1 ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(3); 2 CompletionService<String> completionService = new ExecutorCompletionService<String>(executor); 3 Future<String> future = completionService.submit(new Callable<String>() { 4 5 public String call() throws Exception { 6 // do something... 7 return "success"; 8 } 9 }); 10 11 // 其它的程序逻辑。。。 12 13 // 异步的获取执行结果 14 String result = future.get();
1 public Future<V> submit(Callable<V> task) { 2 if (task == null) throw new NullPointerException(); 3 RunnableFuture<V> f = newTaskFor(task); 4 executor.execute(new QueueingFuture(f)); 5 return f; 6 } 7 8 public Future<V> submit(Runnable task, V result) { 9 if (task == null) throw new NullPointerException(); 10 RunnableFuture<V> f = newTaskFor(task, result); 11 executor.execute(new QueueingFuture(f)); 12 return f; 13 }
1 private RunnableFuture<V> newTaskFor(Callable<V> task) { 2 if (aes == null) 3 return new FutureTask<V>(task); 4 else 5 return aes.newTaskFor(task); 6 }
1 public FutureTask(Callable<V> callable) { 2 if (callable == null) 3 throw new NullPointerException(); 4 sync = new Sync(callable); 5 }
1 /** 2 * Synchronization control for FutureTask. Note that this must be 3 * a non-static inner class in order to invoke the protected 4 * <tt>done</tt> method. For clarity, all inner class support 5 * methods are same as outer, prefixed with "inner". 6 * 7 * Uses AQS sync state to represent run status 8 */ 9 private final class Sync extends AbstractQueuedSynchronizer { 10 11 /** The underlying callable */ 12 private final Callable<V> callable; 13 /** The result to return from get() */ 14 private V result; 15 /** The exception to throw from get() */ 16 private Throwable exception; 17 18 Sync(Callable<V> callable) { 19 this.callable = callable; 20 } 21 22 V innerGet() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { 23 acquireSharedInterruptibly(0); 24 if (getState() == CANCELLED) 25 throw new CancellationException(); 26 if (exception != null) 27 throw new ExecutionException(exception); 28 return result; 29 } 30 31 void innerSet(V v) { 32 for (;;) { 33 int s = getState(); 34 if (s == RAN) 35 return; 36 if (s == CANCELLED) { 37 // aggressively release to set runner to null, 38 // in case we are racing with a cancel request 39 // that will try to interrupt runner 40 releaseShared(0); 41 return; 42 } 43 if (compareAndSetState(s, RAN)) { 44 result = v; 45 releaseShared(0); 46 done(); 47 return; 48 } 49 } 50 } 51 52 void innerSetException(Throwable t) { 53 for (;;) { 54 int s = getState(); 55 if (s == RAN) 56 return; 57 if (s == CANCELLED) { 58 // aggressively release to set runner to null, 59 // in case we are racing with a cancel request 60 // that will try to interrupt runner 61 releaseShared(0); 62 return; 63 } 64 if (compareAndSetState(s, RAN)) { 65 exception = t; 66 result = null; 67 releaseShared(0); 68 done(); 69 return; 70 } 71 } 72 } 73 74 void innerRun() { 75 if (!compareAndSetState(0, RUNNING)) 76 return; 77 try { 78 runner = Thread.currentThread(); 79 if (getState() == RUNNING) // recheck after setting thread 80 innerSet(callable.call()); 81 else 82 releaseShared(0); // cancel 83 } catch (Throwable ex) { 84 innerSetException(ex); 85 } 86 } 87 88 // others codes 89 }
上述代码第74行的innerRun()方法:注意外部类是FutureTask,实现了Runnable接口,事实上就是最开始所说的submit()方法中,最终要执行的Runnable任务,此时执行的其实是内部类的innerRun(),通过代码的第80行可以看出,是调用了callable.call()并把返回值通过innerSet(V v)赋值给了成员变量result。如果callable.call()有异常,则通过innerSetException(Throwable t)赋值给成员变量exception。
1 public Future<V> submit(Callable<V> task) { 2 if (task == null) throw new NullPointerException(); 3 RunnableFuture<V> f = newTaskFor(task); 4 executor.execute(new QueueingFuture(f)); 5 return f; 6 }
1 /** 2 * FutureTask extension to enqueue upon completion 3 */ 4 private class QueueingFuture extends FutureTask<Void> { 5 QueueingFuture(RunnableFuture<V> task) { 6 super(task, null); 7 this.task = task; 8 } 9 protected void done() { completionQueue.add(task); } 10 private final Future<V> task; 11 }
JDK源码分析之concurrent包(三) -- Future方式的实现