# # =========================================================================== # "main" code # # @param[in] target_arch 要生成的模式。 # 如:portable。输入portable时,程序就会去找同目录下的config-portable配置文件。 # @param[in] output_dir 输出目录。 # # Check args. # if len(sys.argv) != 3: print "Usage: %s target-arch output-dir" % sys.argv[0] sys.exit(2) target_arch = sys.argv[1] output_dir = sys.argv[2] # 提取 opcode 列表。 # # Extract opcode list. # opcodes = getOpcodeList() ......
# 读取文件,获得goto表。 # # Extract an ordered list of instructions from the VM sources. We use the # "goto table" definition macro, which has exactly kNumPackedOpcodes # entries. # def getOpcodeList(): opcodes = [] # 打开定义opcode的文件。 opcode_fp = open(interp_defs_file) # 利用正则表达式匹配行,如:H(OP_NOT) opcode_re = re.compile(r"^\s*H\(OP_(\w+)\),.*", re.DOTALL) for line in opcode_fp: match = opcode_re.match(line) if not match: continue # 如果不匹配,continue # 如果匹配,则在opcodes列表中添加一条记录。 opcodes.append("OP_" + match.group(1)) opcode_fp.close() # 如果列表中元素的个数与kNumPackedOpcodes的值不相等,则抛出异常。 if len(opcodes) != kNumPackedOpcodes: print "ERROR: found %d opcodes in Interp.h (expected %d)" % (len(opcodes), kNumPackedOpcodes) raise SyntaxError, "bad opcode count" return opcodes
/* * Macro used to generate a computed goto table for use in implementing * an interpreter in C. */ #define DEFINE_GOTO_TABLE(_name) static const void* _name[kNumPackedOpcodes] = { /* BEGIN(libdex-goto-table); GENERATED AUTOMATICALLY BY opcode-gen */ H(OP_NOP), H(OP_MOVE), H(OP_MOVE_FROM16), H(OP_MOVE_16), ......
# # 打开配置文件。 # try: config_fp = open("config-%s" % target_arch) except: print "Unable to open config file 'config-%s'" % target_arch sys.exit(1) # 打开两个输出文件,一个是 C 文件,一个是汇编文件。 # # 打开并准备输出文件。 # try: c_fp = open("%s/InterpC-%s.cpp" % (output_dir, target_arch), "w") asm_fp = open("%s/InterpAsm-%s.S" % (output_dir, target_arch), "w") except: print "Unable to open output files" print "Make sure directory '%s' exists and existing files are writable" % output_dir # Ideally we'd remove the files to avoid confusing "make", but if they # failed to open we probably won't be able to remove them either. sys.exit(1) print "Generating %s, %s" % (c_fp.name, asm_fp.name) file_header = """/* * This file was generated automatically by gen-mterp.py for '%s'. * * --> DO NOT EDIT <-- */ """ % (target_arch) # 写文件头部。 c_fp.write(file_header) asm_fp.write(file_header) ......
# # 处理配置文件。 # failed = False try: # 循环逐行读取配置文件内容。 for line in config_fp: line = line.strip() # remove CRLF, leading spaces tokens = line.split(' ') # tokenize #print "%d: %s" % (len(tokens), tokens) if len(tokens[0]) == 0: #print " blank" pass elif tokens[0][0] == '#': #print " comment" pass else: if tokens[0] == "handler-size": setHandlerSize(tokens) elif tokens[0] == "import": importFile(tokens) # 对配置文件中的import导入的文件进行解析,然后写入到输出文件。 elif tokens[0] == "asm-stub": setAsmStub(tokens) elif tokens[0] == "asm-alt-stub": setAsmAltStub(tokens) elif tokens[0] == "op-start": opStart(tokens) elif tokens[0] == "op-end": opEnd(tokens) elif tokens[0] == "alt": altEntry(tokens) elif tokens[0] == "op": opEntry(tokens) elif tokens[0] == "handler-style": setHandlerStyle(tokens) elif tokens[0] == "alt-ops": genaltop(tokens) elif tokens[0] == "split-ops": splitops = True else: raise DataParseError, "unrecognized command '%s'" % tokens[0] if style == None: print "tokens[0] = %s" % tokens[0] raise DataParseError, "handler-style must be first command" except DataParseError, err: print "Failed: " + str(err) # TODO: remove output files so "make" doesn't get confused failed = True c_fp.close() asm_fp.close() c_fp = asm_fp = None config_fp.close() # # Done! # if c_fp: c_fp.close() if asm_fp: asm_fp.close() sys.exit(failed)
# 解析配置文件 -- 拷贝一个文件输出到C或asm文件中。 # # Parse arch config file -- # Copy a file in to the C or asm output file. # def importFile(tokens): if len(tokens) != 2: raise DataParseError("import requires one argument") source = tokens[1] # 源文件路径。据我查看配置文件发现,这个源文件路径都是相对路径。 # 函数getGlobalSubDict()返回一个map,里面有两个key,分别为:handler_size_bits、handler_size_bits。 # 这两个key对应的值是同名的全局变量。 # 如果是portable模式,这两个值均会保持默认值:-1000。 # appendSourceFile函数将导入的文件内容解析并写入到输出文件。 # 当是portable模式时,只是把文件中的内容写入输出文件,并不需要解析。 # 如果是portable模式,不可能导入".S"文件,即汇编文件。 if source.endswith(".cpp"): appendSourceFile(tokens[1], getGlobalSubDict(), c_fp, None) elif source.endswith(".S"): appendSourceFile(tokens[1], getGlobalSubDict(), asm_fp, None) else: raise DataParseError("don't know how to import %s (expecting .cpp/.S)" % source)
# 函数设置全局变量in_op_start的值为1。 # 全局变量default_op_dir则被设置为操作码所在的目录。 # 在portable模式下,操作码在c目录中。 # # Parse arch config file -- # Start of opcode list. # def opStart(tokens): global in_op_start global default_op_dir if len(tokens) != 2: raise DataParseError("opStart takes a directory name argument") if in_op_start != 0: raise DataParseError("opStart can only be specified once") default_op_dir = tokens[1] # 操作码所在目录 in_op_start = 1
# 设置全局变量in_op_start的值为2。 # # Parse arch config file -- # End of opcode list; emit instruction blocks. # def opEnd(tokens): global in_op_start if len(tokens) != 1: raise DataParseError("opEnd takes no arguments") if in_op_start != 1: raise DataParseError("opEnd must follow opStart, and only appear once") in_op_start = 2 # 读取opcode文件并解析,然后输出到文件。 loadAndEmitOpcodes() if splitops == False: # 在portable模式下,splitops为false。 if generate_alt_table: # portable模式下,generate_alt_table为false。 loadAndEmitAltOpcodes() if style == "jump-table": emitJmpTable("dvmAsmInstructionStart", label_prefix); emitJmpTable("dvmAsmAltInstructionStart", alt_label_prefix);
# # Load and emit opcodes for all kNumPackedOpcodes instructions. # def loadAndEmitOpcodes(): ...... # 循环读取opcode文件并解析,然后输出到文件中。 # 在portable模式下,只会调用loadAndEmitC函数,输出到 C 文件中。 for i in xrange(kNumPackedOpcodes): op = opcodes[i] # portable模式下,opcode_locations应该是空的。 if opcode_locations.has_key(op): location = opcode_locations[op] else: location = default_op_dir if location == "c": # portable模式下,这里我只关心loadAndEmitC函数。 # 读取opcode文件并解析,然后输出到 C 文件中。 loadAndEmitC(location, i) # portable模式下,asm_stub_text的长度应该为0。 if len(asm_stub_text) == 0: need_dummy_start = True else: loadAndEmitAsm(location, i, sister_list) ...... if style == "computed-goto": ......
# 读取opcode文件并解析,然后输出到 C 文件中。 # @param[in] location opcode文件所在目录。 # @param[in] opindex opcode在列表中的索引。 # # Load a C fragment and emit it, then output an assembly stub. # def loadAndEmitC(location, opindex): # 根据opindex来获得opcode文件名,然后拼接出文件的路径。 op = opcodes[opindex] source = "%s/%s.cpp" % (location, op) if verbose: print " emit %s --> C++" % source dict = getGlobalSubDict() # 更新列表中的键值。 # op是opcode的名字,opindex是索引。 dict.update({ "opcode":op, "opnum":opindex }) # 读取原文件并解析,然后输出到c_fp文件中。 appendSourceFile(source, dict, c_fp, None) # portable模式下,asm_stub_text的值应该为0。 if len(asm_stub_text) != 0: emitAsmStub(asm_fp, dict)
# 写portable风格的文件时,只是把配置文件中import导入的C文件,写入输出文件中。 # # Append the file specified by "source" to the open "outfp". Each line will # be template-replaced using the substitution dictionary "dict". # # If the first line of the file starts with "%" it is taken as a directive. # A "%include" line contains a filename and, optionally, a Python-style # dictionary declaration with substitution strings. (This is implemented # with recursion.) # # If "sister_list" is provided, and we find a line that contains only "&", # all subsequent lines from the file will be appended to sister_list instead # of copied to the output. # # This may modify "dict". # def appendSourceFile(source, dict, outfp, sister_list): outfp.write("/* File: %s */\n" % source) # "/* File: %s */" 用于说明这部分代码是从哪个文件拷贝出来的。 infp = open(source, "r") # 从源文件读取内容。 in_sister = False for line in infp: ...... # perform keyword substitution if a dictionary was provided if dict != None: templ = Template(line) try: subline = templ.substitute(dict) except KeyError, err: raise DataParseError("keyword substitution failed in %s: %s" % (source, str(err))) except: print "ERROR: substitution failed: " + line raise else: subline = line ...... # 写文件。 outfp.write("\n") infp.close()