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motion_ptr->feed_value 的值为0时生成G00,非0时生成G01。
加工CAM的入口函数是udop,此入口函数和常用的UG二次开发入口函数ufusr并列,不需要在ufusr中调用,直接在ufusr所在的CPP文件中写入udop函数即可,或者将udop放在一单独的.c文件中,在ufusr所在的CPP文件中包含也可以,#include "path.c"。
编译出来的dll文件不能像普通的二次开发文件一样直接用Crtl + U 调用,必须先在ugii_env.dat文件中定义好变量,例如abs=d:\path.dll。此abc即是变量,然后使用UG的自定义加工模板调用此变量就OK了。

#include <uf_defs.h>
#include <uf_cam.h>
#include <uf_udop.h>
#include <uf_oper.h>
#include <uf_path.h>
#include <uf.h>
#include <uf_exit.h>
#include <stdio.h>

extern void udop(char *param, int *status, int parm_len)
  char   op_name[UF_OPER_OPNAME_LEN];
  UF_UDOP_id_t                udop_id;
  UF_UDOP_purpose_t        purpose;
  UF_OPER_id_t                oper_id;
  UF_PATH_id_t                path_id;

  UF_CAM_exit_id_t    exit_id = (UF_CAM_exit_id_t)param;
  UF_UDOP_ask_udop( exit_id, &udop_id);
  UF_UDOP_ask_oper( udop_id, &oper_id);
  UF_UDOP_ask_purpose( udop_id, &purpose);
  UF_OPER_ask_name( oper_id, op_name);
  UF_OPER_ask_path( oper_id, &path_id);

  if( purpose == UF_UDOP_GENERATE )
    /************  To input GOTO/ motion*************/
      UF_PATH_linear_motion_t    motion,*motion_ptr = &motion;
      motion_ptr->feed_value = 0.0;
      motion_ptr->feed_unit = UF_PATH_FEED_UNIT_NONE;
      motion_ptr->type = UF_PATH_MOTION_TYPE_CUT;
      motion_ptr->tool_axis[0] =0.0;
      motion_ptr->tool_axis[1] =0.0;
      motion_ptr->tool_axis[2] =1.0;
      motion_ptr->position[0] =10.0;
      motion_ptr->position[1] =10.0;
      motion_ptr->position[2] =10.0;
      UF_PATH_create_linear_motion( path_id, motion_ptr);
      motion_ptr->position[0] =500.0;
      motion_ptr->position[1] =500.0;
      motion_ptr->position[2] =500.0;
      UF_PATH_create_linear_motion( path_id, motion_ptr);

      UF_PATH_cutcom_t  cutcom_data;
      cutcom_data.cutcom_mode = UF_PATH_CUTCOM_ON;
      cutcom_data.plane_type = UF_PATH_PLANE_TYPE_XY;
      cutcom_data.cutcom_on_status = 
      cutcom_data.cutcom_off_status = 
      cutcom_data.adjust_register = 2;
      cutcom_data.full_cutcom_output = TRUE;
      cutcom_data.adjust_flag = TRUE;
      UF_PATH_create_cutcom( path_id, &cutcom_data, NULL ); 

      UF_PATH_end_tool_path( path_id ); 




                    Copyright (c) 2009 Siemens PLM Software 
                    Unpublished - All rights reserved

File description: Sample NX/Open Application

This is basic example of how to write a UDOP entry in CS
To use this after you build the dll as cs_udop.dll
1) Put the dll in a folder - for example c:\my_udops2) Create an system environment variable MYCORP_UDOP_2 and set it to
3) Now in NX CAM create a MILL_USER and in the UI enter MYCORP_UDOP_2
   for the "CAM API Exit Name in the user interface
   press either "User Parameters" or "Generate" to see the results


using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Globalization;
using NXOpen;
using NXOpen.UF;
using NXOpen.UIStyler;

namespace test1
    public class Class1

        //       SESSION ATTRIBUTES
        // Native .NET Session
        internal static NXOpen.Session Nts = Session.GetSession();
        // User Function Session
        internal static NXOpen.UF.UFSession Ufs = UFSession.GetUFSession();
        // Native UI Session
        internal static NXOpen.UI Uis = UI.GetUI();
        // Native CAM Session
        internal static NXOpen.CAM.CAMSession Cams = Nts.CAMSession;
        // Native Remote Utilities Session
        internal static NXOpen.RemoteUtilities Rus = RemoteUtilities.GetRemoteUtilities();

