其实用Pixel Shader的过程很像在纸上绘画的过程。屏幕上的每一个像素对应了纸上的一个方格,如果你愿意,你甚至可以一个个判断像素的位置,从而画出任何你想画的图像,也的确有爱好者这么做过。但往往,我们需要的是一个动态的效果,这个效果往往依赖于数学公式的约束。我们可以说是,用数学去绘画。我们用数学去约束,哪些点应该用什么颜色去绘制。
这篇,我们从基本的点和线开始,看一下如何在Pixel Shader里面随心画出点和线。
v2f vert(appdata_base v) { v2f o; o.pos = mul (UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, v.vertex); o.srcPos = ComputeScreenPos(o.pos); o.w = o.pos.w; return o; }
fixed4 frag(v2f _iParam) : COLOR0 { vec2 fragCoord = gl_FragCoord; return main(gl_FragCoord); }
// 屏幕的尺寸 #define iResolution _ScreenParams // 屏幕中的坐标,以pixel为单位 #define gl_FragCoord ((_iParam.srcPos.xy/_iParam.srcPos.w)*_ScreenParams.xy)
vec4 main(vec2 fragCoord) { vec2 pos = fragCoord; // pos.x ~ (0, iResolution.x), pos.y ~ (0, iResolution.y) vec2 pos = fragCoord.xy / iResolution.xy; // pos.x ~ (0, 1), pos.y ~ (0, 1) vec2 pos = fragCoord / min(iResolution.x, iResolution.y); // If iResolution.x > iResolution.y, pos.x ~ (0, 1.xx), pos.y ~ (0, 1) vec2 pos =fragCoord.xy / iResolution.xy * 2. - 1.; // pos.x ~ (-1, 1), pos.y ~ (-1, 1) vec2 pos = (2.0*fragCoord.xy-iResolution.xy)/min(iResolution.x,iResolution.y); // If iResolution.x > iResolution.y, pos.x ~ (-1.xx, 1.xx), pos.y ~ (-1, 1) return vec4(1); }
Shader "shadertoy/Simple Circle" { Properties{ _Parameters ("Circle Parameters", Vector) = (0.5, 0.5, 10, 0) // Center: (x, y), Radius: z _Color ("Circle Color", Color) = (1, 1, 1, 1) }
vec4 circle(vec2 pos, vec2 center, float radius, float4 color) { if (length(pos - center) < radius) { // In the circle return vec4(1, 1, 1, 1) * color; } else { return vec4(0, 0, 0, 1); } }
vec4 main(vec2 fragCoord) { vec2 pos = fragCoord; // pos.x ~ (0, iResolution.x), pos.y ~ (0, iResolution.y) // vec2 pos = fragCoord.xy / iResolution.xy; // pos.x ~ (0, 1), pos.y ~ (0, 1) // vec2 pos = fragCoord / min(iResolution.x, iResolution.y); // If iResolution.x > iResolution.y, pos.x ~ (0, 1.xx), pos.y ~ (0, 1) // vec2 pos =fragCoord.xy / iResolution.xy * 2. - 1.; // pos.x ~ (-1, 1), pos.y ~ (-1, 1) // vec2 pos = (2.0*fragCoord.xy-iResolution.xy)/min(iResolution.x,iResolution.y); // If iResolution.x > iResolution.y, pos.x ~ (-1.xx, 1.xx), pos.y ~ (-1, 1) return circle(pos, _Parameters.xy * iResolution.xy, _Parameters.z, _Color); }
Interpolates smoothly from 0 to 1 based on x compared to a and b. 1) Returns 0 if x < a < b or x > a > b 1) Returns 1 if x < b < a or x > b > a 3) Returns a value in the range [0,1] for the domain [a,b].
