[root@deploydb skate]# ll autodeploy
total 36
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 9378 Feb 26 20:23 autodeploy
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 120 Feb 26 18:40 autodeploy_config.txt
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Feb 26 18:50 ex_dbrelease
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Feb 26 18:50 log
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Feb 26 18:50 post_dbrelease
[root@deploydb skate]#
log: 日志文件
autodeploy: 主程序
2.rsync 被安装在部署server和database
2.如果你想知道数据库变更前后影响的行数,需要在执行部署内容前后执行“select count (*) from table”(本程序本身也会显示变更影响的行数)
3.编辑配置文件, 配置文件共有三块内容,deployfirst代表部署测试节点,deploynode代表其余部署节点,ftpnode代表部署文件需要被ftp的节点
There are three sections in this configuration file,eg:
[root@deploydb autodeploy]# vi autodeploy_config.txt
[root@deploydb autodeploy]# sh autodeploy -h
Usage: [-t mode] [-u upload_dir] [-f release_file] [-r retention_time]
-t Operatation mode(ftp/deploy)
-f Release file
-h Display basic help
[root@deploydb autodeploy]# sh autodeploy -t ftp
Please confirm that you have put the FTP into directory /home/skate/autodeploy/ex_dbrelease [Y/N]: Y
The following is the transmitted release file:
Are you sure you want to upload the above files to all specified nodes[Y/N]? Y
[t1.sql] is transferd to dfng1db4.se2 success.
ALL release files are transferd to all specified nodes
[root@deploydb autodeploy]#
The command with ftp parameter will transfer all release files from directory ex_dbrelease.
[root@deploydb autodeploy]# sh autodeploy -t deploy -f t1.sql
[2015-02-26 18:49:48]: Preparing to deploy t1.sql to [dfng1db4.se2]...
You deployed success this file ago on first node,Please delete file [/home/skate/autodeploy/issucess] if you want to continue.
[root@deploydb autodeploy]# rm /home/skate/autodeploy/issucess
rm: remove regular file `/home/skate/autodeploy/issucess‘? y
[root@deploydb autodeploy]# sh autodeploy -t deploy -f t1.sql
[2015-02-26 18:50:22]: Preparing to deploy t1.sql to [dfng1db4.se2]...
Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
[2015-02-26 18:50:22]: The release file [t1.sql] have been deployed to dfng1db4.se2 success.
The detail you refer to [/home/skate/autodeploy/log/deploy_201502261850_deploy.log].
Are you sure you want to continut deploy to remaining nodes[Y/N]? Y
Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
[t1.sql] is deployed success on all special nodes,the detail you refer to [/home/skate/autodeploy/log/deploy_201502261850_deploy.log]
[root@deploydb autodeploy]#
[root@deploydb autodeploy]# sh autodeploy -t deploy -f t1.sql
[2015-02-26 18:49:48]: Preparing to deploy t1.sql to [dfng1db4.se2]...
You deployed success this file ago on first node,Please delete file [/home/skate/autodeploy/issucess] if you want to continue.
[root@deploydb autodeploy]# rm /home/skate/autodeploy/issucess
rm: remove regular file `/home/skate/autodeploy/issucess‘? y
[root@deploydb autodeploy]# sh autodeploy -t deploy -f t1.sql
[/home/skate/autodeploy/ex_dbrelease/t1.sql] not exist! Please confirm whether the file have been uploaded or deployed.
[root@deploydb autodeploy]#
[root@deploydb autodeploy]# sh autodeploy
root 8560 8520 0 20:24 pts/2 00:00:00 sh autodeploy -t ftp
root 8580 1632 0 20:24 pts/11 00:00:00 sh autodeploy
There is a autodeploy running,continue[Y/N]? N
Input:N,Exit from autodeploy script.
