Multiply Strings
Given two numbers represented as strings, return multiplication of the numbers as a string.
Note: The numbers can be arbitrarily large and are non-negative.
class Solution { public: string multiply(string num1, string num2) { if(num1=="0"||num2=="0"){ return "0"; } int len=num2.length(); string result = ""; int i = len-1; int zero=0; //中间结果需要增加的0的数目 while(i>=0){ string tempResult = strMul(num1, num2[i]); for(int j=0; j<zero; j++){ tempResult += "0"; } result = strAdd(result, tempResult); i--; zero++; } return result; } string strMul(const string& num, char c){ int len = num.length(); int iC = c - '0'; int carry=0; string result=""; int i=len - 1; while(i>=0){ int total = (num[i] - '0') * iC + carry; result = (char)(total%10 + '0') + result; carry = total/10; i--; } if(carry>0){ result = (char)(carry + '0') + result; } return result; } string strAdd(const string& num1, const string& num2){ int len1=num1.length(); int len2=num2.length(); int carry=0; int i=len1-1, j=len2-1; string result=""; while(i>=0&&j>=0){ int total = (num1[i]-'0') + (num2[j]-'0') + carry; result =(char)(total%10 + '0') + result; carry = total/10; i--; j--; } while(i>=0){ int total = (num1[i]-'0') + carry; result = (char)(total%10 + '0') + result; carry = total/10; i--; } while(j>=0){ int total = (num2[j]-'0') + carry; result = (char)(total%10 + '0') + result; carry = total/10; j--; } if(carry>0){ result =(char)(carry + '0') + result; } return result; } };这里在leetcode中的时间比较多,主要是字符串不断拼接开销比较大,花费87ms。可以改成下列代码,只需要10ms:
class Solution { public: string multiply(string num1, string num2) { int len1=num1.length(); int len2=num2.length(); string result(len1 + len2 + 1, '0'); int i = len2-1; int offset = 0; while(i>=0){ strMul(num1, num2[i], result, offset); i--; offset++; } int len = result.length(); i = 0; while(i<len){ if(result[i]=='0'){ i++; }else{ break; } } if(i==len){ //结果为0的情况 return "0"; } return i>0 ? result.substr(i) : result; } void strMul(const string& num, char sc, string& result, int offset){ int c = sc - '0'; int carry=0; int i=num.length() - 1; int j=result.length()-1 - offset; while(i>=0){ int total = (num[i] - '0') * c + carry + (result[j] - '0'); carry = total/10; result[j] = total%10 + '0'; i--; j--; } while(carry>0){ int total = carry + (result[j] - '0'); carry = total/10; result[j] = total%10 + '0'; j--; } } };