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rdlc报表 矩阵控件下的按组分页

时间:2015-05-29 17:46:28      阅读:514      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]
  1 --Finally page procedure
  2 create procedure RP_BIREPORTSO
  3     @year INT,
  4     @month INT
  5 as
  6 begin
  7     WITH table_group AS (
  8         SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY a.item_id) num_groupby,
  9                a.item_id
 10         FROM   (
 11                    SELECT wite.item_id,
 12                    wite.create_datetime
 13                    FROM   (
 14                               SELECT waus.user_id,
 15                                      waac.action_id
 16                               FROM   ws_account_action waac
 17                                      JOIN ws_account_user waus
 18                                           ON  waac.ws_uid = waus.ws_uid
 19                               WHERE  waac.parent_action_id IS NULL
 20                                      AND waac.ws_action_type = BI
 21                                      AND waac.the_year = @year
 22                                      AND waac.the_month = @month
 23                           ) AS waac
 24                           JOIN (
 25                                    SELECT wite.item_id,
 26                                           ware.action_id,
 27                                           wite.create_datetime
 28                                    FROM   ws_account_request ware
 29                                           LEFT JOIN ws_item wite
 30                                                ON  ware.item_id = wite.item_id
 31                                    WHERE  wite.enable_flg = 1
 33                                ) AS wite
 34                                ON  wite.action_id = waac.action_id
 35                    UNION
 36                    SELECT wite.item_id,
 37                    wite.create_datetime
 38                    FROM   ws_item wite,
 39                           (
 40                               SELECT waus.user_id
 41                               FROM   ws_account_action waac
 42                                      JOIN ws_account_user waus
 43                                           ON  waac.ws_uid = waus.ws_uid
 44                               WHERE  waac.parent_action_id IS NULL
 45                                      AND waac.ws_action_type = BI
 46                                      AND waac.the_year = @year
 47                                      AND waac.the_month = @month
 48                                      AND waac.action_id NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT 
 49                                                                        action_id
 50                                                                 FROM   
 51                                                                        ws_account_request)
 52                           ) AS waac
 53                    WHERE  wite.enable_flg = 1
 55                ) a
 56         GROUP BY
 57                a.item_id
 58     )
 59     --Union exist relation data and other need display data
 60     SELECT 
 61             tg.num_groupby,
 62             alldata.item_id,
 63            alldata.ledge_folio,
 64            alldata.item_desc_en,
 65            alldata.unit,
 66            alldata.create_datetime,
 67            alldata.quantity_issued_count,
 68            alldata.user_id,
 69            alldata.quantity_issued_total
 71     FROM   (
 72                SELECT wite.item_id,
 73                       wite.ledge_folio,
 74                       wite.item_desc_en,
 75                       wite.unit,
 76                       wite.create_datetime,
 77                       wite.approved_qty AS quantity_issued_count,
 78                       waac.user_id,
 79                       (
 80                           SELECT SUM(ware2.approved_qty)
 81                           FROM   ws_account_request ware2
 82                                  LEFT JOIN ws_item wite2
 83                                       ON  ware2.item_id = wite2.item_id
 84                           WHERE  wite2.enable_flg = 1
 85                                  AND wite2.item_id = wite.item_id
 86                           GROUP BY
 87                                  wite2.item_id
 88                       ) AS quantity_issued_total
 89                FROM   (
 90                           SELECT waus.user_id,
 91                                  waac.action_id
 92                           FROM   ws_account_action waac
 93                                  JOIN ws_account_user waus
 94                                       ON  waac.ws_uid = waus.ws_uid
 95                           WHERE  waac.parent_action_id IS NULL
 96                                  AND waac.ws_action_type = BI
 97                                  AND waac.the_year = @year
 98                                  AND waac.the_month = @month
 99                       ) AS waac
100                       JOIN (
101                                SELECT wite.item_id,
102                                       wite.ledge_folio,
103                                       wite.item_desc_en,
104                                       wite.unit,
105                                       wite.create_datetime,
106                                       ware.approved_qty,
107                                       ware.action_id
108                                FROM   ws_account_request ware
109                                       LEFT JOIN ws_item wite
110                                            ON  ware.item_id = wite.item_id
111                                WHERE  wite.enable_flg = 1
112                            ) AS wite
113                            ON  wite.action_id = waac.action_id
114                UNION
115                SELECT wite.item_id,
116                       wite.ledge_folio,
117                       wite.item_desc_en,
118                       wite.unit,
119                       wite.create_datetime,
120                       0 AS quantity_issued_count,
121                       waac.user_id,
122                       (
123                           SELECT SUM(ware2.approved_qty)
124                           FROM   ws_account_request ware2
125                                  LEFT JOIN ws_item wite2
126                                       ON  ware2.item_id = wite2.item_id
127                           WHERE  wite2.enable_flg = 1
128                                  AND wite2.item_id = wite.item_id
129                                  and waac.action_id = ware2.action_id
130                           GROUP BY
131                                  wite2.item_id
132                       ) AS quantity_issued_total
133                FROM   ws_item wite,
134                       (
135                           SELECT waus.user_id,waac.action_id
136                           FROM   ws_account_action waac
137                                  JOIN ws_account_user waus
138                                       ON  waac.ws_uid = waus.ws_uid
139                           WHERE  waac.parent_action_id IS NULL
140                                  AND waac.ws_action_type = BI
141                                  AND waac.the_year = @year
142                                  AND waac.the_month = @month
143                                  AND waac.action_id NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT 
144                                                                    action_id
145                                                             FROM   
146                                                                    ws_account_request)
147                       ) AS waac
148                WHERE  wite.enable_flg = 1
149            ) alldata
150            LEFT JOIN table_group tg
151                 ON  alldata.item_id = tg.item_id
152 end
153 go



