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时间:2015-05-18 22:56:02      阅读:190      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]
Akka支持在运行时对角色消息循环 (例如它的的实现)进行实时替换: 在角色中调用getContext.become 方法。 热替换的代码被存在一个栈中,可以被pushed(replacing 或 adding 在顶部)和popped。


import akka.actor.ActorRef;
import akka.actor.ActorSystem;
import akka.actor.Props;
import akka.actor.UntypedActor;
import akka.event.Logging;
import akka.event.LoggingAdapter;
import akka.japi.Procedure;

public class UntypedActorSwapper {

  public static class Swap {
    public static Swap SWAP = new Swap();

    private Swap() {}

  public static class Swapper extends UntypedActor {
    LoggingAdapter log = Logging.getLogger(getContext().system(), this );

    public void onReceive(Object message ) {
      if ( message == Swap. SWAP ) {
        log.info( "Hi" );
        getContext().become( new Procedure<Object>() {
          public void apply(Object arg0) throws Exception {
            log.info( "Ho" );
            getContext().unbecome(); // resets the latest 'become'
        }, false ); // this signals stacking of the new behavior
      } else {
        unhandled( message);

  public static void main(String... args) {
    ActorSystem system = ActorSystem. create( "MySystem");
    ActorRef swap = system .actorOf(Props.create(Swapper. class ));
    swap.tell(Swap. SWAP , ActorRef.noSender()); // logs Hi
    swap.tell(Swap. SWAP , ActorRef.noSender()); // logs Ho
    swap.tell(Swap. SWAP , ActorRef.noSender()); // logs Hi
    swap.tell(Swap. SWAP , ActorRef.noSender()); // logs Ho
    swap.tell(Swap. SWAP , ActorRef.noSender()); // logs Hi
    swap.tell(Swap. SWAP , ActorRef.noSender()); // logs Ho


[INFO] [05/18/2015 22:49:10.122] [MySystem-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-2] [akka://MySystem/user/$a] Hi
[INFO] [05/18/2015 22:49:10.123] [MySystem-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-2] [akka://MySystem/user/$a] Ho
[INFO] [05/18/2015 22:49:10.123] [MySystem-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-2] [akka://MySystem/user/$a] Hi
[INFO] [05/18/2015 22:49:10.123] [MySystem-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-2] [akka://MySystem/user/$a] Ho
[INFO] [05/18/2015 22:49:10.123] [MySystem-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-2] [akka://MySystem/user/$a] Hi
[INFO] [05/18/2015 22:49:10.123] [MySystem-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-2] [akka://MySystem/user/$a] Ho



import static com.center.akka.become.Messages. Eat;
import static com.center.akka.become.Messages. Think;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit. MILLISECONDS;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit. SECONDS;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

import scala.PartialFunction;
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration;
import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration;
import scala.runtime.BoxedUnit;
import akka.actor.AbstractActor;
import akka.actor.ActorRef;
import akka.actor.ActorSystem;
import akka.actor.Props;
import akka.japi.pf.FI.TypedPredicate;
import akka.japi.pf.FI.UnitApply;
import akka.japi.pf.ReceiveBuilder;

import com.center.akka.become.Messages.Busy;
import com.center.akka.become.Messages.Put;
import com.center.akka.become.Messages.Take;
import com.center.akka.become.Messages.Taken;

public class DiningHakkersOnBecome {

   * 筷子是一个Actor,它可以被拿到或者放下
  public static class Chopstick extends AbstractActor {

    // 当一双筷子被一个黑客拿到后一根后,将会拒绝另外一个黑客拿另外一根,同时拥有筷子的黑客需要放回拿到的一根筷子
    PartialFunction<Object, BoxedUnit> takenBy( final ActorRef hakker ) {
      return ReceiveBuilder. match(Take. class, new UnitApply<Take>() {
        public void apply(Take t) throws Exception {
          t. hakker.tell( new Busy(self()), self());
      }).match(Put. class , new TypedPredicate<Put>() {
        public boolean defined(Put p) {
          return p .hakker == hakker ;
      }, new UnitApply<Put>() {
        public void apply(Put p) throws Exception {
          context().become( available );

    // 筷子可用状态
    PartialFunction<Object, BoxedUnit> available = ReceiveBuilder.match(Take. class, new UnitApply<Take>() {
      public void apply(Take t ) throws Exception {
        context().become(takenBy( t. hakker));
        t. hakker.tell( new Taken(self()), self());

    // 设置初始状态可用
    public Chopstick() {
      receive( available );

  public static class Hakker extends AbstractActor {
    private String name;
    private ActorRef left;
    private ActorRef right;

    public Hakker( final String name , ActorRef left, ActorRef right ) {
      this. name = name;
      this. left = left;
      this. right = right;
      // 设置默认首先去思考
      receive(ReceiveBuilder. matchEquals( Think, new UnitApply<Object>() {
        public void apply(Object i) throws Exception {
          System. out .println(String.format( "%s starts to think", name));
          startThinking(Duration. create(5, SECONDS));

    public Hakker() {
      receive(ReceiveBuilder. matchEquals( Think, new UnitApply<Object>() {
        public void apply(Object i) throws Exception {
          System. out .println(String.format( "%s starts to think", name));
          startThinking(Duration. create(5, SECONDS));

