在之前的一篇博文从JDBC到commons-dbutils 中,我曾经写到,对于获取数据库连接,有一个解决方案,那就是数据源。业界用到的比较普遍的开源数据源解决方案有很多,DBCP是其中一种,今天,我试图从源代码角度去解读这个解决方案。
//1 初始化一个DBCP数据源 public static void initDS(String connectURI, String username, String pswd, String driverClass, int initialSize, int maxActive, int maxIdle, int maxWait) { BasicDataSource ds = new BasicDataSource(); ds.setDriverClassName(driverClass); ds.setUsername(username); ds.setPassword(pswd); ds.setUrl(connectURI); ds.setInitialSize(initialSize); ds.setMaxActive(maxActive); ds.setMaxIdle(maxIdle); ds.setMaxWait(maxWait); DS = ds; } //...................... //2 获取连接 DS.getConnection();
/** * Create (if necessary) and return a connection to the database. * * @throws SQLException if a database access error occurs * @return a database connection */ public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException { return createDataSource().getConnection(); }
/** * <p>Create (if necessary) and return the internal data source we are * using to manage our connections.</p> * * <p><strong>IMPLEMENTATION NOTE</strong> - It is tempting to use the * "double checked locking" idiom in an attempt to avoid synchronizing * on every single call to this method. However, this idiom fails to * work correctly in the face of some optimizations that are legal for * a JVM to perform.</p> * * @throws SQLException if the object pool cannot be created. */ protected synchronized DataSource createDataSource() throws SQLException { if (closed) { throw new SQLException("Data source is closed"); } // Return the pool if we have already created it if (dataSource != null) { return (dataSource); } // create factory which returns raw physical connections ConnectionFactory driverConnectionFactory = createConnectionFactory(); // create a pool for our connections createConnectionPool(); // Set up statement pool, if desired GenericKeyedObjectPoolFactory statementPoolFactory = null; if (isPoolPreparedStatements()) { statementPoolFactory = new GenericKeyedObjectPoolFactory(null, -1, // unlimited maxActive (per key) GenericKeyedObjectPool.WHEN_EXHAUSTED_FAIL, 0, // maxWait 1, // maxIdle (per key) maxOpenPreparedStatements); } // Set up the poolable connection factory createPoolableConnectionFactory(driverConnectionFactory, statementPoolFactory, abandonedConfig); // Create and return the pooling data source to manage the connections createDataSourceInstance(); try { for (int i = 0 ; i < initialSize ; i++) { connectionPool.addObject(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new SQLNestedException("Error preloading the connection pool", e); } return dataSource; }
2.1 JDBC连接工厂driverConnectionFactory的创建过程
/** * Creates a JDBC connection factory for this datasource. This method only * exists so subclasses can replace the implementation class. */ protected ConnectionFactory createConnectionFactory() throws SQLException { // Load the JDBC driver class Class driverFromCCL = null; if (driverClassName != null) { try { try { if (driverClassLoader == null) { Class.forName(driverClassName); } else { Class.forName(driverClassName, true, driverClassLoader); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { driverFromCCL = Thread.currentThread( ).getContextClassLoader().loadClass( driverClassName); } } catch (Throwable t) { String message = "Cannot load JDBC driver class ‘" + driverClassName + "‘"; logWriter.println(message); t.printStackTrace(logWriter); throw new SQLNestedException(message, t); } } // Create a JDBC driver instance Driver driver = null; try { if (driverFromCCL == null) { driver = DriverManager.getDriver(url); } else { // Usage of DriverManager is not possible, as it does not // respect the ContextClassLoader driver = (Driver) driverFromCCL.newInstance(); if (!driver.acceptsURL(url)) { throw new SQLException("No suitable driver", "08001"); } } } catch (Throwable t) { String message = "Cannot create JDBC driver of class ‘" + (driverClassName != null ? driverClassName : "") + "‘ for connect URL ‘" + url + "‘"; logWriter.println(message); t.printStackTrace(logWriter); throw new SQLNestedException(message, t); } // Can‘t test