这篇文章主要是分析在Android L 源代码中对手机漫游的处理。当然我这里所说的漫游指的是国际漫游。通常我们判断手机是否在国际漫游,第一个想法就是比较网络上获取的MCC+MNC是否与手机中的IMSI相同,如果不同就判断为漫游了。如果是漫游的话,手机上最直观的可以看到就是两个地方了:
a . 手机的屏幕的状态拦上手机信号角标的左下方是否有”R”显示。
b . Setting --->About phone --->Status --->Roming
当然这是最粗略的比较方法,通常全球的运营商对于漫游有互相签订协议,所以单纯用上面的方法是不够细致的,google 为了解决这个特殊化定制的问题,在Android L 上使用了一个机制来判断手机是否漫游,下面就从解析代码的角度来分析这个机制。
protected void handlePollStateResult (int what, AsyncResult ar) { ...... }
什么时候会调用这个方法呢?RIL层在完成ServiceStateTracker对象发起的查询最新网络服务的状态后,通过ServiceStateTracker创建的Message对象发起的Callback回调。在ServiceStateTracker对象中会调用handlePollStateResult 和 pollStateDone 方法,将查询得来的最新信息保存在ServiceStateTracker的多个属性中 。由于GsmServiceStateTracker extends ServiceStateTracker,GsmServiceStateTracker 中的handlePollStateResult 方法会覆盖ServiceStateTracker中的方法,下面是handlePollStateResult 方法的实现:
/** * Handle the result of one of the pollState()-related requests */ @Override protected void handlePollStateResult (int what, AsyncResult ar) { int ints[]; String states[]; // Ignore stale requests from last poll if (ar.userObj != mPollingContext) return; if (ar.exception != null) { CommandException.Error err=null; if (ar.exception instanceof CommandException) { err = ((CommandException)(ar.exception)).getCommandError(); } if (err == CommandException.Error.RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE) { // Radio has crashed or turned off cancelPollState(); return; } if (!mCi.getRadioState().isOn()) { // Radio has crashed or turned off cancelPollState(); return; } if (err != CommandException.Error.OP_NOT_ALLOWED_BEFORE_REG_NW) { loge("RIL implementation has returned an error where it must succeed" + ar.exception); } } else try { switch (what) { case EVENT_POLL_STATE_REGISTRATION: { states = (String[])ar.result; int lac = -1; int cid = -1; int type = ServiceState.RIL_RADIO_TECHNOLOGY_UNKNOWN; int regState = ServiceState.RIL_REG_STATE_UNKNOWN; int reasonRegStateDenied = -1; int psc = -1; if (states.length > 0) { try { regState = Integer.parseInt(states[0]); if (states.length >= 3) { if (states[1] != null && states[1].length() > 0) { lac = Integer.parseInt(states[1], 16); } if (states[2] != null && states[2].length() > 0) { cid = Integer.parseInt(states[2], 16); } // states[3] (if present) is the current radio technology if (states.length >= 4 && states[3] != null) { type = Integer.parseInt(states[3]); } } if (states.length > 14) { if (states[14] != null && states[14].length() > 0) { psc = Integer.parseInt(states[14], 16); } } } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { loge("error parsing RegistrationState: " + ex); } } mGsmRoaming = regCodeIsRoaming(regState); mNewSS.setState(regCodeToServiceState(regState)); mNewSS.setRilVoiceRadioTechnology(type); boolean isVoiceCapable = mPhoneBase.getContext().getResources() .getBoolean(com.android.internal.R.bool.config_voice_capable); if ((regState == ServiceState.RIL_REG_STATE_DENIED_EMERGENCY_CALL_ENABLED || regState == ServiceState.RIL_REG_STATE_NOT_REG_EMERGENCY_CALL_ENABLED || regState == ServiceState.RIL_REG_STATE_SEARCHING_EMERGENCY_CALL_ENABLED || regState == ServiceState.RIL_REG_STATE_UNKNOWN_EMERGENCY_CALL_ENABLED) && isVoiceCapable) { mEmergencyOnly = true; } else { mEmergencyOnly = false; } // LAC and CID are -1 if not avail mNewCellLoc.setLacAndCid(lac, cid); mNewCellLoc.setPsc(psc); break; } case EVENT_POLL_STATE_GPRS: { states = (String[])ar.result; int type = 0; int regState = ServiceState.RIL_REG_STATE_UNKNOWN; mNewReasonDataDenied = -1; mNewMaxDataCalls = 1; if (states.length > 0) { try { regState = Integer.parseInt(states[0]); // states[3] (if present) is the current radio technology if (states.length >= 4 && states[3] != null) { type = Integer.parseInt(states[3]); } if ((states.length >= 5 ) && (regState == ServiceState.RIL_REG_STATE_DENIED)) { mNewReasonDataDenied = Integer.parseInt(states[4]); } if (states.length >= 6) { mNewMaxDataCalls = Integer.parseInt(states[5]); } } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { loge("error parsing GprsRegistrationState: " + ex); } } int dataRegState = regCodeToServiceState(regState); mNewSS.setDataRegState(dataRegState); mDataRoaming = regCodeIsRoaming(regState); mNewSS.setRilDataRadioTechnology(type); if (DBG) { log("handlPollStateResultMessage: GsmSST setDataRegState=" + dataRegState + " regState=" + regState + " dataRadioTechnology=" + type); } break; } case EVENT_POLL_STATE_OPERATOR: { String opNames[] = (String[])ar.result; if (opNames != null && opNames.length >= 3) { mNewSS.setOperatorName (opNames[0], opNames[1], opNames[2]); } break; } case EVENT_POLL_STATE_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE: { ints = (int[])ar.result; mNewSS.setIsManualSelection(ints[0] == 1); break; } } } catch (RuntimeException ex) { loge("Exception while polling service state. Probably malformed RIL response." + ex); } mPollingContext[0]--; if (mPollingContext[0] == 0) { /** * Since the roaming state of gsm service (from +CREG) and * data service (from +CGREG) could be different, the new SS * is set to roaming when either is true. * * There are exceptions for the above rule. * The new SS is not set as roaming while gsm service reports * roaming but indeed it is same operator. * And the operator is considered non roaming. * * The test for the operators is to handle special roaming * agreements and MVNO's. */ <span style="color:#FF0000;"> boolean roaming = (mGsmRoaming || mDataRoaming);</span> if ((mGsmRoaming && isSameNamedOperators(mNewSS) && !isSameNamedOperatorConsideredRoaming(mNewSS)) || isOperatorConsideredNonRoaming(mNewSS)) { roaming = false; } mNewSS.setRoaming(roaming); mNewSS.setEmergencyOnly(mEmergencyOnly); pollStateDone(); } }
在这里我们只关注 Roaming , 看方法中对于漫游定义:
boolean roaming = (mGsmRoaming || mDataRoaming);
那么mGsmRoaming 和 mDataRoaming 分别是什么呢?在类的最前面对于变量的定义中有:
/** * GSM roaming status solely based on TS 27.007 7.2 CREG. Only used by * handlePollStateResult to store CREG roaming result. */ private boolean mGsmRoaming = false; /** * Data roaming status solely based on TS 27.007 10.1.19 CGREG. Only used by * handlePollStateResult to store CGREG roaming result. */ private boolean mDataRoaming = false;
根据Google加的注释可以看到,我们应该需要参考3GPP文档TS 27.007的相关章节,大家可以去3GPP官网下载该文档看看。
mGsmRoaming = regCodeIsRoaming(regState);
mDataRoaming = regCodeIsRoaming(regState);
这里传入的参数 regState 网络状态编码 是一个很重要的参数,手机当前状态的很多属性都是根据这个参数来判断的。同样是在TS 27.007文档的7.2节有定义对应关系。
Defined values <n>: 0 disable network registration unsolicited result code 1 enable network registration unsolicited result code +CREG: <stat> 2 enable network registration and location information unsolicited result code +CREG: <stat>[,<lac>,<ci>[,<AcT>]] <stat>: circuit mode registration status 0 not registered, MT is not currently searching a new operator to register to 1 registered, home network 2 not registered, but MT is currently searching a new operator to register to 3 registration denied 4 unknown <span style="color:#FF0000;">5 registered, roaming</span> <lac>: string type; two byte location area code or tracking are a code in hexadecimal format (e.g. "00C3" equals 195 in decimal) <ci>: string type; four byte GERAN/UTRAN/E-UTRAN cell ID in hexadecimal format <AcT>: access technology of the registered network