#!/bin/sh # # Author:Skate # Time:2015/02/25 # Function: automate applying db scripts CURPID=$$ DIR=/home/szhao/autodeploy DIRLOG=$DIR/log RELEASEDIR=$DIR/ex_dbrelease POST_RELEASEDIR=$DIR/post_dbrelease LOCK=$DIR/autodeploy.lock LOG=$DIRLOG/autodeploy.log CFG=$DIR/autodeploy_config.txt CFGPID=$DIR/${CURPID}_config DEPLOYLOG=$DIRLOG/deploy_`date "+%Y%m%d%H%M"`_deploy.log DATE=`date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"` #LFILE=/tmp/tmpsql.log RDIR=/tmp/autodeploy ISDEPLOY='Y' . $DIR/.PWD ############################################################################# # Avoid multipe deployment processes running simultaneously ############################################################################# RUNNUM=`ps -ef | grep autodeploy | grep -v grep | wc -l` if [ $RUNNUM -gt 2 ];then echo "**********************************" ps -ef | grep autodeploy | grep -v grep echo "**********************************" echo "" read -p "There is a autodeploy running,continue[Y/N]? " isrun case $isrun in Y) echo "continue run autodeploy script." ;; N) echo "Input:$isrun,Exit from autodeploy script." exit 0 ;; *) echo "Error input" exit 1 ;; esac fi ############################################################################# # Display usage message and exit ############################################################################# usage() { cat <<EOF Usage: $SCRIPTNAME [-t mode] [-u upload_dir] [-f release_file] [-r retention_time] -t Operatation mode(ftp/deploy) -f Release file -h Display basic help EOF exit 0 } # Parse parameters while getopts ":t:u:f:r:h" opt; do case $opt in t ) OPTTYPE=$OPTARG ;; # u ) UPLOAD=$OPTARG ;; f ) RELEASEFILE=$OPTARG ;; # r ) RETENTION=$OPTARG ;; h ) usage ;; \?) echo "Invalid option: -$OPTARG" echo "For help, type: $SCRIPTNAME -h" exit 1 ;; : ) echo "Option -$OPTARG requires two argument" echo "For help, type: $SCRIPTNAME -h" exit 1 ;; esac done shift $(($OPTIND - 1)) ############################################################################# # Manage local and remote release file ############################################################################# if [ ! -d "$DIR" ]; then mkdir -p $DIR fi if [ ! -d "$DIRLOG" ]; then mkdir $DIRLOG fi if [ ! -d "$RELEASEDIR" ]; then mkdir $RELEASEDIR fi if [ ! -d "$POST_RELEASEDIR" ]; then mkdir $POST_RELEASEDIR fi # Remove loacl released file ago 60 days find ${POST_RELEASEDIR}/ -name "*._success" -mtime +60 | xargs rm -rf # Remove local deploy log ago 10 days find ${DIRLOG}/ -name "*deploy.log" -mtime +10 | xargs rm -rf # Keep recently 10000 lines of autodeploy log tail -100000 $LOG > $LOG cd $DIR config_num=`find $DIR/ -name *_config | wc -l ` if [ ${config_num} -gt 0 ];then for pid in `ls -l *_config | awk '{print $9}' | awk -F_ '{print $1}'` do NUM=`ps -ef | awk '{ print $2 }' | grep -E '^${pid}$' | wc -l` if [ $NUM -eq 0 ] ; then rm -rf $DIR/${pid}_config fi done fi ############################################################################# # Upload release file to all nodes ############################################################################# # sync file to remote function multi_ftp { HOST=$1 LFILE=$2 rsync -avP --bwlimit=1000 $RELEASEDIR/$LFILE $HOST:$RDIR/ >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? == 0 ] ; then echo "[$LFILE] is transferd to $HOST success." else echo "[$LFILE] is transferd to $HOST fail." exit 1 fi exit 0 } function multi_deploy { host=$1 releasefile=$2 ssh $host "mysql -u$USER -p$PASSWD -vvv df -e \"source $releasefile;\"" if [ $? == 0 ] ; then return 0 else return 1 fi } # parse configuration file function readcfg() { FIELD=$1 first=`sed -n "/\[$FIELD\]/=" $CFG` last=`sed -n "/\[\/$FIELD\]/=" $CFG` #echo $first,$last sed -n "$((first+1)),$((last-1))p" $CFG > $CFGPID sed -i '/^$/d' $CFGPID } # Simulation of multi thread exec 6>&- tmp_fifofile="$DIR/$.fifo" mkfifo $tmp_fifofile exec 6<>$tmp_fifofile rm $tmp_fifofile thread=40 for (( i=0;i<=$thread;i++ )); do echo done >&6 # ftp mode if [ 'x'$OPTTYPE = 'xftp' ] ; then echo "" read -p "Please confirm that you have put the FTP into directory ${RELEASEDIR} [Y/N]: " next case $next in Y ) echo '' >/dev/null 2>&1 ;; N ) echo "exit from ftp mode." exit 1 ;; * ) echo "error input" ;; esac readcfg ftpnode # The number of hosts NODES=`cat $CFGPID | wc -l` # To determine the amount of release files TOTAL=`ls $RELEASEDIR|wc -l` if [ $TOTAL -gt 0 ] ; then LIST=`ls -lrth $RELEASEDIR|awk '{print $9}'` echo "" echo "The following is the transmitted release file:" echo "********************************" ls -lrth $RELEASEDIR|grep -E -v '^total'|awk '{print $9}' echo "********************************" read -p "Are you sure you want to upload the above files to all specified nodes[Y/N]? " answer case $answer in Y) i=0 for L in $LIST do i=`expr $i + 1` for h in `cat $CFGPID` do # Create remote directory not exist ssh $h "ls ${RDIR} |wc -l" >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ];then mkdir ${RDIR} echo "Created directory ${RDIR} on $h." fi read -u6 { multi_ftp $h $L echo >&6 }& done wait done if [ $TOTAL -eq $i ] ; then echo "" echo "ALL release files are transferd to all specified nodes" fi ;; N) echo "You have exit from ftp mode" exit 0 ;; *) echo "error input" ;; esac else echo "No release file in release directory." exit 1 fi elif [ 'x'$OPTTYPE = 'xdeploy' ] ;then if [ 'x'$RELEASEFILE = 'x' ] ;then echo "Please give release file you want to depoly!" exit 1 fi if [ -f $RELEASEDIR/$RELEASEFILE ]; then # try deploy for one node readcfg deployfirst # The number deployed first of hosts NODE_FIRST=`cat $CFGPID | wc -l` if [ $NODE_FIRST -ge 1 ]; then for h in `cat $CFGPID` do deploylog=$DIRLOG/${h}_${CURPID}_process_deploy.log echo "*************************************************" echo "[$DATE]: Preparing to deploy $RELEASEFILE to [$h]..." echo "*************************************************" if [ -f "$DIR/issucess" ] ; then echo "You deployed success this file ago on first node,Please delete file [$DIR/issucess] if you want to continue." exit 1 fi releasefile=$RDIR/$RELEASEFILE multi_deploy $h $releasefile > $deploylog 2 >&1 #multi_deploy $h $releasefile if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "[$DATE]: The release file [$RELEASEFILE] have been deployed to $h success." echo "The detail you refer to [$DEPLOYLOG]." echo "[$RELEASEFILE] have been deployed one or more node,please check log!!!" > $DIR/issucess read -p "Are you sure you want to continut deploy to remaining nodes[Y/N]? " continue case $continue in Y) continue ;; N) echo "Input: $continue, Exit from Deployment process." exit 1 ;; *) echo "Error input" exit 1 ;; esac else echo "[$DATE]: Release file [$RELEASEFILE] is deployed to $h fail,Please check release file." echo "The detail you refer to [$DEPLOYLOG]." echo "ISDEPLOY=N" > $DIR/isfail exit 1 fi done else echo "Please confirm the number of test nodes deployment is the only one!!!" exit 1 fi # deploy remain nodes readcfg deploynode ##LIST=`ls -lrth $RELEASEDIR|awk '{print $9}'` for h in `cat $CFGPID` do deploylog=$DIRLOG/${h}_${CURPID}_process_deploy.log { echo "*************************************************" echo "[$DATE]: Preparing to deploy $RELEASEFILE to [$h]..." echo "*************************************************" read -u6 releasefile=$RDIR/$RELEASEFILE multi_deploy $h $releasefile if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "[$DATE]: The release file [$RELEASEFILE] have been deployed to $h success." echo "The detail you refer to [$DEPLOYLOG]." else echo "[$DATE]: Release file [$RELEASEFILE] is deployed to $h fail,Please check release file." echo "The detail you refer to [$DEPLOYLOG]." echo "ISDEPLOY=N" > $DIR/isdeploy exit 1 fi echo >&6 } > $deploylog & wait done echo "*************************************************" > $DEPLOYLOG echo "* $DATE: Deployed results with all nodes" >> $DEPLOYLOG echo "*************************************************" >> $DEPLOYLOG for f in `ls $DIRLOG/*process_deploy.log`; do cat $f >> $DEPLOYLOG rm -rf $f done if [ -f "$DIR/isfail" ] ; then echo "[$RELEASEFILE] is deployed fail,the detail you refer to [$DEPLOYLOG]." rm -rf $DIR/isfail else echo "[$RELEASEFILE] is deployed success on all special nodes,the detail you refer to [$DEPLOYLOG]" rm -rf $DIR/issucess mv $RELEASEDIR/$RELEASEFILE $POST_RELEASEDIR/${RELEASEFILE}_`date "+%Y%m%d%H%M"`_success fi #echo "[$RELEASEFILE] is deployed to all nodes success,the detail you refer to [$DEPLOYLOG]." #mv $RELEASEDIR/$RELEASEFILE $POST_RELEASEDIR/${RELEASEFILE}_`date "+%Y%m%d%H%M"`_success else echo "[$RELEASEDIR/$RELEASEFILE] not exist! Please confirm whether the file have been uploaded or deployed." exit 1 fi else echo "Please input operation mode[ftp/deploy]" exit 1 fi exec 6>&- exit 0