without a validationQuery if (validationQuery == null) { setTestOnBorrow(false); setTestOnReturn(false); setTestWhileIdle(false); } // Set up the driver connection factory we will use String user = username; if (user != null) { connectionProperties.put("user", user); } else { log("DBCP DataSource configured without a ‘username‘"); } String pwd = password; if (pwd != null) { connectionProperties.put("password", pwd); } else { log("DBCP DataSource configured without a ‘password‘"); } ConnectionFactory driverConnectionFactory = new DriverConnectionFactory(driver, url, connectionProperties); return driverConnectionFactory; }
上面一连串代码干了什么呢?其实就干了两件事:1、获取数据库驱动 2、使用驱动以及参数(url、username、password)构造一个工厂。一旦这个工厂构建完毕了,就可以来生成连接,而这个连接的生成其实是驱动加上配置来完成的,下面是这个过程的时序图
public DriverConnectionFactory(Driver driver, String connectUri, Properties props) { _driver = driver; _connectUri = connectUri; _props = props; } public Connection createConnection() throws SQLException { return _driver.connect(_connectUri,_props); }
2.2 创建连接池的过程
/** * Creates a connection pool for this datasource. This method only exists * so subclasses can replace the implementation class. */ protected void createConnectionPool() { // Create an object pool to contain our active connections GenericObjectPool gop; if ((abandonedConfig != null) && (abandonedConfig.getRemoveAbandoned())) { gop = new AbandonedObjectPool(null,abandonedConfig); } else { gop = new GenericObjectPool(); } gop.setMaxActive(maxActive); gop.setMaxIdle(maxIdle); gop.setMinIdle(minIdle); gop.setMaxWait(maxWait); gop.setTestOnBorrow(testOnBorrow); gop.setTestOnReturn(testOnReturn); gop.setTimeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis(timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis); gop.setNumTestsPerEvictionRun(numTestsPerEvictionRun); gop.setMinEvictableIdleTimeMillis(minEvictableIdleTimeMillis); gop.setTestWhileIdle(testWhileIdle); connectionPool = gop; }
2.3 创建statement缓存池
2.4 创建PoolableConnectionFactory
/** * Creates the PoolableConnectionFactory and attaches it to the connection pool. This method only exists * so subclasses can replace the default implementation. * * @param driverConnectionFactory JDBC connection factory * @param statementPoolFactory statement pool factory (null if statement pooling is turned off) * @param configuration abandoned connection tracking configuration (null if no tracking) * @throws SQLException if an error occurs creating the PoolableConnectionFactory */ protected void createPoolableConnectionFactory(ConnectionFactory driverConnectionFactory, KeyedObjectPoolFactory statementPoolFactory, AbandonedConfig configuration) throws SQLException { PoolableConnectionFactory connectionFactory = null; try { connectionFactory = new PoolableConnectionFactory(driverConnectionFactory, connectionPool, statementPoolFactory, validationQuery, validationQueryTimeout, connectionInitSqls, defaultReadOnly, defaultAutoCommit, defaultTransactionIsolation, defaultCatalog, configuration); validateConnectionFactory(connectionFactory); } catch (RuntimeException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw new SQLNestedException("Cannot create PoolableConnectionFactory (" + e.getMessage() + ")", e); } }
public PoolableConnectionFactory( ConnectionFactory connFactory, ObjectPool pool, KeyedObjectPoolFactory stmtPoolFactory, String validationQuery, int validationQueryTimeout, Collection connectionInitSqls, Boolean defaultReadOnly, boolean defaultAutoCommit, int defaultTransactionIsolation, String defaultCatalog, AbandonedConfig config) { _connFactory = connFactory; _pool = pool; _config = config; _pool.setFactory(this); _stmtPoolFactory = stmtPoolFactory; _validationQuery = validationQuery; _validationQueryTimeout = validationQueryTimeout; _connectionInitSqls = connectionInitSqls; _defaultReadOnly = defaultReadOnly; _defaultAutoCommit = defaultAutoCommit; _defaultTransactionIsolation = defaultTransactionIsolation; _defaultCatalog = defaultCatalog; }
