/* * Data Structure * this file is the implemention of the Linked List * author: John Woods * date: 2015/5/7 * statement: anyone can use this file for any purpose */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <malloc.h> #define BOOL int #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 /* structure of the node */ typedef struct LLNode { int data; struct LLNode * next; } * LLNode; /* structure of the linked list */ typedef struct LinkedList { LLNode Head; int Length; }* LinkedList; /* menu declaration */ void menu(); void insert(LinkedList MyLL); void delete(LinkedList MyLL); void current(LinkedList MyLL); /* operations declaration */ void listInit(LinkedList * MyLL); void listInsert(LinkedList MyLL, int index, int value); BOOL listDelete(LinkedList MyLL, int index, int * value); void listTraverse(LinkedList MyLL); void listClear(LinkedList MyLL); void listDestroy(LinkedList * MyLL); BOOL getElem(LinkedList MyLL, int index, int * value); BOOL isExist(LinkedList MyLL); int main(void) { LinkedList MyLL = NULL; int choice; char c; while(TRUE) { menu(); while(!scanf("%d", &choice)) while(‘\n‘ != (c=getchar()) && EOF != c); switch(choice) { case 1: listInit(&MyLL); break; case 2: insert(MyLL); break; case 3: delete(MyLL); break; case 4: current(MyLL); break; case 5: listTraverse(MyLL); break; case 6: listClear(MyLL); break; case 7: listDestroy(&MyLL); break; default: exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); break; } } return 0; } /* menu implemention */ void menu() { printf("\n\t**********************MENU**********************\n"); printf("\t* 1.create a linked list 2.insert an element *\n"); printf("\t* 3.delete an element 4.get an element *\n"); printf("\t* 5.traverse the list 6.clear the list *\n"); printf("\t* 7.destroy the list 8.exit *\n"); printf("\t**********************MENU**********************\n"); printf("Give me your choice:"); } void insert(LinkedList MyLL) { int index, value; char c; while(TRUE) { printf("Please input the position:"); while(‘\n‘ != (c=getchar()) && EOF != c); while(!scanf("%d", &index)) while(‘\n‘ != (c=getchar()) && EOF != c); printf("Please input the value:"); while(‘\n‘ != (c=getchar()) && EOF != c); while(!scanf("%d", &value)) while(‘\n‘ != (c=getchar()) && EOF != c); listInsert(MyLL, index, value); while(‘\n‘ != (c=getchar()) && EOF != c); printf("Go on?(y/n):"); c = getchar(); if(c != ‘y‘ && c != ‘Y‘) break; } } void delete(LinkedList MyLL) { int index, value; char c; while(TRUE) { printf("Please input the position:"); while(‘\n‘ != (c=getchar()) && EOF != c); while(!scanf("%d", &index)) while(‘\n‘ != (c=getchar()) && EOF != c); if(listDelete(MyLL, index, &value)) { printf("The deleted value is %d in position %d\n", value, index); }else { printf("Delete unsuccessfully!\n"); } while(‘\n‘ != (c=getchar()) && EOF != c); printf("Go on?(y/n):"); c = getchar(); if(c != ‘y‘ && c != ‘Y‘) break; } } void current(LinkedList MyLL) { int index, value; char c; printf("Please input the position:"); while(‘\n‘ != (c=getchar()) && EOF != c); while(!scanf("%d", &index)) while(‘\n‘ != (c=getchar()) && EOF != c); if(getElem(MyLL, index, &value)) { printf("The value in position %d is %d\n", index, value); } } /* operations implemention */ void listInit(LinkedList * MyLL) { if(isExist(*MyLL)) { printf("Linked list already exist!\n"); return; } if(NULL == (*MyLL = (LinkedList)malloc(sizeof(struct LinkedList)))) { printf("Out of Memory!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } (*MyLL)->Length = 0; (*MyLL)->Head = NULL; printf("Initial successfully!\n"); } void listInsert(LinkedList MyLL, int index, int value) { if(!isExist(MyLL)) { printf("This linked list does not exist! Please initial it first!\n"); return; } if(index > MyLL->Length+1 || index < 1) { printf("You input wrong index!\n"); } LLNode pInsert = NULL, pNode = MyLL->Head; if(NULL == (pInsert = (LLNode)malloc(sizeof(struct LLNode)))) { printf("Out of memory!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } pInsert->data = value; pInsert->next = NULL; if(1 == index) { pInsert->next = MyLL->Head; MyLL->Head = pInsert; }else { --index; while(--index) pNode = pNode->next; pInsert->next = pNode->next->next; pNode->next = pInsert; } MyLL->Length++; pNode = NULL; pInsert = NULL; printf("Insert successfully!\n"); } BOOL listDelete(LinkedList MyLL, int index, int * value) { if(!isExist(MyLL)) { printf("This linked list does not exist! Please initial it first!\n"); return FALSE; } if(index > MyLL->Length || index < 1) { printf("You input wrong index!\n"); return FALSE; } LLNode pDelete = NULL, pNode = MyLL->Head; if(1 == index) { pDelete = MyLL->Head; MyLL->Head = MyLL->Head->next; }else { --index; while(--index) pNode = pNode->next; pDelete = pNode->next; pNode->next = pNode->next->next; } MyLL->Length--; *value = pDelete->data; free(pDelete); pNode = NULL; pDelete = NULL; printf("Delete successfully!\n"); return TRUE; } void listTraverse(LinkedList MyLL) { if(!isExist(MyLL)) { printf("This linked list does not exist! Please initial it first!\n"); return; } LLNode pNode = MyLL->Head; int Len = MyLL->Length; printf("Length of this linked list is %d\nIts elements are following:\n", MyLL->Length); printf("\tHead->"); while(pNode && Len) { printf("%d->", pNode->data); pNode = pNode->next; Len--; } printf("End\n"); } void listClear(LinkedList MyLL) { if(!isExist(MyLL)) { printf("This linked list does not exist! Please initial it first!\n"); return; } LLNode pDestroy = NULL, pNode = MyLL->Head; while(pNode) { pDestroy = pNode; pNode = pNode->next; free(pDestroy); } MyLL->Length = 0; printf("This linked list is empty now!\n"); } void listDestroy(LinkedList * MyLL) { if(!isExist(*MyLL)) { printf("This linked list does not exist!\n"); return; } listClear(*MyLL); free(*MyLL); *MyLL = NULL; printf("This linked list has been destroyed successfully!\n"); } BOOL getElem(LinkedList MyLL, int index, int * value) { if(!isExist(MyLL)) { printf("This linked list does not exist! Please initial it first!\n"); return FALSE; } if(index > MyLL->Length || index < 1) { printf("You got wrong index!\n"); return FALSE; } LLNode pNode = MyLL->Head; while(--index) pNode = pNode->next; *value = pNode->data; return TRUE; } BOOL isExist(LinkedList MyLL) { if(NULL == MyLL) { return FALSE; }else { return TRUE; } }