call productpricing ( @ pricelow,
@ pricehigh,
@ priceaverage
CREATE PROCEDURE productpricing() BEGIN SELECT AVG(prod_price) AS priceaverage FROM products; END;
DELIMITER // CREATE PROCEDURE productpricing() BEGIN SELECT AVG(prod_price) AS priceaverage FROM products; END // DELIMITER ;
CALL productpricing();
+--------------+ | priceaverage | +--------------+ | 16.133571 | +--------------+
DROP PROCEDURE productpricing;
DELIMITER // CREATE PROCEDURE pricing( OUT pl DECIMAL(8, 2), OUT ph DECIMAL (8, 2), OUT pa DECIMAL (8, 2), ) BEGIN SELECT MIN (prod_price) INTO pl FROM productes; SELECT MAX (prod_price) INTO ph FROM productes; SELECT AVG (prod_price) INTO pa FROM productes; END // DELIMITER ;
CALL pricing (@pricelow, @pricehigh, @pricevarage );
SELECT @pricevarage
+--------+ | @pricevarage| +--------+ | 55.00 | +--------+
为了获得 3个值,可使用以下语句:
SELECT @pricelow, @pricehigh, @pricevarage ;
create procedure ordertotal ( in onumber int, out ototal decimal (8,2) ) begin select sum(item_price * quantity) from orderitems where order_num = onumber into ototal; end //
call ordertotal(20005, @total);
SELECT @total;
+--------+ | @total | +--------+ | 192.37| +--------+
call ordertotal(20009, @total); SELECT @total;
+--------+ | @total | +--------+ | 38.47 | +--------+
-- Name: ordertotal // 添加注释 -- Parameters: onumber = order number -- taxable = 0 if not taxable, 1 if taxtable -- ototal = order total variable CREATE PROCEDURE ordertotal ( IN onumber INT, IN taxable BOOLEAN, OUT ototal DECIMAL(8,2) ) COMMENT ‘Obtain order total, optionally adding tax‘ BEGIN -- Declare variable for total DECLARE total DECIMAL(8.2); // 声明变量 -- Declare tax percentage DECLARE taxrate INT DEFAULT 6; -- Get the order total SELECT SUM(item_price * quantity) FROM orderitems WHERE order_num = onumber INTO total -- Is this taxable? IF taxable THEN -- Yes, so add taxrate to the total SELECT total + (total / 100 * taxrate) INTO total; END IF; -- And finally, save to out variable SELECT total INTO ototal; END;
call ordertotal(20009, 0,@total); SELECT @total;
+--------+ | @total | +--------+ | 38.47 | +--------+
call ordertotal(20009, 1,@total); SELECT @total;
+--------+ | @total | +--------+ | 36.21 | +--------+
show create procedure ordertotal;
SHOW PROCEDURE STATUS like ‘ordertotal‘;