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new jBox(‘Modal‘, { width: 300, height: 200, attach: $(‘#myModal‘), title: ‘My Modal Window‘, content: ‘<i>Hello there!</i>‘ }); <div id="myModal">Click me to open a modal window!</div>
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var colorsN2 = [‘red‘, ‘green‘, ‘blue‘, ‘yellow‘]; var currentColorN2 = 0; jQuery(‘#notice‘).click(function() { new jBox(‘Notice‘, { animation: ‘flip‘, position: { x: 15, y: 65 }, content: ‘Oooh! They also come in colors!‘, onInit: function() { this.options.color = colorsN2[currentColorN2]; currentColorN2++; (currentColorN2 >= colorsN2.length) && (currentColorN2 = 0); }, zIndex: 12000 }); });
var colorsN3 = [‘red‘, ‘green‘, ‘blue‘, ‘yellow‘]; var titlesN3 = [‘Oops‘, ‘Well done‘, ‘Reminder‘, ‘Attention‘]; var contentsN3 = [‘Sorry, something went wrong‘, ‘You perfectly clicked a button‘, ‘Don\‘t forget to click the button one more time‘, ‘Take care out there‘]; var currentColorN3 = 0; jQuery(‘#demoN3‘).click(function() { new jBox(‘Notice‘, { attributes: { x: ‘left‘, y: ‘bottom‘ }, theme: ‘NoticeBorder‘, color: ‘black‘, audio: ‘/libraries/jBox/Source/audio/bling2‘, volume: noticeN3Volume, animation: { open: ‘slide:bottom‘, close: ‘slide:left‘ }, onInit: function() { this.options.color = colorsN3[currentColorN3]; this.options.title = titlesN3[currentColorN3]; this.options.content = contentsN3[currentColorN3]; currentColorN3++; (currentColorN3 >= colorsN3.length) && (currentColorN3 = 0); }, }); });
var colorsN4 = [‘black‘, ‘red‘, ‘green‘, ‘blue‘, ‘yellow‘]; var currentColorN4 = 0; jQuery(‘#demoN4‘).click(function() { new jBox(‘Notice‘, { autoClose: 10000, attributes: { x: ‘right‘, y: ‘bottom‘ }, stack: false, animation: { open: ‘tada‘, close: ‘zoomIn‘ }, title: ‘Tadaaa! I\‘m single!‘, content: ‘Open another notice to close me!‘, onInit: function() { this.options.color = colorsN4[currentColorN4]; currentColorN4++; (currentColorN4 >= colorsN4.length) && (currentColorN4 = 0); }, }); });