来自大牛 http://blog.csdn.net/returnzero__/article/details/7934909
- 一些好题目
- POJ 1190 – 生日蛋糕(基础,好题)
- http:
- 题意:略
- 解法:dfs,题偏简单,但做出来还是有些感觉的
- POJ 1376 – Robot(基础)
- http:
- 题意:略
- 解法:bfs,A*….
- POJ 2688 – Cleaning Robot(基础)
- http:
- 题意:bfs后转换为tsp问题
- 解法:bfs+dp,bfs+dfs
- 相关:http:
- POJ 3322 – Bloxorz I(基础)
- http:
- 题意:略,这个游戏本身很好玩http:
- 解法:广搜,双向广搜
- 相关:http:
- POJ 2308 – Dearboy’s Puzzle(中等,但做的人少?)
- http:
- 题意:判断连连看是否有解
- 解法:DFS + BFS
- 相关:http:
- POJ 1324 – Holedox Moving(中等)
- http:
- 题意:略
- 解法:A*,dfs + 上界剪枝,广搜
- 相关:http:
- http:
- POJ 1084 – Square Destroyer(中等,经典题)
- http:
- 题意:把每个正方型看做集合中的元素,每个木棒看做是一个子集,求最小的子集覆盖
- 解法:dfs,A*,广搜肯定爆空间
- POJ 2449 Remmarguts’ Date(中等,强烈推荐)
- http:
- 题意:经典问题:K短路
- 解法:dijkstra+A*,方法很多
- 相关:http:
- POJ 2044 – Weather Forecast(中等)
- http:
- 题意:略
- 解法:广搜,dp,深搜
- 相关:http:
- POJ 3635 full tank?(中等)
- http:
- 题意:最短路变形
- 解法:广搜
- 相关:http:
- POJ 3074 – Sudoku(中等)
- http:
- 题意:数独游戏,数据比2676强很多,但比3076弱
- 解法:用dfs回溯基本可过,不过每次应选择可能填的数字最少的格子搜
- 更快的方法是先转换成exact cover问题,然后用经典dancing links解决,
- dancing links原始论文:http:
- 翻译:http:
- POJ 1475 – Pushing Boxes(中等,很推荐)
- http:
- 题意:推箱子游戏
- 解法:双重bfs(对箱子bfs 时 对人bfs),A*
- POJ 1077 – Eight(中等,此题不做人生不完整)
- http:
- 题意:八数码问题,超经典题
- 解法:广搜,A*,双向广搜
- 简单搜索
- (1)深度优先搜索 (poj2488,poj3009,poj1321)
- (2)广度优先搜索 (poj3278,poj1426,poj3126,poj3087.poj3414,poj2251,poj3083)
- (3)简单搜索技巧和剪枝(poj2531,poj1416,poj2676,1129)
- 搜索、回溯、遍历
- 1022 1111 1118 1129 1190 1562 1564 1573 1655 2184 2225 2243 2312 2362 2378 2386
- 1010,1011,1018,1020,1054,1062,1256,1321,1363,1501,1650,1659,1664,1753,2078,208
- 3,2303,2310,2329
- 简单:1128, 1166, 1176, 1231, 1256, 1270, 1321, 1543, 1606, 1664, 1731, 1742, 17
- 45, 1847, 1915, 1950, 2038, 2157, 2182, 2183, 2381, 2386, 2426,
- 不易:1024, 1054, 1117, 1167, 1708, 1746, 1775, 1878, 1903, 1966, 2046, 2197, 23
- 49,
- 推荐:1011, 1190, 1191, 1416, 1579, 1632, 1639, 1659, 1680, 1683, 1691, 1709, 17
- 14, 1753, 1771, 1826, 1855, 1856, 1890, 1924, 1935, 1948, 1979, 1980, 2170, 2288
- , 2331, 2339, 2340,1979(和迷宫类似) 1980(对剪枝要求较高)
- 1010 stamps
- 1011 sticks Accepted
- 1020 Anniversary Cake
- 1022 Packing Unit 4D Cubes
- 1024 Tester Program
- 1054 The Troublesome Frog
- 1062 昂贵的聘礼
- 1069 The Bermuda Triangle
- 1072 Puzzle Out
- 1077 Eight Accepted 2006-08-19 16:16 A*,也可逆向搜索,预先算出所有状态
- 1084 Square Destroyer
- 1100 Dreisam Equations
- 1101 The Game (BFS) Accepted 2006-08-31 01:03简单题,非常普通的BFS
- 1110 Double Vision
- 1111 Image Perimeters
- 1117 Pairs of Integers
- 1118 Lining Up
- 1128 Frame Stacking Accepted 2006-07-29
- 1129 Channel Allocation(图的最大独立集)
- 1137 The New Villa (BFS) Accepted 2006-08-29 23:07
- 1142 Smith Numbers
- 1162 Building with Blocks
- 1164 The castle (DFS)
- 1166 The Cocks
- 1167 The buses
- 1176 Party Lamps
- 1183 反正切函数的应用 Accepted 2006-08-30 22:27没劲~一道简单的数学推导题~
