type arr=record u,v,w,nt:longint; end; var i,j,m,n,x,y:longint; ans:int64; a:array[0..200008] of arr; fa:array[0..200008] of longint; function find(x:longint):longint; begin if fa[x]=x then exit(x); fa[x]:=find(fa[x]); exit(fa[x]); end; procedure sort(l,r:longint); var i,j,x:longint; temp:arr; begin i:=l;j:=r; x:=a[(l+r) div 2].w; while i<=j do begin while a[i].w<x do inc(i); while x<a[j].w do dec(j); if i<=j then begin temp:=a[i]; a[i]:=a[j]; a[j]:=temp; inc(i); dec(j); end; end; if l<j then sort(l,j); if i<r then sort(i,r); end; begin readln(n,m); for i:=1 to m do readln(a[i].u,a[i].v,a[i].w); for i:=1 to n do fa[i]:=i; sort(1,m); for i:=1 to m do begin x:=find(a[i].u); y:=find(a[i].v); if x<>y then begin ans:=ans+a[i].w; fa[x]:=y; end; end; writeln(ans); end.