它在内部保存了真正的JDBC 连接的工厂以及连接池,然后,通过一句_pool.setFactory(this); 将它自己设置给了连接池。这行代码十分重要,要理解这行代码,首先需要明白common-pool中的GenericObjectPool添加内部元素的一般方法,没错,那就是必须要传入一个工厂Factory。GenericObjectPool添加内部元素时会调用addObject()这个方法,内部其实是调用工厂的makeObejct()方法来创建元素,然后再加入到自己的池中。_pool.setFactory(this)这句代码其实起到了启下的作用,没有它,后面的为连接池添加连接也就不可能完成。
protected static void validateConnectionFactory(PoolableConnectionFactory connectionFactory) throws Exception { Connection conn = null; try { conn = (Connection) connectionFactory.makeObject(); connectionFactory.activateObject(conn); connectionFactory.validateConnection(conn); connectionFactory.passivateObject(conn); } finally { connectionFactory.destroyObject(conn); } }
public Object makeObject() throws Exception { Connection conn = _connFactory.createConnection(); if (conn == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Connection factory returned null from createConnection"); } initializeConnection(conn); //初始化,这个过程可有可无 if(null != _stmtPoolFactory) { KeyedObjectPool stmtpool = _stmtPoolFactory.createPool(); conn = new PoolingConnection(conn,stmtpool); stmtpool.setFactory((PoolingConnection)conn); }
//这里是关键 return new PoolableConnection(conn,_pool,_config); }
/** * * @param conn my underlying connection * @param pool the pool to which I should return when closed * @param config the abandoned configuration settings */ public PoolableConnection(Connection conn, ObjectPool pool, AbandonedConfig config) { super(conn, config); _pool = pool; }
/** * Returns me to my pool. */ public synchronized void close() throws SQLException { if (_closed) { // already closed return; } boolean isUnderlyingConectionClosed; try { isUnderlyingConectionClosed = _conn.isClosed(); } catch (SQLException e) { try { _pool.invalidateObject(this); // XXX should be guarded to happen at most once } catch(IllegalStateException ise) { // pool is closed, so close the connection passivate(); getInnermostDelegate().close(); } catch (Exception ie) { // DO NOTHING the original exception will be rethrown } throw (SQLException) new SQLException("Cannot close connection (isClosed check failed)").initCause(e); } if (!isUnderlyingConectionClosed) { // Normal close: underlying connection is still open, so we // simply need to return this proxy to the pool try { _pool.returnObject(this); // XXX should be guarded to happen at most once } catch(IllegalStateException e) { // pool is closed, so close the connection passivate(); getInnermostDelegate().close(); } catch(SQLException e) { throw e; } catch(RuntimeException e) { throw e; } catch(Exception e) { throw (SQLException) new SQLException("Cannot close connection (return to pool failed)").initCause(e); } } else { // Abnormal close: underlying connection closed unexpectedly, so we // must destroy this proxy try { _pool.invalidateObject(this); // XXX should be guarded to happen at most once } catch(IllegalStateException e) { // pool is closed, so close the connection passivate(); getInnermostDelegate().close(); } catch (Exception ie) { // DO NOTHING, "Already closed" exception thrown below } throw new SQLException("Already closed."); } }
到这里, PoolableConnectionFactory创建好了,它使用driverConnectionFactory来创建底层连接,通过makeObject来创建PoolableConnection,这个PoolableConnection通过与connectionPool关联来达到改变close方法的作用,当PoolableConnectionFactory创建好的时候,它自己已经作为一个工厂类被设置到了connectionPool,后面connectionPool会使用这个工厂来生产PoolableConnection,而生成的所有的PoolableConnection都与connectionPool关联起来了,可以从connectionPool取出,也可以还给connectionPool。接下来,让我们来看一看到底怎么去初始化connectionPool。
2.5 创建数据源并初始化连接池
createDataSourceInstance(); try { for (int i = 0 ; i < initialSize ; i++) { connectionPool.addObject(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new SQLNestedException("Error preloading the connection pool", e); }
我们先看 createDataSourceInstance();
/** * Creates the actual data source instance. This method only exists so * subclasses can replace the implementation class. * * @throws SQLException if unable to create a datasource instance */ protected void createDataSourceInstance() throws SQLException { PoolingDataSource pds = new PoolingDataSource(connectionPool); pds.setAccessToUnderlyingConnectionAllowed(isAccessToUnderlyingConnectionAllowed()); pds.setLogWriter(logWriter); dataSource = pds; }