QMdiArea 一般使用于主窗口QMainWindow,用于容纳多个子窗口QMdiSubWindow
qt creator 3.0的设计师有MdiArea可直接拖入使用。
#include "mainwindow.h" #include "ui_mainwindow.h" #include <QSize> MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { ui->setupUi(this); connect(ui->actionNew,SIGNAL(triggered()),this,SLOT(creatNewWin()));//actionNew是通过设计师创建的动作 } void MainWindow::creatNewWin() { mdiWin1=new QMdiSubWindow; mdiWin1->setWindowTitle("未定"); ui->mdiArea->addSubWindow(mdiWin1); mdiWin1->resize(QSize(200,200)); mdiWin1->show(); } MainWindow::~MainWindow() { delete ui; }
QMdiArea(QWidget * parent = 0) ~QMdiArea() QMdiSubWindow * addSubWindow(QWidget * widget, Qt::WindowFlags windowFlags = 0) void removeSubWindow(QWidget * widget) void setActivationOrder(WindowOrder order)//设置激活顺序,默认以创建先后激活,槽函数中有调用,枚举值见1 void setBackground(const QBrush & background)//设置背景,默认灰色 void setDocumentMode(bool enabled) void setOption(AreaOption option, bool on = true)//现只有一个选项,即创建子窗口,窗口不充满这个区域,默认是充满的,枚举值见2 void setViewMode(ViewMode mode)//设置视口模式,默认area中很多小窗口,也可以是有tabBar形式的,以下这些设置tab的函数,都需要先开启这个。枚举值见3 void setTabPosition(QTabWidget::TabPosition position)//设置tabBar的方位,有东西南北四方位,遵循地理的上北下南左西右东枚举值见4 void setTabShape(QTabWidget::TabShape shape)//设置tab的形状,默认长方形,也可以像谷歌浏览器那样,梯形,枚举值见5 void setTabsClosable(bool closable)//默认否,设为true时,tab上方形成一个关闭小按钮 void setTabsMovable(bool movable)//设置是否可移动,默认false,可移动时,可拖动tab在tabBar上移动,现在的浏览器大多有这样的功能 QList<QMdiSubWindow *> subWindowList(WindowOrder order = CreationOrder) const QMdiSubWindow * currentSubWindow() const WindowOrder activationOrder() const QBrush background() const bool documentMode() const bool testOption(AreaOption option) const QMdiSubWindow * activeSubWindow() const QTabWidget::TabPosition tabPosition() const QTabWidget::TabShape tabShape() const bool tabsClosable() const bool tabsMovable() const ViewMode viewMode() const
void activateNextSubWindow() void activatePreviousSubWindow() void cascadeSubWindows() void closeActiveSubWindow() void closeAllSubWindows() void setActiveSubWindow(QMdiSubWindow * window) void tileSubWindows()//将所有子窗口在area的可视部分排列整齐
void subWindowActivated(QMdiSubWindow * window)//切换激活的窗口时发出
Constant | Value | Description |
QMdiArea::CreationOrder | 0 | 按创建时的先后顺序 |
QMdiArea::StackingOrder | 1 | 堆叠顺序 |
QMdiArea::ActivationHistoryOrder | 2 | 按激活历史前后顺序. |
Constant | Value | Description |
QMdiArea::DontMaximizeSubWindowOnActivation | 0x1 | 激活时不使它最大化,默认是最大化的 |
Constant | Value | Description |
QMdiArea::SubWindowView | 0 | 以小窗口形式显示(default). |
QMdiArea::TabbedView | 1 | 不仅可小窗口,而且形成tabBar |
Constant | Value | Description |
QTabWidget::North | 0 | 上方显示 |
QTabWidget::South | 1 | 下 |
QTabWidget::West | 2 | 左 |
QTabWidget::East | 3 | 右 |
Constant | Value | Description |
QTabWidget::Rounded | 0 | 字面是圆形,但win7上更像长方形,default |
QTabWidget::Triangular | 1 | 字面三角形,说它是梯形更好些 |
#include "mainwindow.h" #include "ui_mainwindow.h" #include <QSize> #include <QTabWidget> #include <QBrush> MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { ui->setupUi(this); QBrush b=QBrush(QColor(30,30,30),Qt::FDiagPattern); ui->mdiArea->setBackground(b); ui->mdiArea->setViewMode(QMdiArea::TabbedView); ui->mdiArea->setTabPosition(QTabWidget::North); ui->mdiArea->setTabsClosable(true); ui->mdiArea->setTabsMovable(true); ui->mdiArea->setTabShape(QTabWidget::Triangular); ui->mdiArea->setOption(QMdiArea::DontMaximizeSubWindowOnActivation); connect(ui->actionNew,SIGNAL(triggered()),this,SLOT(creatNewWin())); } void MainWindow::creatNewWin() { mdiWin1=new QMdiSubWindow; mdiWin1->setWindowTitle("未定"); ui->mdiArea->addSubWindow(mdiWin1); mdiWin1->resize(QSize(200,200)); mdiWin1->show(); } MainWindow::~MainWindow() { delete ui; } void MainWindow::on_pushButton_clicked() { ui->mdiArea->tileSubWindows(); }
QMdiSubWindow(QWidget * parent = 0, Qt::WindowFlags flags = 0) ~QMdiSubWindow() void setKeyboardPageStep(int step) void setKeyboardSingleStep(int step) void setOption(SubWindowOption option, bool on = true)//未试效果,求补充,枚举值见1 void setSystemMenu(QMenu * systemMenu).se. void setWidget(QWidget * widget)//主要通过个函数添加它的小部件 int keyboardPageStep() const int keyboardSingleStep() const QMdiArea * mdiArea() const QMenu * systemMenu() const QWidget * widget() const bool testOption(SubWindowOption option) const bool isShaded() const
Public Slots
void | showShaded() |
void | showSystemMenu() |
void | aboutToActivate() |
void | windowStateChanged(Qt::WindowStates oldState, Qt::WindowStates newState) |
Constant | Value | Description |
QMdiSubWindow::RubberBandResize | 0x4 | If you enable this option, a rubber band control is used to represent the subwindow‘s outline, and the user resizes this instead of the subwindow itself. As a result, the subwindow maintains its original position and size until the resize operation has been completed, at which time it will receive a single QResizeEvent. By default, this option is disabled. |
QMdiSubWindow::RubberBandMove | 0x8 | If you enable this option, a rubber band control is used to represent the subwindow‘s outline, and the user moves this instead of the subwindow itself. As a result, the subwindow remains in its original position until the move operation has completed, at which time aQMoveEvent is sent to the window. By default, this option is disabled. |