vec4 circle(vec2 pos, vec2 center, float radius, float3 color, float antialias) { float d = length(pos - center) - radius; float t = smoothstep(0, antialias, d); return vec4(color, 1.0 - t); }
vec4 main(vec2 fragCoord) { vec2 pos = fragCoord; // pos.x ~ (0, iResolution.x), pos.y ~ (0, iResolution.y) vec4 layer1 = vec4(_BackgroundColor.rgb, 1.0); vec4 layer2 = circle(pos, _Parameters.xy * iResolution.xy, _Parameters.z, _CircleColor.rgb, _Parameters.w); return mix(layer1, layer2, layer2.a); }
Shader "shadertoy/Simple Circle" { Properties{ _Parameters ("Circle Parameters", Vector) = (0.5, 0.5, 10, 1) // Center: (x, y), Radius: z _CircleColor ("Circle Color", Color) = (1, 1, 1, 1) _BackgroundColor ("Background Color", Color) = (1, 1, 1, 1) } CGINCLUDE #include "UnityCG.cginc" #pragma target 3.0 #define vec2 float2 #define vec3 float3 #define vec4 float4 #define mat2 float2x2 #define iGlobalTime _Time.y #define mod fmod #define mix lerp #define atan atan2 #define fract frac #define texture2D tex2D // 屏幕的尺寸 #define iResolution _ScreenParams // 屏幕中的坐标,以pixel为单位 #define gl_FragCoord ((_iParam.srcPos.xy/_iParam.srcPos.w)*_ScreenParams.xy) #define PI2 6.28318530718 #define pi 3.14159265358979 #define halfpi (pi * 0.5) #define oneoverpi (1.0 / pi) float4 _Parameters; float4 _CircleColor; float4 _BackgroundColor; struct v2f { float4 pos : SV_POSITION; float4 srcPos : TEXCOORD0; }; // precision highp float; v2f vert(appdata_base v) { v2f o; o.pos = mul (UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, v.vertex); o.srcPos = ComputeScreenPos(o.pos); return o; } vec4 main(vec2 fragCoord); fixed4 frag(v2f _iParam) : COLOR0 { vec2 fragCoord = gl_FragCoord; return main(gl_FragCoord); } vec4 circle(vec2 pos, vec2 center, float radius, float3 color, float antialias) { float d = length(pos - center) - radius; float t = smoothstep(0, antialias, d); return vec4(color, 1.0 - t); } vec4 main(vec2 fragCoord) { vec2 pos = fragCoord; // pos.x ~ (0, iResolution.x), pos.y ~ (0, iResolution.y) vec4 layer1 = vec4(_BackgroundColor.rgb, 1.0); vec4 layer2 = circle(pos, _Parameters.xy * iResolution.xy, _Parameters.z, _CircleColor.rgb, _Parameters.w); return mix(layer1, layer2, layer2.a); } ENDCG SubShader { Pass { CGPROGRAM #pragma vertex vert #pragma fragment frag #pragma fragmentoption ARB_precision_hint_fastest ENDCG } } FallBack Off }
vec4 main(vec2 fragCoord) { vec2 pos = fragCoord; // pos.x ~ (0, iResolution.x), pos.y ~ (0, iResolution.y) vec4 layer1 = vec4(_BackgroundColor.rgb, 1.0); vec2 point1 = vec2(0.3, 0.8); vec2 point2 = vec2(0.8, 0.2); vec4 layer2 = circle(pos, point1 * iResolution.xy, _Parameters.z, _CircleColor.rgb, _Parameters.w); vec4 layer3 = circle(pos, point2 * iResolution.xy, _Parameters.z, _CircleColor.rgb, _Parameters.w); vec4 fragColor = mix(layer1, layer2, layer2.a); fragColor = mix(fragColor, layer3, layer3.a); return fragColor; }
vec4 line(vec2 pos, vec2 point1, vec2 point2, float width, float3 color, float antialias) { return vec4(0); } vec4 circle(vec2 pos, vec2 center, float radius, float3 color, float antialias) { float d = length(pos - center) - radius; float t = smoothstep(0, antialias, d); return vec4(color, 1.0 - t); } vec4 main(vec2 fragCoord) { vec2 pos = fragCoord; // pos.x ~ (0, iResolution.x), pos.y ~ (0, iResolution.y) vec2 point1 = vec2(0.3, 0.8) * iResolution.xy; vec2 point2 = vec2(0.8, 0.2) * iResolution.xy; vec4 layer1 = vec4(_BackgroundColor.rgb, 1.0); vec4 layer2 = line(pos, point1, point2, _LineWidth, _LineColor.rgb, _Antialias); vec4 layer3 = circle(pos, point1, _CircleRadius, _CircleColor.rgb, _Antialias); vec4 layer4 = circle(pos, point2, _CircleRadius, _CircleColor.rgb, _Antialias); vec4 fragColor = mix(layer1, layer2, layer2.a); fragColor = mix(fragColor, layer3, layer3.a); fragColor = mix(fragColor, layer4, layer4.a); return fragColor; }
