Preliminary List of Accepted Papers:
CVPR 2014会议论文中与saliency detection相关的论文:
1. the secret of salient object segmentation
2. salient region detection via high -dimensional color transform .
3. learning optimal features for salient object detection.
4. Adaptive Partial Differential Equation Learning for Visual Saliency Detection
5. Time-Mapping Using Space-Time Saliency
6. Saliency Optimization from Robust Background Detection
7. Saliency Detection on Light Fields
8. Large-Scale Optimization of Hierarchical Features for Saliency Prediction in Natural Images
每次会议论文放出来,我都要捶胸顿足心情不好好一阵子,同时倍感亚历山大。color transform,PDE,light fields都用上了,大牛牛们你们这么先进,你们星球的家人知道吗?
CVPR 2014与saliency detection相关的文章,布布扣,
CVPR 2014与saliency detection相关的文章