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如何使用Ubuntu online account API来创建微博应用

时间:2015-03-10 14:03:14      阅读:267      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

在这篇文章中,我们将使用Ubuntu SDK所提供的online account API来访问微博的API并显示所需要的内容。这篇文章的重点是展示如何使用online account API的使用。我们最终显示的画面如下:

技术分享  技术分享  技术分享  技术分享



我们还是像以前一样使用我们的Ubuntu SDK来创建一个最基本的weibo QML应用。

技术分享   技术分享

技术分享  技术分享

这样我们就创建了一个最基本的weibo QML应用。你可以使用热键Ctrl + R来运行它虽然它并不能做什么事。

2)加入online account所需要的文件

我们可以参考文章来对online account API有更深的了解。为了能够访问,需要创建如下的文件:



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <description>Weibo QML</description>
    <service id="qml-weibo.ubuntu_qmlweibo">
      <description>Watch your favorite Weibo messages</description>



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <name>Weibo QML</name>

 a)Main.qml, 它的内容为:

import Ubuntu.OnlineAccounts.Plugin 1.0

OAuthMain {}

    b) qml-weibo.ubuntu_plugin.provider,它的内容为:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <group name="auth">
      <setting name="method">oauth2</setting>
      <setting name="mechanism">web_server</setting>
      <group name="oauth2">
        <group name="web_server">
          <setting name="Host">api.weibo.com</setting>
          <setting name="AuthPath">oauth2/authorize</setting>
          <setting name="TokenPath">oauth2/access_token</setting>
          <setting name="RedirectUri">https://api.weibo.com/oauth2/default.html</setting>
          <setting name="ResponseType">code</setting>
          <setting name="ClientId">your developer key</setting>
          <setting type="as" name="AllowedSchemes">['https','http']</setting>
          <setting name="ClientSecret">your developer secret</setting>
          <setting name="ForceClientAuthViaRequestBody" type="b">true</setting>

在上面的文件中一定要输入自己的“your developer key”及“your developer secret”。这个你需要在微博API的网站上去申请。整个文件的架构为:



    "name": "qml-weibo.ubuntu",
    "description": "description of qml-weibo",
    "architecture": "all",
    "title": "qml-weibo",
    "hooks": {
        "qmlweibo": {
            "account-application": "weibo.application",
            "account-service": "weibo.service",
            "apparmor": "qmlweibo.apparmor",
            "desktop": "qmlweibo.desktop"
        "plugin": {
            "account-provider": "plugin/qml-weibo.ubuntu_plugin.provider",
            "account-qml-plugin": "plugin/qml"
    "version": "0.1",
    "maintainer": "XiaoGuo, Liu <xiaoguo.liu@canonical.com>",
    "framework": "ubuntu-sdk-14.10"



    Files {
        filter: "*.service"
    Files {
        filter: "*.application"
    Files {
        filter: "*.provider"



我们来修改我们的main.qml文件。我们使用了一个Column的列layout manager来管理我们的控件。

  • 使用一个ListView (accountsList)来显示所有我们相关的账号。这个可以在“系统设置”中的“账号”可以看到
  • 使用一个叫做“createAccountBtn”的按钮来创建一个weibo的online账号
  • 使用另外一个ListView (weiboList)列表来显示微博的内容

import QtQuick 2.0
import Ubuntu.Components 0.1
import Ubuntu.Components.ListItems 0.1 as ListItem
import Ubuntu.OnlineAccounts 0.1
import Ubuntu.OnlineAccounts.Client 0.1

import "weiboapi.js" as API

MainView {
    id: main
    // objectName for functional testing purposes (autopilot-qt5)
    objectName: "mainView"

    // Note! applicationName needs to match the "name" field of the click manifest
    applicationName: "qml-weibo.ubuntu"

     This property enables the application to change orientation
     when the device is rotated. The default is false.
    //automaticOrientation: true

    property string accesstoken:""

    width: units.gu(100)
    height: units.gu(90)

    Page {
        id: root
        title: i18n.tr("Weibo")

