“Warning: The Credentials Sensitive Data hive is currently unavailable”(如下图)
This article is also available for viewing online at http://knowledgebase.solarwinds.com/kb/questions/248/ Why are my credentials not working or why are they orphaned?<br/> Why does the Credentials Manager give me the error /"Warning: The Credentials Sensitive Data hive is currently unavailable/"? Broken credentials are commonly caused by the following: Fixing Credentials Broken by Account Permission ChangesCredentials break if the account permissions related to the encryption container are no longer working. As a result, the Credentials Data Hive cannot be decrypted. This can happen if user accounts are changed through the Services MMC Snap-in, located within Windows Control Panel - Administrative Tools, instead of through the ipMonitor Configuration Program. The Configuration Program adjusts Account Permissions as needed, but the Services Snap-in does not. To fix credentials broken by changing Windows account permissions:
Fixing Credentials Broken by Moving the DatabaseCredentials break if the Credentials Database was moved from one computer to another. This causes the Credentials Database to stop working, because the database is locked to the computer on which it was created. To fix credentials broken by moving the Credentials Database:
If you have an internal backup created by ipMonitor‘s Internal Maintenance Schedule, restore the Credentials information using the ipMonitor 9 Restore Utility ( If you do not have an internal back up, you should reinitialize the existing Credentials. To reinitialize the existing Credentials: