Given a range [m, n] where 0 <= m <= n <= 2147483647, return the bitwise AND of all numbers in this range, inclusive.
For example, given the range [5, 7], you should return 4.
To get a better preparation for interviews, I decided to explain my ideas in English.
Here is what I thought:
1) For any given m and n, as long as m != n, we always get 0 at right-most bit when we do AND operation on these numbers. It is because two adjacent numbers always have different right-most bit. There always be a 0!
like: 5: 0101
6: 0110
result: 0100
2) So, we keep doing right shift until m is equal to n. And we count the number of times of right shift(keep this number in "count").
3) We do left shift to m. Do it "count" times.
1 public int rangeBitwiseAnd(int m, int n) { 2 if (m == 0) { 3 return 0; 4 } 5 int count = 0; 6 while (m != n) { 7 m >>>= 1; 8 n >>>= 1; 9 count++; 10 } 11 return m <<= count; 12 }