获取文件上传进度的方法很多,该文介绍的是使用session.upload_progress,基于PHP 5.4以上版本的方法。
【1】文件php.ini 配置
session.upload_progress.enabled[=1] : 是否启用上传进度报告(默认开启)
session.upload_progress.cleanup[=1] : 是否在上传完成后及时删除进度数据(默认开启, 推荐开启).
session.upload_progress.prefix[=upload_progress_] : 进度数据将存储在_SESSION[session.upload_progress.prefix . _POST[session.upload_progress.name]]
session.upload_progress.name[=PHP_SESSION_UPLOAD_PROGRESS] : 如果_POST[session.upload_progress.name]没有被设置, 则不会报告进度.
session.upload_progress.freq[=1%] : 更新进度的频率(已经处理的字节数), 也支持百分比表示’%’.
session.upload_progress.min_freq[=1.0] : 更新进度的时间间隔(秒级)
;允许客户端单个POST请求发送的最大数据 M
;接受所有数据到开始执行脚本的最大时间 S
;脚本的最大执行时间 S
file_uploads = On
;允许单个请求上传的最大文件大小 M
upload_max_filesize = 2048M
max_file_uploads = 20
【2】 _FILES变量简介
$_FILES["file"]["name"] - 被上传文件的名称 $_FILES["file"]["type"] - 被上传文件的类型 $_FILES["file"]["size"] - 被上传文件的大小,以字节计 $_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"] - 存储在服务器的文件的临时副本的名称 $_FILES["file"]["error"] - 由文件上传导致的错误代码
设置session.upload_progress.name key的值
<?php if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.4.0', '<')) exit('ERROR: Your PHP version is ' . phpversion() . ' but this script requires PHP 5.4.0 or higher.'); if (!intval(ini_get('session.upload_progress.enabled'))) exit('session.upload_progress.enabled is not enabled, please activate it in your PHP config file to use this script.'); require_once ("upload.class.php"); ?> <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> </head> <body> <form id="upload-form" action="upload.php" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <!--设置session.upload_progress.name Key的值--> <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo ini_get("session.upload_progress.name"); ?>" value="<?php echo CUpload::UPLOAD_PROGRESS_PREFIX; ?>" /> <table> <tr> <td><input name="file1[]" type="file" align="right"/></td> <td><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="上传"/></td> </tr> </table> </form> </body> </html>
<?php class CUpload { const UPLOAD_PROGRESS_PREFIX = 'progress_bar'; private $_sMsg, $_sUploadDir, $_sProgressKey; // The short array syntax (only for PHP 5.4.0 and higher) private $_aErrFile = [ UPLOAD_ERR_OK => 'There is no error, the file uploaded with success.', UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE => 'The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini.', UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE => 'The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form.', UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL => 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded.', UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE => 'No file was uploaded.', UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR => 'Missing a temporary folder.', UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE => 'Failed to write file to disk.', UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION => 'A PHP extension stopped the file upload.' ]; public function __construct() { // Session initialization if ('' === session_id()) session_start(); $this->_sUploadDir = 'uploads/'; $this->_sProgressKey = strtolower(ini_get('session.upload_progress.prefix') . static::UPLOAD_PROGRESS_PREFIX); } public function __destruct() { if ('' !== session_id()) { $_SESSION = array(); session_destroy(); } } /** * @return object this */ public function addFile() { if(!empty($_FILES)) { $this->_sMsg = ''; foreach($_FILES as $sKey => $aFiles) { for($i = 0, $iNumFiles = count($aFiles['tmp_name']); $i < $iNumFiles; $i++) { /** * 获取上传文件的参数 */ $iErrCode = $aFiles['error'][$i]; $iSize = $aFiles['size'][$i]; $sFileName = $aFiles['name'][$i]; $sTmpFile = $aFiles['tmp_name'][$i]; $sFileDest = $this->_sUploadDir . $sFileName; $sTypeFile = $aFiles['type'][$i]; /** * 检测文件类型 */ //$bIsImgExt = (strtolower(substr(strrchr($sFileName, '.'), 1))); // Get the file extension //if(($bIsImgExt == 'jpeg' || $bIsImgExt == 'jpg' || $bIsImgExt == 'png' || $bIsImgExt == 'gif') && (strstr($sTypeFile, '/', true) === 'image')) { if($iErrCode == UPLOAD_ERR_OK) { move_uploaded_file($sTmpFile, $sFileDest); $this->_sMsg .