索引:[LeetCode] Leetcode 题解索引 (C++/Java/Python/Sql)
给一个字符串 S 和一个单词列表,单词长度都一样,找出所有 S 的子串,子串由所有单词组成,返回子串的起始位置。
很明显每个子串都是由所有单词组成的,长度是一定的,所以直接枚举子串,切分后再用 map 进行判断就行了。
这样的算法复杂度是 O(n*m),其实还有几种很酷的 O(n) 的算法:
map<string, queue>
来做,其实原理是跟 1 是一样的,具体见:code with HashTable with Queue for O(n) runtime这里用 C++ 实现了 O(n*m) 算法,用 Java 实现了 1 算法。
class Solution { public: vector<int> findSubstring(string S, vector<string> &L) { map<string, int> words; map<string, int> curWords; vector<int> ret; int slen = S.length(); if (!slen || L.empty()) return ret; int llen = L.size(), wlen = L[0].length(); // record the current words map for (auto &i : L) ++words[i]; // check the [llen * wlen] substring for (int i = 0; i + llen * wlen <= slen; i++) { curWords.clear(); int j = 0; // check the words for (j = 0; j < llen; j++) { string tmp = S.substr(i + j * wlen, wlen); if (words.find(tmp) == words.end()) break; ++curWords[tmp]; if (curWords[tmp] > words[tmp]) break; } if (j == llen) ret.push_back(i); } return ret; } };
public class Solution { public List<Integer> findSubstring(String S, String[] L) { List<Integer> ret = new ArrayList<Integer>(); int slen = S.length(), llen = L.length; if (slen <= 0 || llen <= 0) return ret; int wlen = L[0].length(); // get the words' map HashMap<String, Integer> words = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); for (String str : L) { if (words.containsKey(str)) { words.put(str, words.get(str) + 1); } else { words.put(str, 1); } } for (int i = 0; i < wlen; ++i) { int left = i, count = 0; HashMap<String, Integer> tmap = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); for (int j = i; j <= slen - wlen; j += wlen) { String str = S.substring(j, j + wlen); if (words.containsKey(str)) { if (tmap.containsKey(str)) { tmap.put(str, tmap.get(str) + 1); } else { tmap.put(str, 1); } if (tmap.get(str) <= words.get(str)) { count++; } else { // too many words, push the 'left' forward while (tmap.get(str) > words.get(str)) { String tmps = S.substring(left, left + wlen); tmap.put(tmps, tmap.get(tmps) - 1); if (tmap.get(tmps) < words.get(tmps)) { // if affect the count count--; } left += wlen; } } // get the answer if (count == llen) { ret.add(left); // it's better to push forward once String tmps = S.substring(left, left + wlen); tmap.put(tmps, tmap.get(tmps) - 1); count--; left += wlen; } } else { // not any match word tmap.clear(); count = 0; left = j + wlen; } } } return ret; } }
[LeetCode] 030. Substring with Concatenation of All Words (Hard) (C++/Java)