/* Usage: water < infile,
where infile has 10 fields which can be described in order as
TSTEP: the physical time interval (in sec) between timesteps.
Good default is 1e-15.
NMOL: the number of molecules to be simulated.
NSTEP: the number of timesteps to be simulated.
NORDER: the order of the predictor-corrector method to be used.
set this to 6.
NSAVE: the frequency with which to save data in data collection.
Set to 0 always.
NRST: the frequency with which to write RST file: set to 0 always (not used).
NPRINT: the frequency with which to compute potential energy.
i.e. the routine POTENG is called every NPRINT timesteps.
It also computes intermolecular as well as intramolecular
interactions, and hence is very expensive.
NFMC: Not used (historical artifact). Set to anything, say 0.
NumProcs: the number of processors to be used.
CUTOFF: the cutoff radius to be used (in Angstrom,
floating-point). In a real simulation, this
will be set to 0 here in which case the program will
compute it itself (and set it to about 11 Angstrom.
It can be set by the user if they want
to use an artificially small cutoff radius, for example
to control the number of boxes created for small problems
(and not have fewer boxes than processors).
./OCEAN -n130 -p1 -e1e-7 -r20000.0 -t28800.0
/* */
/* SPLASH Ocean Code */
/* */
/* This application studies the role of eddy and boundary currents in */
/* influencing large-scale ocean movements. This implementation uses */
/* dynamically allocated four-dimensional arrays for grid data storage. */
/* */
/* Command line options: */
/* */
/* -nN : Simulate NxN ocean. N must be (power of 2)+2. */
/* -pP : P = number of processors. P must be power of 2. */
/* -eE : E = error tolerance for iterative relaxation. */
/* -rR : R = distance between grid points in meters. */
/* -tT : T = timestep in seconds. */
/* -s : Print timing statistics. */
/* -o : Print out relaxation residual values. */
/* -h : Print out command line options. */
/* */
/* Default: OCEAN -n130 -p1 -e1e-7 -r20000.0 -t28800.0 */
/* */
/* NOTE: This code works under both the FORK and SPROC models. */
/* */
./FMM < inputs/input.256
* This file contains the entry to Greengard‘s adaptive algorithm.
Usage: FMM <options> < inputfile
Command line options:
-o : Print out final particle positions.
-s : Print out individual processor timing statistics.
-h : Print out command line options
Input file parameter description:
There are a total of nine parameters, with parameters
three through seven having no default values.
1) Cluster Type : Particles are distributed either in one cluster,
or two interacting clusters of size (# of particles)/ 2.
These two options are selected by the strings "one cluster" or
"two cluster". The default is for two clusters.
2) Distribution Type : Particles are distributed in a cluster
either in a spherical uniform distribution, or according to
the Plummer model which typically has a large percentage of the
particles close to the center of the sphere and fewer particles
farther from the center. There two options are selected by
the strings "uniform" or "plummer". The default is for a
plummer distribution.
3) Number Of Particles : Should be an integer greater than 0.
4) Precision : A measure of how accurate the calculation should be.
A precision of 1e-3 means that the results will be accurate to
within three decimal places regardless of the relative magnitude
of the positions. The precision should be a real number greater
than 0.
5) Number of Processors : Should be an integer greater than 0.
6) Number of Time Steps : Should be an integer greater than 0.
7) Duration of a Time Step : How long each time step lasts.
Should be a double greater than 0.
8) Softening Parameter : This value sets the minimum distance in
each direction that two particles can be separated by. If two
particles are closer than this, the distance used for the
calculation is changed to the softening parameter. The particle
positions themselves are NOT changed. This number should be a
real number greater than 0 and defaults to DBL_MIN or FLT_MIN,
depending on what type of data is being used.
9) Partitioning Scheme : Sets which type of partitioning scheme
is used. There are currently two : "cost zones" and "orb".
The default is cost zones.
命令:./FFT -m10 -p1 -n65536 -l4
/* */
/* Perform 1D fast Fourier transform using six-step FFT method */
/* */
/* 1) Performs staggered, blocked transposes for cache-line reuse */
/* 2) Roots of unity rearranged and distributed for only local */
/* accesses during application of roots of unity */
/* 3) Small set of roots of unity elements replicated locally for */
/* 1D FFTs (less than root N elements replicated at each node) */
/* 4) Matrix data structures are padded to reduce cache mapping */
/* conflicts */
/* */
/* Command line options: */
/* */
/* -mM : M = even integer; 2**M total complex data points transformed. */
/* -pP : P = number of processors; Must be a power of 2. */
/* -nN : N = number of cache lines. */
/* -lL : L = Log base 2 of cache line length in bytes. */
/* -s : Print individual processor timing statistics. */
/* -t : Perform FFT and inverse FFT. Test output by comparing the */
/* integral of the original data to the integral of the data */
/* that results from performing the FFT and inverse FFT. */
/* -o : Print out complex data points. */
/* -h : Print out command line options. */
/* */
/* Note: This version works under both the FORK and SPROC models */
命令:./CHOLESKY -p1 -B32 -C16384
/* */
/* Sparse Cholesky Factorization (Fan-Out with no block copy-across) */
/* */
/* Command line options: */
/* */
/* -pP : P = number of processors. */
/* -Bb : Use a postpass partition size of b. */
/* -Cc : Cache size in bytes. */
/* -s : Print individual processor timing statistics. */
/* -t : Test output. */
/* -h : Print out command line options. */
/* */
/* Note: This version works under both the FORK and SPROC models */
/* */
splash-2在gem5 full system下的运行命令,布布扣,bubuko.com
splash-2在gem5 full system下的运行命令