    // 吃行为:当黑客吃饭时,他会决定开始思考,并且放下手中的筷子。
    PartialFunction<Object, BoxedUnit> eating = ReceiveBuilder.matchEquals( Think, new UnitApply<Object>() {
      public void apply(Object i ) throws Exception {
        left.tell( new Put(self()), self());
        right.tell( new Put(self()), self());
        System. out .println(String.format( "%s puts down his chopsticks and starts to think", name));
        startThinking(Duration. create(5, SECONDS));

    // 等待另外筷子行为:当黑客等待另外一根筷子时他可以获得另外一根即可吃饭啦。如果另外一根筷子被占用,则他会放弃手中已有的筷子继续去思考怎么能拿到筷子去吃饭!!
    PartialFunction<Object, BoxedUnit> waitingFor( final ActorRef chopstickToWaitFor , final ActorRef otherChopstick ) {
      return ReceiveBuilder. match(Taken. class, new TypedPredicate<Taken>() {
        public boolean defined(Taken t) {
          return t .chopstick == chopstickToWaitFor ;

      }, new UnitApply<Taken>() {
        public void apply(Taken i) throws Exception {
          System. out .println(String.format( "%s has picked up %s and %s and starts to eat", name, left .path().name(), right .path().name()));
          context().become( eating);
          context().system().scheduler().scheduleOnce(Duration.create(5,SECONDS ), self(), Think, context().system().dispatcher(), self());
      }).match(Busy. class , new UnitApply<Busy>() {
        public void apply(Busy b) throws Exception {
          otherChopstick .tell(new Put(self()), self());
          startThinking(Duration. create(10, MILLISECONDS ));

    // 放弃筷子行为:如果抓筷子没抓到,则继续去思考
    PartialFunction<Object, BoxedUnit> deniedAChopstick = ReceiveBuilder.match(Taken. class, new UnitApply<Taken>() {
      public void apply(Taken t ) throws Exception {
        t. chopstick .tell(new Put(self()), self());
        startThinking(Duration. create(10, MILLISECONDS));
    }).match(Busy. class, new UnitApply<Busy>() {
      public void apply(Busy b ) throws Exception {
        startThinking(Duration. create(10, MILLISECONDS));

    // 饿行为:当一个黑客饿的时候,他会努力捡筷子去吃饭;当他拿到一根筷子时会等待去拿另外一根筷子;如果尝试拿一根筷子失败他会等待下一次抓筷子的响应。
    PartialFunction<Object, BoxedUnit> hungry = ReceiveBuilder.match(Taken. class, new TypedPredicate<Taken>() {

      public boolean defined(Taken t ) {
        return t .chopstick == left ;
    }, new UnitApply<Taken>() {
      public void apply(Taken t ) throws Exception {
        context().become(waitingFor( right, left));
    }).match(Taken. class, new TypedPredicate<Taken>() {
      public boolean defined(Taken t ) {
        return t .chopstick == right ;
    }, new UnitApply<Taken>() {
      public void apply(Taken t ) throws Exception {
        context().become(waitingFor( left, right));
    }).match(Busy. class, new UnitApply<Busy>() {
      public void apply(Busy b ) throws Exception {
        context().become( deniedAChopstick );

    // 思考行为:当黑客去思考时,会饿,然后去捡筷子吃饭
    PartialFunction<Object, BoxedUnit> thinking = ReceiveBuilder.matchEquals( Eat, new UnitApply<Object>() {
      public void apply(Object i ) throws Exception {
        context().become( hungry);
        left.tell( new Take(self()), self());
        right.tell( new Take(self()), self());


    private void startThinking(FiniteDuration duration ) {
      // 设置当前行为是思考
      context().become( thinking);
      // 定时过一段时间后去吃饭
      context().system().scheduler().scheduleOnce(duration , self(), Eat , context().system().dispatcher(), self());

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    ActorSystem system = ActorSystem. create();
    // 创建5双筷子
    ActorRef[] chopsticks = new ActorRef[5];
    for ( int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
      chopsticks[ i] = system .actorOf(Props.create(Chopstick. class ), "Chopstick" + i );

    // 创建5个黑客,并分配筷子
    List<String> names = Arrays. asList( "Ghosh", "Boner" , "Klang" , "Krasser" , "Manie" );
    List<ActorRef> hakkers = new ArrayList<ActorRef>();
    int i = 0;
    for (String name : names) {
      hakkers .add(system .actorOf(Props. create(Hakker. class, name , chopsticks [i ], chopsticks [(i + 1) % 5])));

    // 启动,黑客的初始状态是去思考
    for (ActorRef ar : hakkers) {
      ar.tell( Think, ActorRef. noSender());




Ghosh starts to think
Manie starts to think
Krasser starts to think
Boner starts to think
Klang starts to think
Klang has picked up Chopstick2 and Chopstick3 and starts to eat
Manie has picked up Chopstick4 and Chopstick0 and starts to eat
Klang puts down his chopsticks and starts to think
Boner has picked up Chopstick1 and Chopstick2 and starts to eat
Manie puts down his chopsticks and starts to think
Krasser has picked up Chopstick3 and Chopstick4 and starts to eat
Boner puts down his chopsticks and starts to think
Ghosh has picked up Chopstick0 and Chopstick1 and starts to eat
Krasser puts down his chopsticks and starts to think
Klang has picked up Chopstick2 and Chopstick3 and starts to eat



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