type arr=record toward,next,cap:longint; end; const maxm=300000; maxn=700; var first,col,gap,d,cur:array[0..maxn]of longint; edge:array[0..maxm]of arr; esum,tot,s,t,n:longint; function min(x,y:longint):longint; begin if x<y then exit(x); exit(y); end; procedure add(j,k,l:longint); begin inc(esum); edge[esum].toward:=k; edge[esum].next:=first[j]; first[j]:=esum; edge[esum].cap:=l; end; procedure addedge(j,k,l:longint); begin add(j,k,l); add(k,j,0); end; procedure into; var i,j,n,m:longint; begin readln(n,m); fillchar(first,sizeof(first),255); esum:=-1; tot:=n+2; s:=n+1; t:=n+2; for i:=1 to n do begin read(col[i]); if col[i]=0 then addedge(s,i,1) else addedge(i,t,1); end; while m>0 do begin dec(m); read(i,j); if col[i]=0 then addedge(i,j,1) else addedge(j,i,1); end; end; function sap(x,flow:longint):longint; var now,more,too,i:longint; begin if x=t then exit(flow); i:=cur[x]; now:=0; while i>=0 do begin too:=edge[i].toward; if (d[x]=d[too]+1) and (edge[i].cap>0) then begin more:=sap(too,min(edge[i].cap,flow-now)); dec(edge[i].cap,more); inc(edge[i xor 1].cap,more); inc(now,more); cur[x]:=i; if now=flow then exit(flow); end; i:=edge[i].next; end; dec(gap[d[x]]); if gap[d[x]]=0 then d[s]:=tot; inc(d[x]); inc(gap[d[x]]); cur[x]:=first[x]; exit(now); end; function maxflow:longint; var i,ans:longint; begin fillchar(d,sizeof(d),0); fillchar(gap,sizeof(gap),0); gap[0]:=tot; for i:=1 to n do cur[i]:=first[i]; ans:=0; while d[s]<tot do inc(ans,sap(s,maxlongint)); exit(ans); end; begin into; writeln(maxflow); end.
bzoj 1934: [Shoi2007]Vote 善意的投票 (最小割)