/** * code is registration state 0-5 from TS 27.007 7.2 * returns true if registered roam, false otherwise */ private boolean regCodeIsRoaming (int code) { return ServiceState.RIL_REG_STATE_ROAMING == code; }
从代码中可以看到,当code为ServiceState.RIL_REG_STATE_ROAMING 时,返回值为true。找到这个常量的定义:
/** * RIL level registration state values from ril.h * ((const char **)response)[0] is registration state 0-6, * 0 - Not registered, MT is not currently searching * a new operator to register * 1 - Registered, home network * 2 - Not registered, but MT is currently searching * a new operator to register * 3 - Registration denied * 4 - Unknown * 5 - Registered, roaming * 10 - Same as 0, but indicates that emergency calls * are enabled. * 12 - Same as 2, but indicates that emergency calls * are enabled. * 13 - Same as 3, but indicates that emergency calls * are enabled. * 14 - Same as 4, but indicates that emergency calls * are enabled. * @hide */ public static final int RIL_REG_STATE_NOT_REG = 0; /** @hide */ public static final int RIL_REG_STATE_HOME = 1; /** @hide */ public static final int RIL_REG_STATE_SEARCHING = 2; /** @hide */ public static final int RIL_REG_STATE_DENIED = 3; /** @hide */ public static final int RIL_REG_STATE_UNKNOWN = 4; /** @hide */ <span style="color:#FF0000;"> public static final int RIL_REG_STATE_ROAMING = 5;</span> /** @hide */ public static final int RIL_REG_STATE_NOT_REG_EMERGENCY_CALL_ENABLED = 10; /** @hide */ public static final int RIL_REG_STATE_SEARCHING_EMERGENCY_CALL_ENABLED = 12; /** @hide */ public static final int RIL_REG_STATE_DENIED_EMERGENCY_CALL_ENABLED = 13; /** @hide */ public static final int RIL_REG_STATE_UNKNOWN_EMERGENCY_CALL_ENABLED = 14;
可以看到代码中这些定义的code值与名称的对应关系,RIL_REG_STATE_ROAMING常量的值为5 。所以当传入的参数regState为5的时候,为漫游。
if (mPollingContext[0] == 0) { /** * Since the roaming state of gsm service (from +CREG) and * data service (from +CGREG) could be different, the new SS * is set to roaming when either is true. * * There are exceptions for the above rule. * The new SS is not set as roaming while gsm service reports * roaming but indeed it is same operator. * And the operator is considered non roaming. * * The test for the operators is to handle special roaming * agreements and MVNO's. */ boolean roaming = (mGsmRoaming || mDataRoaming); if ((mGsmRoaming && isSameNamedOperators(mNewSS) && !isSameNamedOperatorConsideredRoaming(mNewSS)) || isOperatorConsideredNonRoaming(mNewSS)) { roaming = false; } mNewSS.setRoaming(roaming); mNewSS.setEmergencyOnly(mEmergencyOnly); pollStateDone(); }
由于GSM服务和数据服务的漫游状态可能不同,所以只要这二者其中之一是漫游就将New SS(最新的ServiceState)设置为漫游。
当GSM服务被认为是漫游但事实上他们是同一个运营商,且时运营商决定不漫游,这个时候new SS不会设置为漫游。
ServiceState意思是服务状态,手机插入SIM卡成功启动后,BP Modem会读取SIM卡中的IMSI信息完成SIM卡中信息的验证和运营商移动网络的注册,这样手机才能正常使用运营商提供的服务,代码中ServiceState保存SIM卡注册成功后运营商网络的一些基本服务信息,具体可以看这个类中常量的定义,显然,漫游也在其中。
/** * Set roaming state if operator mcc is the same as sim mcc * and ons is different from spn * * @param s ServiceState hold current ons * @return true if same operator */ private boolean isSameNamedOperators(ServiceState s) { String spn = SystemProperties.get(TelephonyProperties.PROPERTY_ICC_OPERATOR_ALPHA, "empty"); //获得SimCard中的spn,如果没有,返回“empty”