= '<p style="color:green; font-weight:bold; text-align:center">Successful "' . $sFileName . '" file upload!</p>'; $this->_sMsg .= '<p style="text-align:center">Image type: ' . str_replace('image/', '', $sTypeFile) . '<br />'; $this->_sMsg .= 'Size: ' . round($iSize / 1024) . ' KB<br />'; $this->_sMsg .= '<a href="' . $sFileDest . '" title="Click here to see the original file" target="_blank"><img src="' . $sFileDest . '" alt="' . $sFileName . '" width="300" height="250" style="border:1.5px solid #ccc; border-radius:5px" /></a></p>'; } else { $this->_sMsg .= '<p style="color:red; font-weight:bold; text-align:center">Error while downloading the file "' . $sFileName . '"<br />'; $this->_sMsg .= 'Error code: "' . $iErrCode . '"<br />'; $this->_sMsg .= 'Error message: "' . $this->_aErrFile[$iErrCode] . '"</p>'; } } //else { // $this->_sMsg .= '<p style="color:red; font-weight:bold; text-align:center">File type incompatible. Please save the image in .jpg, .jpeg, .png or .gif</p>'; } } } } else { $this->_sMsg = '<p style="color:red; font-weight:bold; text-align:center">You must select at least one file before submitting the form.</p>'; } return $this; } /** * 中断文件上传 * * @return object this */ public function cancel() { if (!empty($_SESSION[$this->_sProgressKey])) $_SESSION[$this->_sProgressKey]['cancel_upload'] = true; return $this; } /** * @return 上传进度 */ public function progress() { if(!empty($_SESSION[$this->_sProgressKey])) { $aData = $_SESSION[$this->_sProgressKey]; $iProcessed = $aData['bytes_processed']; $iLength = $aData['content_length']; $iProgress = ceil(100*$iProcessed / $iLength); } else { $iProgress = 100; } return $iProgress; } /** * @return object this */ public function show() { ob_start(); echo '<p><strong>$_FILES Result:</strong></p><pre>'; var_dump($_FILES); echo '</pre>'; echo '<p><strong>$_SESSION Result:</strong></p><pre>'; var_dump($_SESSION); echo '</pre>'; $this->_sMsg = ob_get_clean(); return $this; } /** * Get the JSON informational message. * * @param integer $iStatus, 1 = success, 0 = error * @param string $sTxt * @return string JSON Format. */ public static function jsonMsg($iStatus, $sTxt) { return '{"status":' . $iStatus . ',"txt":"' . $sTxt . '"}'; } /** * Get the informational message. * * @return string */ public function __toString() { return $this->_sMsg; } }
<?php require_once ("upload.class.php"); $upload = new CUpload; $upload->addFile(); echo $upload; /*$_SESSION["upload_progress_testUpload"] = array( "start_time" => 1234567890, // 请求时间 "content_length" => 57343257, // 上传文件总大小 "bytes_processed" => 453489, // 已经处理的大小 "done" => false, // 当所有上传处理完成后为TRUE "files" => array( 0 => array( "field_name" => "file1", // 表单中上传框的名字 // The following 3 elements equals those in $_FILES "name" => "foo.avi", "tmp_name" => "/tmp/phpxxxxxx", "error" => 0, "done" => true, // 当这个文件处理完成后会变成TRUE "start_time" => 1234567890, // 这个文件开始处理时间 "bytes_processed" => 57343250, // 这个文件已经处理的大小 ), // An other file, not finished uploading, in the same request 1 => array( "field_name" => "file2", "name" => "bar.avi", "tmp_name" => NULL, "error" => 0, "done" => false, "start_time" => 1234567899, "bytes_processed" => 54554, ), ) );*/ ?>获取文件上传进度
<?php session_start(); require_once ("upload.class.php"); echo (new CUpload())->progress(); ?>