        Column {
            spacing: units.gu(2)
            width: parent.width

            ListView {
                id: accountsList

                anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.Center
                anchors.verticalCenter: parent.Center

                height: contentHeight
                width: root.width

                spacing: units.gu(1)
                model: accountsModel

                delegate: Rectangle {
                    id: wrapper
                    width: accountsList.width
                    height: units.gu(10)
                    color: accts.enabled ? "green" : "red"

                    AccountService {
                        id: accts
                        objectHandle: accountServiceHandle
                        onAuthenticated: {
                            console.log("reply: " + JSON.stringify(reply));
                            var obj = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(reply));
                            console.log("AccessToken: " + obj.AccessToken);
                            main.accesstoken = obj.AccessToken;

                            // Make the authenticate button invisile
                            accountsList.visible = false;

                            // Start to get the data
                        onAuthenticationError: {
                            console.log("Authentication failed, code " + error.code)
                            authenticateBtn.text = displayName + " Error " + error.code + " please do it again";

                    Button {
                        id: authenticateBtn

                        anchors.fill: parent
                        anchors.margins: units.gu(2)
                        text: i18n.tr("Authenticate %1").arg(model.displayName + " " + model.providerName)

                        onClicked: {
                            var params = {}


            Button {
                id: createAccountBtn

                anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
                width: parent.width
                height: units.gu(8)
                text: i18n.tr("Request access")
                onClicked: setup.exec()

            ListModel {
                id: modelWeibo

            ListView {
                id: weiboList
                width: parent.width
                height: parent.height
                spacing: units.gu(1)

                model: modelWeibo

                delegate: Rectangle {
                    width: parent.width
                    height: units.gu(8)
                    color: "lightgrey"

                    BorderImage {
                        id: image
                        source: {return JSON.parse('' + JSON.stringify(user) + '').profile_image_url}
                        width: parent.height; height: parent.height
                        border.left: 5; border.top: 5
                        border.right: 5; border.bottom: 5

                    Text {
                        id: text
                        x: image.width + 10
                        width: parent.width - image.width - 20
                        height: parent.height

                        text: {return JSON.parse('' + JSON.stringify(user) + '').name }

    AccountServiceModel {
        id: accountsModel
        applicationId: "qml-weibo.ubuntu_qmlweibo"

    Setup {
        id: setup
        providerId: "qml-weibo.ubuntu_plugin"
        applicationId: "qml-weibo.ubuntu_qmlweibo"
        onFinished: {
            createAccountBtn.visible = false;

    Component.onCompleted: {
        if ( accountsModel.count == 0 ) {
            // If there is no such an account, we need to create such one
        } else {
            // hide the button since the account has already been created
             createAccountBtn.visible = false


//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////     weibo
//home status
function weiboHomeStatus(token, page , observer)
    var url = "https://api.weibo.com/2/statuses/home_timeline.json?access_token=" + token + "&page=" + page

    console.log("home status start...")
    console.log("url: " + url);

    var doc = new XMLHttpRequest();
    doc.onreadystatechange = function() {
            if (doc.readyState == XMLHttpRequest.HEADERS_RECEIVED) {
                console.log(" home status in progress...");
            else if (doc.readyState == XMLHttpRequest.DONE)
                if(doc.status != 200) {
                    console.log("!!!Network connection failed!")
                    observer.update("error", doc.status)
                else {
                    console.log("-- home status succeeded !");

                    if(doc.responseText == null) {
                        observer.update("null", doc.status)
                    else {
                        // console.log("home status: done" + doc.responseText)
                        console.log("Some data received!")
                        var json = JSON.parse('' + doc.responseText+ '');
                        observer.update("fine", json);

    doc.open("GET", url, true);
    doc.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/json");

function getStatus() {
    // We can get some data from the web and display them
    console.log("Going to get some data from web")
    function observer() {}
    observer.prototype = {
        update: function(status, result)
            console.log("got updated!");

            if(status != "error"){
                if( result.error ) {
                    console.log("result.error: " + result.error);
                }else {
                    console.log("got updated1!");
                    for ( var i = 0; i < result.statuses.length; i++) {
                        modelWeibo.append( result.statuses[i] )
                console.log("Something is wrong!");

    weiboHomeStatus(main.accesstoken, 1, new observer() );


git clone https://gitcafe.com/ubuntu/weiboqml.git

如何使用Ubuntu online account API来创建微博应用


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