SECONDS Each time this parameter is referenced, the number of seconds since shell invocation is returned. If a value is assigned to SECONDS, the value returned upon subsequent references is the number of seconds since the assignment plus the value assigned. If SECONDS is unset, it loses its special properties, even if it is subsequently reset.
#!/bin/bash #set -o errexit export SCRIPT=$0 SID=$PPID usage(){ echo -e "Usage:" echo -e "\tbash $0 [OPTs]" echo -e "\t-W|--timeout\t\t<M>" echo -e "\t-I|--interval\t\t<N>" echo -e "\t-i|--ip\t\t\t<A.B.C.D>" echo -e "\t-L|--level\t\t<info|error>" echo -e "\t-l|--log\t\t</tmp/${SCRIPT}-${SID}.log>" echo -e "\t-h\t\t\tPrint this info" echo -e "Example:" echo -e "\tbash $0 -W 1 -I 3 -i -L error -log /tmp/${SCRIPT}-${SID}.log" echo -e "\tbash $0" exit 255 } [ $# -eq 4 ] && usage # 默认参数 LOGFILE="/tmp/${SCRIPT}-${SID}.log" touch $LOGFILE TIMEOUT=1 INTERVAL=10 LEVEL=info IP= MyIP=$(ip addr sh eth0 |awk ‘/^[\ ]*inet /{split($2,IP,"/");printf IP[1]}‘) # 参数获取 TEMP=$(getopt -o W:I:i:L:l:h --long timeout:,interval:,ip:,level:,log:,help -- "$@") [ $? != 0 ] && usage eval set -- "$TEMP" # 参数处理 while true; do case "$1" in -W|--timeout) TIMEOUT=$2; shift 2;; -I|--interval) INTERVAL=$2; shift 2;; -i|--ip) IP=$2; shift 2;; -L|--level) LEVEL=$2; shift 2;; -l|--log) LOGFILE=$2; shift 2;; -h|--help) usage; shift;; --) shift; break ;; esac done [ "$IP" = "" ] && usage adjust(){ return $((SECONDS%INTERVAL)) } pinger(){ ping $1 -W $TIMEOUT -c 1 | tail -1 |awk -F/ ‘{print $(NF-1)}‘ 2>/dev/null } logger(){ echo -e "$(date +%F" "%T)\t""$@" } trapper(){ trap "logger \"EXIT($SID)\t$MyIP -> $IP\" >> $LOGFILE && exit 0" 1 2 9 15 } trapper logger "START($SID)\t$MyIP -> $IP" >> $LOGFILE while true do if adjust; then unset t t=$(pinger $IP) if [ "$t" = "" ]; then logger "ERROR($SID)\t$MyIP -> $IP ${TIMEOUT}(S)" >> $LOGFILE & else [ "$LEVEL" = "erorr" ] || logger "INFO($SID)\t$MyIP -> $IP ${t}(ms)" >> $LOGFILE & fi sleep 1 fi sleep 0.1 done
bash -W 1 -I 2 -i a.b.c &
# tail -f -n 10 /tmp/bash-26729.log
2015-04-28 17:24:50 START(26729) -> a.b.c
2015-04-28 17:24:50 INFO(26729) -> a.b.c 0.630(ms)
2015-04-28 17:24:52 INFO(26729) -> a.b.c 0.575(ms)
2015-04-28 17:24:54 INFO(26729) -> a.b.c 0.875(ms)
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