String onsl = s.getOperatorAlphaLong(); //获得当前注册的运营商网络的长名 String onss = s.getOperatorAlphaShort(); //获取当前注册的运营商网络的短名 boolean equalsOnsl = onsl != null && spn.equals(onsl); //onsl不为空,且spn和onsl相同时,equalsOnsl为true boolean equalsOnss = onss != null && spn.equals(onss); //onss不为空,且spn和onss相同时,equalsOnsl为true return currentMccEqualsSimMcc(s) && (equalsOnsl || equalsOnss); }
/** * Compare SIM MCC with Operator MCC * * @param s ServiceState hold current ons * @return true if both are same */ private boolean currentMccEqualsSimMcc(ServiceState s) { String simNumeric = SystemProperties.get( //获得SIM Number TelephonyProperties.PROPERTY_ICC_OPERATOR_NUMERIC, ""); String operatorNumeric = s.getOperatorNumeric(); //获得Operator Number boolean equalsMcc = true; try { equalsMcc = simNumeric.substring(0, 3). equals(operatorNumeric.substring(0, 3)); } catch (Exception e){ } return equalsMcc; }
private boolean isSameNamedOperatorConsideredRoaming(ServiceState s) { String operatorNumeric = s.getOperatorNumeric(); String[] numericArray = mPhone.getContext().getResources().getStringArray( <span style="color:#FF0000;">com.android.internal.R.array.config_sameNamedOperatorConsideredRoaming</span>); if (numericArray.length == 0 || operatorNumeric == null) { return false; } for (String numeric : numericArray) { if (operatorNumeric.startsWith(numeric)) { return true; } } return false; }
/** * Do not set roaming state in case of oprators considered non-roaming. * + Can use mcc or mcc+mnc as item of config_operatorConsideredNonRoaming. * For example, 302 or 21407. If mcc or mcc+mnc match with operator, * don't set roaming state. * * @param s ServiceState hold current ons * @return false for roaming state set */ private boolean isOperatorConsideredNonRoaming(ServiceState s) { String operatorNumeric = s.getOperatorNumeric(); String[] numericArray = mPhone.getContext().getResources().getStringArray( <span style="color:#FF0000;">com.android.internal.R.array.config_operatorConsideredNonRoaming</span>); if (numericArray.length == 0 || operatorNumeric == null) { return false; } for (String numeric : numericArray) { if (operatorNumeric.startsWith(numeric)) { return true; } } return false; }
Android L/frameworks/base/core/java/android/content/res/Resources.java
/** * Return the string array associated with a particular resource ID. * * @param id The desired resource identifier, as generated by the aapt * tool. This integer encodes the package, type, and resource * entry. The value 0 is an invalid identifier. * * @throws NotFoundException Throws NotFoundException if the given ID does not exist. * * @return The string array associated with the resource. */ public String[] getStringArray(int id) throws NotFoundException { String[] res = mAssets.getResourceStringArray(id); if (res != null) { return res; } throw new NotFoundException("String array resource ID #0x" + Integer.toHexString(id)); }从注释来看,返会的是一个与特有资源ID相关联的字符数组,我们继续往下跟进getResourceStringArray()这个方法,来到:
Android L/frameworks/base/core/java/android/content/res/AssetManager.java
/** * Retrieve the string array associated with a particular resource * identifier. * @param id Resource id of the string array */ /*package*/ final String[] getResourceStringArray(final int id) { String[] retArray = getArrayStringResource(id); return retArray; }那AssetManager.java是一个怎样的类呢,注意到代码中对于该类有一个注释。
