第一行数据包含三个整数,N,M,S。其中,N(0 < N <= 100)代表格子的宽度,M(0 < M <= 100)代表格子的高度,S(0 < S <= 200)代表测试点的个数。
接下来的S行,每行都代表一个测试点。每行都以一个整数T(0 < T <= 10000)开头,接下来是一个空格和T个字符。这T个字符仅由d,u,l,r这四个字母组成,分别代表了敲击向下,向上,向左,向右的方向键。
5 4 3
4 rurd
6 urdldr
6 rrrurd
#include <iostream> #include <vector> using namespace std; class Box { private: vector<vector<char> > Board; unsigned char Width; unsigned char Height; unsigned char X; unsigned char Y; bool IsSucceed; public: // constructor Box(int N, int M); Box(const Box& Origin); void BuildBoard(); void MoveUp(); void MoveDown(); void MoveLeft(); void MoveRight(); void Move(const char& SingleMove); bool Move(const vector<char> &Moves); void Print(); }; Box::Box(int N, int M) : Board(), Width(N), Height(M), X(255), Y(255), IsSucceed(false) { } Box::Box(const Box& Origin):Board(Origin.Board), Width(Origin.Width), Height(Origin.Height), X(Origin.X), Y(Origin.Y), IsSucceed(Origin.IsSucceed) { } void Box::BuildBoard() { for (int IndexOfRows = 0; IndexOfRows < Height; IndexOfRows++) { vector<char> Row; for (int IndexOfCols = 0; IndexOfCols < Width; IndexOfCols++) { char InputChar = 0; cin >> InputChar; InputChar = InputChar - '0'; if (InputChar == 1) { X = IndexOfCols; Y = IndexOfRows; } Row.push_back(InputChar); } Board.push_back(Row); } } void Box::MoveUp() { if (Y < 1) { return; } int NextY = Y - 1; // The upper is the box in the right point if (Board[NextY][X] == 5) { IsSucceed = true; return; } // The upper is box if (Board[NextY][X] == 3 ) { if (Y == 1) { return; } // the upper of the box is the wall if (Board[NextY - 1][X] == 4) { return; } // updating Board[NextY - 1][X] += 3; Board[NextY][X] = 1; if (Board[Y][X] != 2) { Board[Y][X] = 0; } Y = NextY; if (Board[NextY - 1][X] == 5) { IsSucceed = true; } return; } // the upper is wall if (Board[NextY][X] == 4) { return; } // the upper is zero if (Board[NextY][X] == 0) { if (Board[Y][X] != 2) { Board[Y][X] = 0; } Board[NextY][X] = 1; Y = NextY; return; } if (Board[NextY][X] == 2) { Board[Y][X] = 0; Y = NextY; return; } } void Box::MoveDown() { if (Y > (Height - 2)) { return; } int NextY = Y + 1; // The upper is the box in the right point if (Board[NextY][X] == 5) { IsSucceed = true; return; } // The upper is box if (Board[NextY][X] == 3 ) { if (Y == (Height - 2)) { return; } // the upper of the box is the wall if (Board[NextY + 1][X] == 4) { return; } // updating Board[NextY + 1][X] += 3; Board[NextY][X] = 1; if (Board[Y][X] != 2) { Board[Y][X] = 0; } Y = NextY; if (Board[NextY + 1][X] == 5) { IsSucceed = true; } return; } // the upper is wall if (Board[NextY][X] == 4) { return; } // the upper is zero if (Board[NextY][X] == 0) { if (Board[Y][X] != 2) { Board[Y][X] = 0; } Board[NextY][X] = 1; Y = NextY; return; } if (Board[NextY][X] == 2) { Board[Y][X] = 0; Y = NextY; return; } } void Box::MoveLeft() { if (X < 1) { return; } int NextX = X - 1; // The upper is the box in the right point if (Board[Y][NextX] == 5) { IsSucceed = true; return; } // The upper is box if (Board[Y][NextX] == 3 ) { if (X == 1) { return; } // the upper of the box is the wall if (Board[Y][NextX - 1] == 4) { return; } // updating Board[Y][NextX - 1] += 3; Board[Y][NextX] = 1; if (Board[Y][X] != 2) { Board[Y][X] = 0; } X = NextX; if (Board[Y][NextX - 1] == 5) { IsSucceed = true; } return; } // the upper is wall if (Board[Y][NextX] == 4) { return; } // the upper is zero if (Board[Y][NextX] == 0) { if (Board[Y][X] != 2) { Board[Y][X] = 0; } Board[Y][NextX] = 1; X = NextX; return; } if (Board[Y][NextX] == 2) { Board[Y][X] = 0; X = NextX; return; } } void Box::MoveRight() { if (X > (Width - 2)) { return; } int NextX = X + 1; // The upper is the box in the right point if (Board[Y][NextX] == 5) { IsSucceed = true; return; } // The upper is box if (Board[Y][NextX] == 3 ) { if (X == (Width - 2)) { return; } // the upper of the box is the wall if (Board[Y][NextX + 1] == 4) { return; } // updating Board[Y][NextX + 1] += 3; Board[Y][NextX] = 1; if (Board[Y][X] != 2) { Board[Y][X] = 0; } X = NextX; if (Board[Y][NextX + 1] == 5) { IsSucceed = true; } return; } // the upper is wall if (Board[Y][NextX] == 4) { return; } // the upper is zero if (Board[Y][NextX] == 0) { if (Board[Y][X] != 2) { Board[Y][X] = 0; } Board[Y][NextX] = 1; X = NextX; return; } if (Board[Y][NextX] == 2) { Board[Y][X] = 0; X = NextX; return; } } void Box::Move(const char &SingleMove) { //Print(); switch(SingleMove) { case 'u': MoveUp(); break; case 'd': MoveDown(); break; case 'l': MoveLeft(); break; case 'r': MoveRight(); break; default: break; } //cout << "X is " << X << endl; //cout << "Y is " << Y << endl; //Print(); } bool Box::Move(const vector<char> &Moves) { const int SIZE = Moves.size(); for (int Index = 0; Index < SIZE; Index++) { Move(Moves[Index]); if (IsSucceed) { return true; } } return false; } void Box::Print() { const int SIZE = Board.size(); for (int RowIndex = 0; RowIndex < SIZE; RowIndex++) { vector<char> Row = Board[RowIndex]; int COLS = Row.size(); for (int ColIndex = 0; ColIndex < COLS; ColIndex++) { char Tmp = Row[ColIndex] + '0'; cout << Tmp; } cout << endl; } } int main() { int N = 0, M = 0; int S = 0; cin >> N >> M >> S; Box Box_1(N, M); Box_1.BuildBoard(); while (S--) { Box Box_Tmp(Box_1); int Number = 0; vector<char> Moves; cin >> Number; while(Number--) { char SinlgeMove = '0'; cin >> SinlgeMove; Moves.push_back(SinlgeMove); } if (Box_Tmp.Move(Moves)) { cout << "YES" << endl; } else { cout << "NO" << endl; } } return 0; }