A number sequence is defined as follows:
f(1) = 1, f(2) = 1, f(n) = (A * f(n - 1) + B * f(n - 2)) mod 7.
Given A, B, and n, you are to calculate the value of f(n).
The input consists of multiple test cases. Each test case contains 3 integers A, B and n on a single line (1 <= A, B <= 1000, 1 <= n <= 100,000,000). Three zeros signal the end of input and this test case is not to be processed.
For each test case, print the value of f(n) on a single line.
1 1 3
1 2 10
0 0 0
using namespace std;
#define BUFFSIZE 200
int main(void)
int A, B, i;
long n;
int buf[BUFFSIZE];
while (cin >> A >> B >> n)
if (A == 0 || B == 0 || n == 0)
buf[1] = buf[2] = 1;
bool flag = false;
for (i = 3; i < BUFFSIZE; i++)
buf[i] = (A*buf[i-1] + B*buf[i - 2]) % 7;
if (buf[i] == 1 && buf[i - 1] == 1)
if (buf[i] == 0 && buf[i - 1] == 0)
flag = true;
if (flag)
cout << 0 << endl;
if (i > n)
cout << buf[n] << endl;
i -= 2;
n %= i;
if (n == 0) n = i;
cout << buf[n] << endl;
return 0;
这个题我是觉得有点奇葩,如果把for (i = 3; i < BUFFSIZE; i++)
修改为for (i = 3; i <= n; i++)
,运行起来就会 RuntimeError。
这道题我刚刚开始用递归,类斐波拉契数列来算,都是 RuntimeError,或者是Time Limit Exceeded**