/** * Provides access to an application's raw asset files; see {@link Resources} * for the way most applications will want to retrieve their resource data. * This class presents a lower-level API that allows you to open and read raw * files that have been bundled with the application as a simple stream of * bytes. */ public final class AssetManager { ...... }大概的意思是说这个类为应用提供一个通往原始资源文件的通道,通过这种方式应用可以重新获得它们的资源文件。这个类提供了一种轻量级的API,
private native final String[] getArrayStringResource(int arrayRes);
/home/simon/Android L/frameworks/base/core/jni/android_util_AssetManager.cpp
static jobjectArray android_content_AssetManager_getArrayStringResource(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jint arrayResId) { AssetManager* am = assetManagerForJavaObject(env, clazz); if (am == NULL) { return NULL; } const ResTable& res(am->getResources()); const ResTable::bag_entry* startOfBag; const ssize_t N = res.lockBag(arrayResId, &startOfBag); if (N < 0) { return NULL; } jobjectArray array = env->NewObjectArray(N, g_stringClass, NULL); if (env->ExceptionCheck()) { res.unlockBag(startOfBag); return NULL; } Res_value value; const ResTable::bag_entry* bag = startOfBag; size_t strLen = 0; for (size_t i=0; ((ssize_t)i)<N; i++, bag++) { value = bag->map.value; jstring str = NULL; // Take care of resolving the found resource to its final value. ssize_t block = res.resolveReference(&value, bag->stringBlock, NULL); #if THROW_ON_BAD_ID if (block == BAD_INDEX) { jniThrowException(env, "java/lang/IllegalStateException", "Bad resource!"); return array; } #endif if (value.dataType == Res_value::TYPE_STRING) { const ResStringPool* pool = res.getTableStringBlock(block); const char* str8 = pool->string8At(value.data, &strLen); if (str8 != NULL) { str = env->NewStringUTF(str8); } else { const char16_t* str16 = pool->stringAt(value.data, &strLen); str = env->NewString(str16, strLen); } // If one of our NewString{UTF} calls failed due to memory, an // exception will be pending. if (env->ExceptionCheck()) { res.unlockBag(startOfBag); return NULL; } env->SetObjectArrayElement(array, i, str); // str is not NULL at that point, otherwise ExceptionCheck would have been true. // If we have a large amount of strings in our array, we might // overflow the local reference table of the VM. env->DeleteLocalRef(str); } } res.unlockBag(startOfBag); return array; }那上面的函数是什么作用呢,简单来说就是根据之前传入的ID到Android L/frameworks/base/core/res/res目录下获得相应数组,先看下这个目录下是什么文件
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- /* ** Copyright 2013, The Android Open Source Project ** ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ** You may obtain a copy of the License at ** ** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ** ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ** limitations under the License. */ --> <resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2"> <!-- Don't use roaming icon for considered operators --> <string-array translatable="false" name="<span style="color:#FF0000;">config_operatorConsideredNonRoaming</span>"> <item>23430</item> <item>23431</item> <item>23432</item> <item>23433</item> <item>23434</item> <item>23486</item> </string-array> </resources>我们之前所说的isSameNamedOperatorConsideredRoaming()和isOperatorConsideredNonRoaming()这两个方法里对于得到数组传入的参数不同,就体现在当前配置文件中的"name"字段,上面JNI函数返回的是一个数组,数组里的值就是读取的"item",这里的item是可以根据运营商的需求去手动配置的,这个就体现了个性化定制。在得到数组