1. Set up Variables:
Eclipse->Windows->Preferences->General->Workspace->**Linked Resources**
Click **New** button to add a Path Variable `COCOS2DX` pointing to the root cocos2d-x directory.
2. C/C++ Environment Variable `NDK_ROOT`:
Click **Add** button and add a new variable `NDK_ROOT` pointing to the root NDK directory.
3. Import libcocos2dx library project:
File->New->Project->Android Project From Existing Code.
Click **Browse** button and open `cocos2d-x/cocos2dx/platform/android/java` directory.
Click **Finish** to add project.
4. File->New->Project->Android Project From Existing Code
**Browse** to your project directory. eg: `cocos2d-x/cocos2dx/samples/Cpp/TestCpp/proj.android/`
Add the project
Click **Run** or **Debug** to compile C++ followed by Java and to run on connected device or emulator.
最后, 在Cygwin控制台下的Cocos2D根目录下执行下面语句
Chmod -R 755 *