vec4 line(vec2 pos, vec2 point1, vec2 point2, float width, float3 color, float antialias) { float k = (point1.y - point2.y)/(point1.x - point2.x); float b = point1.y - k * point1.x; float d = abs(k * pos.x - pos.y + b) / sqrt(k * k + 1); float t = smoothstep(width/2.0, width/2.0 + antialias, d); return vec4(color, 1.0 - t); }
Shader "shadertoy/Simple Line" { Properties{ _CircleRadius ("Circle Radius", float) = 5 _CircleColor ("Circle Color", Color) = (1, 1, 1, 1) _LineWidth ("Line Width", float) = 5 _LineColor ("Line Color", Color) = (1, 1, 1, 1) _Antialias ("Antialias Factor", float) = 3 _BackgroundColor ("Background Color", Color) = (1, 1, 1, 1) } CGINCLUDE #include "UnityCG.cginc" #pragma target 3.0 #define vec2 float2 #define vec3 float3 #define vec4 float4 #define mat2 float2x2 #define iGlobalTime _Time.y #define mod fmod #define mix lerp #define atan atan2 #define fract frac #define texture2D tex2D // 屏幕的尺寸 #define iResolution _ScreenParams // 屏幕中的坐标,以pixel为单位 #define gl_FragCoord ((_iParam.srcPos.xy/_iParam.srcPos.w)*_ScreenParams.xy) #define PI2 6.28318530718 #define pi 3.14159265358979 #define halfpi (pi * 0.5) #define oneoverpi (1.0 / pi) float _CircleRadius; float4 _CircleColor; float _LineWidth; float4 _LineColor; float _Antialias; float4 _BackgroundColor; struct v2f { float4 pos : SV_POSITION; float4 srcPos : TEXCOORD0; }; // precision highp float; v2f vert(appdata_base v) { v2f o; o.pos = mul (UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, v.vertex); o.srcPos = ComputeScreenPos(o.pos); return o; } vec4 main(vec2 fragCoord); fixed4 frag(v2f _iParam) : COLOR0 { vec2 fragCoord = gl_FragCoord; return main(gl_FragCoord); } vec4 line(vec2 pos, vec2 point1, vec2 point2, float width, float3 color, float antialias) { float k = (point1.y - point2.y)/(point1.x - point2.x); float b = point1.y - k * point1.x; float d = abs(k * pos.x - pos.y + b) / sqrt(k * k + 1); float t = smoothstep(width/2.0, width/2.0 + antialias, d); return vec4(color, 1.0 - t); } vec4 circle(vec2 pos, vec2 center, float radius, float3 color, float antialias) { float d = length(pos - center) - radius; float t = smoothstep(0, antialias, d); return vec4(color, 1.0 - t); } vec4 main(vec2 fragCoord) { vec2 pos = fragCoord; // pos.x ~ (0, iResolution.x), pos.y ~ (0, iResolution.y) vec2 point1 = vec2(0.4, 0.1) * iResolution.xy; vec2 point2 = vec2(0.7, 0.8) * iResolution.xy; vec4 layer1 = vec4(_BackgroundColor.rgb, 1.0); vec4 layer2 = line(pos, point1, point2, _LineWidth, _LineColor.rgb, _Antialias); vec4 layer3 = circle(pos, point1, _CircleRadius, _CircleColor.rgb, _Antialias); vec4 layer4 = circle(pos, point2, _CircleRadius, _CircleColor.rgb, _Antialias); vec4 fragColor = mix(layer1, layer2, layer2.a); fragColor = mix(fragColor, layer3, layer3.a); fragColor = mix(fragColor, layer4, layer4.a); return fragColor; } ENDCG SubShader { Pass { CGPROGRAM #pragma vertex vert #pragma fragment frag #pragma fragmentoption ARB_precision_hint_fastest ENDCG } } FallBack Off }
最后,关于ShaderToy的用处,还有一点就是我们可以自己改进成非Pixel Shader的版本,例如利用模型的uv坐标去代替屏幕坐标等等。更多的用处等待自己去发现啦!