Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree
Given an array where elements are sorted in ascending order, convert it to a height balanced BST.
/** * Definition for binary tree * public class TreeNode { * int val; * TreeNode left; * TreeNode right; * TreeNode(int x) { val = x; } * } */ public class Solution { public TreeNode sortedArrayToBST(int[] num) { if(num == null || num.length == 0 ) return null ; int len = num.length ; TreeNode rst = arrayToBST(num, 0, len - 1); return rst; } public TreeNode arrayToBST(int [] num, int left, int right) { if(left > right) return null; if(left == right) return new TreeNode(num[left]); int mid = (left + right)/2; TreeNode root = new TreeNode(num[mid]); root.left = arrayToBST(num, left, mid - 1); root.right = arrayToBST(num, mid + 1 , right); return root; } }
public TreeNode sortedArrayToBST(int[] num) { if (num.length == 0) { return null; } TreeNode head = helper(num, 0, num.length - 1); return head; } public TreeNode helper(int[] num, int low, int high) { if (low > high) { // Done return null; } int mid = (low + high) / 2; TreeNode node = new TreeNode(num[mid]); node.left = helper(num, low, mid - 1); node.right = helper(num, mid + 1, high); return node; }
Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree