The file ‘MemoryStream‘ is corrupted! Remove it and launch unity again! [Position out of bounds! 20 > 16]
那么问题来了,有几万个Prefab也手动去解决吗,不!这里有个方便你检查丢失引用的脚本,用这个就可以检查出所有的丢失Prefab了,需要注意的是有一些被列举出来的Prefab虽然没有丢失引用,然后是它的子项目丢失引用了,这个脚本是无法把哪一个子game object指出来的,这个时候,迩只能把指定的丢失的prefab拖到U3D的Hierarchy下然后仔细把所有的丢失引用问题解决就好了。
1 //Assets/Editor/SearchForComponents.cs 2 using UnityEngine; 3 using UnityEditor; 4 using System.Collections; 5 using System.Collections.Generic; 6 7 public class SearchForComponents : EditorWindow { 8 [MenuItem( "EDITORS/Search For Components" )] 9 static void Init () { 10 SearchForComponents window = (SearchForComponents) EditorWindow.GetWindow( typeof( SearchForComponents ) ); 11 window.Show(); 12 window.position = new Rect( 20, 80, 550, 500 ); 13 } 14 15 string[] modes = new string[] { "Search for component usage", "Search for missing components" }; 16 string[] checkType = new string[] { "Check single component", "Check all components" }; 17 18 List<string> listResult; 19 List<ComponentNames> prefabComponents,notUsedComponents, addedComponents, existingComponents, sceneComponents; 20 int editorMode, selectedCheckType; 21 MonoScript targetComponent; 22 string componentName = ""; 23 24 bool showPrefabs, showAdded, showScene, showUnused = true; 25 Vector2 scroll, scroll1, scroll2, scroll3, scroll4; 26 27 class ComponentNames { 28 public string componentName; 29 public string namespaceName; 30 public string assetPath; 31 public List<string> usageSource; 32 public ComponentNames ( string comp, string space, string path ) { 33 this.componentName = comp; 34 this.namespaceName = space; 35 this.assetPath = path; 36 this.usageSource = new List<string>(); 37 } 38 public override bool Equals ( object obj ) { 39 return ( (ComponentNames) obj ).componentName == componentName && ( (ComponentNames) obj ).namespaceName == namespaceName; 40 } 41 public override int GetHashCode () { 42 return componentName.GetHashCode() + namespaceName.GetHashCode(); 43 } 44 } 45 46 void OnGUI () { 47 GUILayout.Label(position+""); 48 GUILayout.Space( 3 ); 49 int oldValue =; 50 = -20; 51 Rect windowRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect( 1, 17 ); 52 windowRect.x += 4; 53 windowRect.width -= 7; 54 editorMode = GUI.SelectionGrid( windowRect, editorMode, modes, 2, "Window" ); 55 = oldValue; 56 57 switch ( editorMode ) { 58 case 0: 59 selectedCheckType = GUILayout.SelectionGrid( selectedCheckType, checkType, 2, "Toggle" ); 60 GUI.enabled = selectedCheckType == 0; 61 targetComponent = (MonoScript) EditorGUILayout.ObjectField( targetComponent, typeof( MonoScript ), false ); 62 GUI.enabled = true; 63 64 if ( GUILayout.Button( "Check component usage" ) ) { 65 AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); 66 switch ( selectedCheckType ) { 67 case 0: 68 componentName =; 69 string targetPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath( targetComponent ); 70 string[] allPrefabs = GetAllPrefabs(); 71 listResult = new List<string>(); 72 foreach ( string prefab in allPrefabs ) { 73 string[] single = new string[] { prefab }; 74 string[] dependencies = AssetDatabase.GetDependencies( single ); 75 foreach ( string dependedAsset in dependencies ) { 76 if ( dependedAsset == targetPath ) { 77 listResult.Add( prefab ); 78 } 79 } 80 } 81 break; 82 case 1: 83 List<string> scenesToLoad = new List<string>(); 84 existingComponents = new List<ComponentNames>(); 85 prefabComponents = new List<ComponentNames>(); 86 notUsedComponents = new List<ComponentNames>(); 87 addedComponents = new List<ComponentNames>(); 88 sceneComponents = new List<ComponentNames>(); 89 90 if ( EditorApplication.SaveCurrentSceneIfUserWantsTo() ) { 91 string projectPath = Application.dataPath; 92 projectPath = projectPath.Substring( 0, projectPath.IndexOf( "Assets" ) ); 93 94 string[] allAssets = AssetDatabase.GetAllAssetPaths(); 95 96 foreach ( string asset in allAssets ) { 97 int indexCS = asset.IndexOf( ".cs" ); 98 int indexJS = asset.IndexOf( ".js" ); 99 if ( indexCS != -1 || indexJS != -1 ) { 100 ComponentNames newComponent = new ComponentNames( NameFromPath( asset ), "", asset ); 101 try { 102 System.IO.FileStream FS = new System.IO.FileStream( projectPath + asset, System.IO.FileMode.Open, System.IO.FileAccess.Read, System.IO.FileShare.ReadWrite ); 103 System.IO.StreamReader SR = new System.IO.StreamReader( FS ); 104 string line; 105 while ( !SR.EndOfStream ) { 106 line = SR.ReadLine(); 107 int index1 = line.IndexOf( "namespace" ); 108 int index2 = line.IndexOf( "{" ); 109 if ( index1 != -1 && index2 != -1 ) { 110 line = line.Substring( index1 + 9 ); 111 index2 = line.IndexOf( "{" ); 112 line = line.Substring( 0, index2 ); 113 line = line.Replace( " ", "" ); 114 newComponent.namespaceName = line; 115 } 116 } 117 } catch { 118 } 119 120 existingComponents.Add( newComponent ); 121 122 try { 123 System.IO.FileStream FS = new System.IO.FileStream( projectPath + asset, System.IO.FileMode.Open, System.IO.FileAccess.Read, System.IO.FileShare.ReadWrite ); 124 System.IO.StreamReader SR = new System.IO.StreamReader( FS ); 125 126 string line; 127 int lineNum = 0; 128 while ( !SR.EndOfStream ) { 129 lineNum++; 130 line = SR.ReadLine(); 131 int index = line.IndexOf( "AddComponent" ); 132 if ( index != -1 ) { 133 line = line.Substring( index + 12 ); 134 if ( line[0] == ‘(‘ ) { 135 line = line.Substring( 1, line.IndexOf( ‘)‘ ) - 1 ); 136 } else if ( line[0] == ‘<‘ ) { 137 line = line.Substring( 1, line.IndexOf( ‘>‘ ) - 1 ); 138 } else { 139 continue; 140 } 141 line = line.Replace( " ", "" ); 142 line = line.Replace( "\"", "" ); 143 index = line.LastIndexOf( ‘.‘ ); 144 ComponentNames newComp; 145 if ( index == -1 ) { 146 newComp = new ComponentNames( line, "", "" ); 147 } else { 148 newComp = new ComponentNames( line.Substring( index + 1, line.Length - ( index + 1 ) ), line.Substring( 0, index ), "" ); 149 } 150 string pName = asset + ", Line " + lineNum; 151 newComp.usageSource.Add( pName ); 152 index = addedComponents.IndexOf( newComp ); 153 if ( index == -1 ) { 154 addedComponents.Add( newComp ); 155 } else { 156 if ( !addedComponents[index].usageSource.Contains( pName ) ) addedComponents[index].usageSource.Add( pName ); 157 } 158 } 159 } 160 } catch { 161 } 162 } 163 int indexPrefab = asset.IndexOf( ".prefab" ); 164 165 if ( indexPrefab != -1 ) { 166 string[] single = new string[] { asset }; 167 string[] dependencies = AssetDatabase.GetDependencies( single ); 168 foreach ( string dependedAsset in dependencies ) { 169 if ( dependedAsset.IndexOf( ".cs" ) != -1 || dependedAsset.IndexOf( ".js" ) != -1 ) { 170 ComponentNames newComponent = new ComponentNames( NameFromPath( dependedAsset ), GetNamespaceFromPath( dependedAsset ), dependedAsset ); 171 int index = prefabComponents.IndexOf( newComponent ); 172 if ( index == -1 ) { 173 newComponent.usageSource.Add( asset ); 174 prefabComponents.Add( newComponent ); 175 } else { 176 if ( !prefabComponents[index].usageSource.Contains( asset ) ) prefabComponents[index].usageSource.Add( asset ); 177 } 178 } 179 } 180 } 181 int indexUnity = asset.IndexOf( ".unity" ); 182 if ( indexUnity != -1 ) { 183 scenesToLoad.Add( asset ); 184 } 185 } 186 187 for ( int i = addedComponents.Count - 1; i > -1; i-- ) { 188 addedComponents[i].assetPath = GetPathFromNames( addedComponents[i].namespaceName, addedComponents[i].componentName ); 189 if ( addedComponents[i].assetPath == "" ) addedComponents.RemoveAt( i ); 190 191 } 192 193 foreach ( string scene in scenesToLoad ) { 194 EditorApplication.OpenScene( scene ); 195 GameObject[] sceneGOs = GetAllObjectsInScene(); 196 foreach ( GameObject g in sceneGOs ) { 197 Component[] comps = g.GetComponentsInChildren<Component>( true ); 198 foreach ( Component c in comps ) { 199 200 if ( c != null && c.GetType() != null && c.GetType().BaseType != null && c.GetType().BaseType == typeof( MonoBehaviour ) ) { 201 SerializedObject so = new SerializedObject( c ); 202 SerializedProperty p = so.FindProperty( "m_Script" ); 203 string path = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath( p.objectReferenceValue ); 204 ComponentNames newComp = new ComponentNames( NameFromPath( path ), GetNamespaceFromPath( path ), path ); 205 newComp.usageSource.Add( scene ); 206 int index = sceneComponents.IndexOf( newComp ); 207 if ( index == -1 ) { 208 sceneComponents.Add( newComp ); 209 } else { 210 if ( !sceneComponents[index].usageSource.Contains( scene ) ) sceneComponents[index].usageSource.Add( scene ); 211 } 212 } 213 } 214 } 215 } 216 217 foreach ( ComponentNames c in existingComponents ) { 218 if ( addedComponents.Contains( c ) ) continue; 219 if ( prefabComponents.Contains( c ) ) continue; 220 if ( sceneComponents.Contains( c ) ) continue; 221 notUsedComponents.Add( c ); 222 } 223 224 addedComponents.Sort( SortAlphabetically ); 225 prefabComponents.Sort( SortAlphabetically ); 226 sceneComponents.Sort( SortAlphabetically ); 227 notUsedComponents.Sort( SortAlphabetically ); 228 } 229 break; 230 } 231 } 232 break; 233 case 1: 234 if ( GUILayout.Button( "Search!" ) ) { 235 string[] allPrefabs = GetAllPrefabs(); 236 listResult = new List<string>(); 237 foreach ( string prefab in allPrefabs ) { 238 UnityEngine.Object o = AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath( prefab ); 239 GameObject go; 240 try { 241 go = (GameObject) o; 242 Component[] components = go.GetComponentsInChildren<Component>( true ); 243 foreach ( Component c in components ) { 244 if ( c == null ) { 245 listResult.Add( prefab ); 246 } 247 } 248 } catch { 249 Debug.Log( "For some reason, prefab " + prefab + " won‘t cast to GameObject" ); 250 } 251 } 252 } 253 break; 254 } 255 if ( editorMode == 1 || selectedCheckType == 0 ) { 256 if ( listResult != null ) { 257 if ( listResult.Count == 0 ) { 258 GUILayout.Label( editorMode == 0 ? ( componentName == "" ? "Choose a component" : "No prefabs use component " + componentName ) : ( "No prefabs have missing components!\nClick Search to check again" ) ); 259 } else { 260 GUILayout.Label( editorMode == 0 ? ( "The following prefabs use component " + componentName + ":" ) : ( "The following prefabs have missing components:" ) ); 261 scroll = GUILayout.BeginScrollView( scroll ); 262 foreach ( string s in listResult ) { 263 GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); 264 GUILayout.Label( s, GUILayout.Width( position.width / 2 ) ); 265 if ( GUILayout.Button( "Select", GUILayout.Width( position.width / 2 - 10 ) ) ) { 266 Selection.activeObject = AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath( s ); 267 } 268 GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); 269 } 270 GUILayout.EndScrollView(); 271 } 272 } 273 } else { 274 showPrefabs = GUILayout.Toggle( showPrefabs, "Show prefab components" ); 275 if ( showPrefabs ) { 276 GUILayout.Label( "The following components are attatched to prefabs:" ); 277 DisplayResults( ref scroll1, ref prefabComponents ); 278 } 279 showAdded = GUILayout.Toggle( showAdded, "Show AddComponent arguments" ); 280 if ( showAdded ) { 281 GUILayout.Label( "The following components are AddComponent arguments:" ); 282 DisplayResults( ref scroll2, ref addedComponents ); 283 } 284 showScene = GUILayout.Toggle( showScene, "Show Scene-used components" ); 285 if ( showScene ) { 286 GUILayout.Label( "The following components are used by scene objects:" ); 287 DisplayResults( ref scroll3, ref sceneComponents ); 288 } 289 showUnused = GUILayout.Toggle( showUnused, "Show Unused Components" ); 290 if ( showUnused ) { 291 GUILayout.Label( "The following components are not used by prefabs, by AddComponent, OR in any scene:" ); 292 DisplayResults( ref scroll4, ref notUsedComponents ); 293 } 294 } 295 } 296 297 int SortAlphabetically ( ComponentNames a, ComponentNames b ) { 298 return a.assetPath.CompareTo( b.assetPath ); 299 } 300 301 GameObject[] GetAllObjectsInScene () { 302 List<GameObject> objectsInScene = new List<GameObject>(); 303 GameObject[] allGOs = (GameObject[]) Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll( typeof( GameObject ) ); 304 foreach ( GameObject go in allGOs ) { 305 //if ( go.hideFlags == HideFlags.NotEditable || go.hideFlags == HideFlags.HideAndDontSave ) 306 // continue; 307 308 string assetPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath( go.transform.root.gameObject ); 309 if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( assetPath ) ) 310 continue; 311 312 objectsInScene.Add( go ); 313 } 314 315 return objectsInScene.ToArray(); 316 } 317 318 void DisplayResults ( ref Vector2 scroller, ref List<ComponentNames> list ) { 319 if ( list == null ) return; 320 scroller = GUILayout.BeginScrollView( scroller ); 321 foreach ( ComponentNames c in list ) { 322 GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); 323 GUILayout.Label( c.assetPath, GUILayout.Width( position.width / 5 *4 ) ); 324 if ( GUILayout.Button( "Select", GUILayout.Width( position.width / 5 - 30 ) ) ) { 325 Selection.activeObject = AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath( c.assetPath ); 326 } 327 GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); 328 if ( c.usageSource.Count == 1 ) { 329 GUILayout.Label( " In 1 Place: " + c.usageSource[0] ); 330 } 331 if ( c.usageSource.Count > 1 ) { 332 GUILayout.Label( " In " + c.usageSource.Count + " Places: " + c.usageSource[0] + ", " + c.usageSource[1] + ( c.usageSource.Count > 2 ? ", ..." : "" ) ); 333 } 334 } 335 GUILayout.EndScrollView(); 336 337 } 338 339 string NameFromPath ( string s ) { 340 s = s.Substring( s.LastIndexOf( ‘/‘ ) + 1 ); 341 return s.Substring( 0, s.Length - 3 ); 342 } 343 344 string GetNamespaceFromPath ( string path ) { 345 foreach ( ComponentNames c in existingComponents ) { 346 if ( c.assetPath == path ) { 347 return c.namespaceName; 348 } 349 } 350 return ""; 351 } 352 353 string GetPathFromNames ( string space, string name ) { 354 ComponentNames test = new ComponentNames( name, space, "" ); 355 int index = existingComponents.IndexOf( test ); 356 if ( index != -1 ) { 357 return existingComponents[index].assetPath; 358 } 359 return ""; 360 } 361 362 public static string[] GetAllPrefabs () { 363 string[] temp = AssetDatabase.GetAllAssetPaths(); 364 List<string> result = new List<string>(); 365 foreach ( string s in temp ) { 366 if ( s.Contains( ".prefab" ) ) result.Add( s ); 367 } 368 return result.ToArray(); 369 } 370 }
The file 'MemoryStream' is corrupted! 的解决办法