Dim Foldar As String
Private Sub btn(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Row = 1 And Target.Column = 1 Then
End If
End Sub
Sub Search()
With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
If .Show = True Then
Foldar = .SelectedItems(1)
‘Range("D3").Value = Foldar
selectjs (Foldar)
End If
End With
End Sub
Public Function selectjs(ByVal lujing As String)
Dim MyFile As String
Dim s As String
Dim i As Integer
MyFile = Dir(lujing & "\" & "*.js")
count = count + 1
s = MyFile
output (s) Do While MyFile <> ""
MyFile = Dir
If MyFile = "" Then
count = 0 Exit Do
End If
count = count + 1
s = MyFile
output (s)
Debug.Print s
End Function
Public Function output(sname)
Range("A" & count).Value = sname
End Function