App ID为了匹配一个应用, 它的Team ID必须等同于这个App所属的Team ID, 并且它的Bundle ID search string必须等同于这个App的Bundle ID。Bundle ID是一个用来标识一个App的唯一标识符, 它不能由其他开发团队使用。
用来匹配多个Apps的通配App IDs
A wildcard App ID contains an asterisk as the last part of its bundle ID search string. The asterisk replaces some or all of the bundle ID in the search string.
一个通配App ID的 bundle ID search string 末尾包含一个星号(*)。这个星号(*)代替部分或者全部 bundle ID search string.
The asterisk is treated as a wildcard when matching the bundle ID search string with bundle IDs. For a wildcard App ID to match a set of apps, the bundle ID must exactly match all of the characters preceding the asterisk in the bundle ID search string. The asterisk matches all remaining characters in the bundle ID. The asterisk must match at least one character in the bundle ID. The table below shows a bundle ID search string and some matching and nonmatching bundle IDs.
当bundle ID search string匹配 bundle IDs的时候, 星号(*)作为一个通配符。当通配App ID匹配一组Apps的时候, Bundle ID必须精确匹配bundle ID search string里在星号(*)之前的所有字符。星号(*)必须至少匹配Bundle ID中的一个字符。下表展示了一个 bundle ID search string 和 一些匹配/不匹配的 Bundle IDs。
For a wildcard App ID to match an app, the Team ID must match exactly and the bundle ID must match the bundle ID search string using the wildcard matching rules.
当通配App ID匹配一个App的时候, 它的Team ID必须完全匹配, 并且bundle ID必须和符合通配匹配规则的bundle ID search string相匹配。
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Cocoa Core Competencies_3_App ID