love.draw Callback function used to draw on the screen every frame. love.focus Callback function triggered when window receives or loses focus. love.joystickpressed Called when a joystick button is pressed. love.joystickreleased Called when a joystick button is released. love.keypressed Callback function triggered when a key is pressed. love.keyreleased Callback function triggered when a key is released. love.load This function is called exactly once at the beginning of the game. love.mousepressed Callback function triggered when a mouse button is pressed. love.mousereleased Callback function triggered when a mouse button is released. love.quit Callback function triggered when the game is closed. The main function, containing the main loop. A sensible default is used when left out. love.update Callback function used to update the state of the game every frame.
function love.load() image ="cake.jpg"),0,0),255,255) end
This function gets called only once, when the game is started, and is usually where you would load resources, initialize variables and set specific settings. All those things can be done anywhere else as well, but doing them here means that they are done once only, saving a lot of system resources.
function love.update(dt) if love.keyboard.isDown("up") then num = num + 100 * dt -- this would increment num by 100 per second end end
This function is called continuously and will probably be where most of your math is done. ‘dt‘ stands for "delta time" and is the amount of seconds since the last time this function was called (which is usually a small value like 0.025714).
function love.draw(), imgx, imgy)"Click and drag the cake around or use the arrow keys", 10, 10) end
is where all the drawing happens (if that wasn‘t obvious enough already) and if you call any of the
outside of this function then it‘s not going to have any effect. This function is also called continuously so keep in mind that if you change the font/color/mode/etc at the end of the function then it will have a effect on things at the beginning of the function. For example:
function love.load(),0,0) end function love.draw()"This text is not black because of the line below", 100, 100),0,0)"This text is red", 100, 200) end
This function is called whenever a mouse button is pressed and it receives the button and the coordinates of where it was pressed. The button can be any of the constants. This function goes very well along with love.mousereleased
function love.mousereleased(x, y, button) if button == ‘l‘ then fireSlingshot(x,y) -- this totally awesome custom function is defined elsewhere end end
This function is called whenever a mouse button is released and it receives the button and the coordinates of where it was released. You can have this function together withlove.mousepressed
or separate, they aren‘t connected in any way.
function love.keypressed(key) if key == ‘b‘ then text = "The B key was pressed." elseif key == ‘a‘ then a_down = true end end
This function is called whenever a keyboard key is pressed and receives the key that was pressed. The key can be any of the constants. This functions goes very well along with love.keyreleased
function love.keyreleased(key) if key == ‘b‘ then text = "The B key was released." elseif key == ‘a‘ then a_down = false end end
This function is called whenever a keyboard key is released and receives the key that was released. You can have this function together with love.keypressed
or separate, they aren‘t connected in any way.
function love.focus(f) if not f then print("LOST FOCUS") else print("GAINED FOCUS") end end
This function is called whenever the user clicks off and on the LÖVE window. For instance, if they are playing a windowed game and a user clicks on his Internet browser, the game could be notified and automatically pause the game.
function love.focus(f) gameIsPaused = not f end function love.update(dt) if gameIsPaused then return end -- The rest of your love.update code goes here end
function love.quit() print("Thanks for playing! Come back soon!") end
This function is called whenever the user clicks the windows close button (often an X). For instance, if the user decides they are done playing, they could click the close button. Then, before it closes, the game can save its state.
Those are the callback functions and their basic usage.
Love2D游戏编程-3(回调函数 Callback Functions)