- 1184 聪明的打字员 Accepted 2006-08-17 06:18 如果觉得自己BFS的题做得差不多了,可以做一下这道题.作了这道题开始对BFS刮目相看了~花了整整一晚上写代码,改代码~
- 1190 生日蛋糕 搜索的步骤就是,从最低层开始,每一层从可能的最大半径一直枚举到最小可能半径,高度亦如此。一个参数表示层数,表示上一层的半径,高度,还是剩余体积,已有面积
- 1191 棋盘分割
- 1231 The Alphabet Game
- 1233 Street Crossing (BFS)
- 1248 Safecracker
- 1256 Anagram Accepted
- 1270 Following orders Accepted 2006-08-06 01:59 similar to toposort
- 1318 Word Amalgamation
- 1321 棋盘问题
- 1324 Holedox Moving (BFS)
- 1327 Moving Object Recognition Accepted 2006-08-22 01:11 Floodfill again
- 1338 Ugly Numbers
- 1363 Rails
- 1376 Robot Accepted 2006-08-13 06:52太阴险了,机器人起始位置和目的地可能重合,BFS
- 1416 Shredding Company Accepted
- 1465 Multiple Accepted 2006-08-05 15:21
- 1476 Always On the Run (BFS)
- 1480 Optimal Programs (BFS)
- 1482 It‘s not a Bug, It‘s a Feature! (BFS)
- 1543 Pefect Cubes Accepted
- 1562 Oil Deposits Accepted 2006-08-14 04:39 Floodfill
- 1564 Sum It Up Accepted
- 1573 Robot Motion
- 1579 Fuction Run Fun
- 1601 Pizza Anyone?
- 1606 Jugs Accepted
- 1632 Vase collection
- 1639 Picnic Planing
- 1655 Balancing Act
- 1659 Frog‘s Neighborhood
- 1664 放苹果 整数无序拆分
- 1680 Frok() Makes Trouble
- 1683 Puzzlestan
- 1691 Painting A Board
- 1708 Game
- 1709 Cross word
- 1713 Divide et unita
- 1714 The Cave
- 1731 orders 任意字符串的全排列
- 1742 Coins 更像是DP
- 1745 Divisibility Accepted shouldn‘t be counted as a searching prob
- 1746 Loan
- 1753 Flip Game (BFS) Accepted
- 1771 Elevator Stopping Plan
- 1775 Sum of Factorials Accepted
- 1826 The best Farm
- 1831 不定方程组
- 1847 Tram Accepted 2006-08-10 02:35 Dijkstra
- 1855 Mint
- 1856 Sea Battle
- 1873 The Fortified Forest 回溯
- 1878 Jill‘s Bike
- 1882 Stamps
- 1890 Switching Channels
- 1903 Jurassic Remains
- 1915 Knight Moves (BFS) 双向广度优先搜索提高效率
- 1924 The Treasure
- 1935 Journey
- 1948 Trianglar Pastures
- 1950 Dessert
- 1966 Cable TV Network
- 1979 Red and Black Accepted 2006-08-05 17:04
- 1980 Unit Fraction Partition 剪枝
- 2038 Team Ranking Accepted 2006-08-11 19:12无聊题,全排列加四层循环=0ms
- 2046 Gap
- 2049 Finding Nemo
- 2078 Matrix
- 2083 Fractal
- 2157 Maze
- 2170 Lattice Animals
- 2182 LOst cows Accepted 2006 08-13 17:02 segment tree
- 2184 Cow Exibition
- 2197 Jill‘s Tour Paths
- 2225 Asteriods! Accepted
- 2251 Dungeon Master Accepted 2006-08-21 02:39三维迷宫BFS,简单
- 2288 Islands and Bridges
- 2243 Knight Moves (BFS) Accepted
- 2312 Battle City (BFS) Accepted 2006-08-16 01:13一个int型数组定义为char而痛苦WA了半天。
- 2331 Water Pipe
- 2339 Rock, Scissors, Paper
- 2340 Memory management
- 2349 Aratic Network
- 2362 Square Accepted 2006-08-02
- 2378 Tree Cutting
- 2386 Lake Counting Accepted 2006-08-14 04:50 Floodfill
- 2415 Hike on a Gragh Accepted 2006-08-21 01:51普通BFS
- 2488 A Knight‘s Journey
- 2547 No Tipping Accepted 2006-08-21 18:55 DFS+DP状态压缩
- 2676 Sudoku
- 2908 Quantum Accepted 2006-09-09 20:10 BFS+优先队列
- 3620 Avoid The Lakes BFS floodfill