  • 矩阵控件
  • 添加分组,分组表达式控制分页
  • rdlc内置函数的使用
    =IIF(Fields!quantity_issued_count.Value <> 0,Fields!quantity_issued_count.Value,"---")
 1 private void InitData()
 2 {
 3     int year = int.Parse(Request["year"]);
 4     int month = int.Parse(Request["month"]);
 5     DataTable dt = Bll.Report.BiReport.GetReportBySO(year, month);
 6     int count = dt.Rows.Count;
 7     if (count == 0)
 8     {
 9         this.RegisterJS("alert(‘Without relevant data!‘);window.opener=null;window.open(‘‘,‘_self‘);window.close();");
10         return;
11     }
12     var q = from p in dt.AsEnumerable()
13             group p by p["user_id"].ToString() into g
14             select new
15             {
16                 UserId = g.Key
17             };
18     //int columnCount = q.Count<object>();
19     int allDataCount = int.Parse(dt.Rows[count - 1]["num_groupby"].ToString());
20     int rowCount = 33;
21     if (allDataCount % rowCount != 0)
22     {
23         int addRowCount = rowCount - allDataCount % rowCount;
24         DataRow dr;
25         for (int i = 0; i < addRowCount; i++)
26         {
27             ++allDataCount;
28             foreach (var item in q)
29             {
30                 dr = dt.NewRow();
31                 dr["user_id"] = item.UserId;
32                 dr["num_groupby"] = allDataCount;
33                 dr["item_id"] = -i;
34                 dr["create_datetime"] = "1900/1/1";
35                 dt.Rows.Add(dr);
36             }
37         }
38     }
39     //Control every first record is right
40     DataView dv = dt.DefaultView;
41     dv.Sort = "num_groupby,quantity_issued_total desc";
42     dt = dv.ToTable();
43     DateTime startDate = DateTime.MinValue, endDate = DateTime.MinValue;
44     StartDateAndEndDate(ref startDate, ref endDate);
45     ReportViewer1.Visible = true;
46     ReportViewer1.LocalReport.ReportPath = MapPath("BiReportSo.rdlc");
47     ReportDataSource rds = new ReportDataSource("dsBiReportSo", dt);
48     this.ReportViewer1.LocalReport.SetParameters(new ReportParameter("parmDept", BelongUnitName()));
49     this.ReportViewer1.LocalReport.SetParameters(new ReportParameter("parmStartDate", string.Format("{0:d}", startDate)));
50     this.ReportViewer1.LocalReport.SetParameters(new ReportParameter("parmEndDate", string.Format("{0:d}", endDate)));
51     ReportViewer1.LocalReport.DataSources.Clear();
52     ReportViewer1.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(rds);
53 }



rdlc报表 矩阵控件下的按组分页


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