        // Native Listing Window
        internal static NXOpen.ListingWindow LW = Nts.ListingWindow;
        // Native Message Box
        internal static NXOpen.NXMessageBox MBox = Uis.NXMessageBox;
        // WorkPart
        internal static NXOpen.Part WorkPart = Nts.Parts.Work;

        // ************************************************************************************

        public static void Main()


        public static int udop(string inString)
            IntPtr udopPtr = IntPtr.Zero;
            IntPtr operPtr = IntPtr.Zero;
            UFUdop.Purpose purpose;
            string operName = string.Empty;
            IntPtr pathPtr = IntPtr.Zero;

            Ufs.Udop.AskUdop(IntPtr.Zero, out udopPtr);
            Ufs.Udop.AskOper(udopPtr, out operPtr);
            Ufs.Udop.AskPurpose(udopPtr, out purpose);
            Ufs.Oper.AskName(operPtr, out operName);
            Ufs.Oper.AskPath(operPtr, out pathPtr);

            if (purpose == UFUdop.Purpose.UserParams)
                MBox.Show("User Params", NXMessageBox.DialogType.Information, "User Params");

            if (purpose == UFUdop.Purpose.Generate)

                UFPath.LinearMotion linearMotion;
                linearMotion.feed_value = 0;
                linearMotion.type = UFPath.MotionType.MotionTypeCut;
                linearMotion.feed_unit = UFPath.FeedUnit.FeedUnitNone;
                double[] pos = { 0, 0, 0 };
                linearMotion.position = pos;
                double[] tAxis = { 0, 0, 1 };
                linearMotion.tool_axis = tAxis;
                Ufs.Path.CreateLinearMotion(pathPtr, ref linearMotion);

                linearMotion.position[0] = 0;
                linearMotion.position[1] = 0.707;
                linearMotion.position[2] = 0.707;
                linearMotion.tool_axis[0] = 0;
                linearMotion.tool_axis[1] = 1;
                linearMotion.tool_axis[2] = 0;
                Ufs.Path.CreateLinearMotion(pathPtr, ref linearMotion);

                linearMotion.position[0] = 1;
                linearMotion.position[1] = 0;
                linearMotion.position[2] = 0;
                linearMotion.tool_axis[0] = 0;
                linearMotion.tool_axis[1] = 1;
                linearMotion.tool_axis[2] = 1;
                Ufs.Path.CreateLinearMotion(pathPtr, ref linearMotion);


            return 0;

        // ************************************************************************************

        public static int GetUnloadOption(string arg)
            return System.Convert.ToInt32(Session.LibraryUnloadOption.Immediately);


‘                    Copyright (c) 2009 Siemens PLM Software                     Unpublished - All rights reserved
‘=============================================================================== =============================================================================File description: Sample NX/Open Application
‘This is basic example of how to write a UDOP entry in CSTo use this after you build the dll as cs_udop.dll1) Put the dll in a folder - for example c:\my_udops\2) Create an system environment variable MYCORP_UDOP_2 and set it to   c:\my_udops\cs_udop.dll3) Now in NX CAM create a MILL_USER and in the UI enter MYCORP_UDOP_2   for the "CAM API Exit Name in the user interface   press either "User Parameters" or "Generate" to see the results

Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Globalization
Imports NXOpen
Imports NXOpen.UF
Imports NXOpen.UIStyler

Namespace test1
    Public Class Class1

         Native .NET Session
        Friend Shared Nts As NXOpen.Session = Session.GetSession()
         User Function Session
        Friend Shared Ufs As NXOpen.UF.UFSession = UFSession.GetUFSession()
         Native UI Session
        Friend Shared Uis As NXOpen.UI = UI.GetUI()
         Native CAM Session
        Friend Shared Cams As NXOpen.CAM.CAMSession = Nts.CAMSession
         Native Remote Utilities Session
        Friend Shared Rus As NXOpen.RemoteUtilities = RemoteUtilities.GetRemoteUtilities()

         Native Listing Window
        Friend Shared LW As NXOpen.ListingWindow = Nts.ListingWindow
         Native Message Box
        Friend Shared MBox As NXOpen.NXMessageBox = Uis.NXMessageBox
        Friend Shared WorkPart As NXOpen.Part = Nts.Parts.Work


        Public Shared Sub Main()

        End Sub

        Public Shared Function udop(inString As String) As Integer
            Dim udopPtr As IntPtr = IntPtr.Zero
            Dim operPtr As IntPtr = IntPtr.Zero
            Dim purpose As UFUdop.Purpose
            Dim operName As String = String.Empty
            Dim pathPtr As IntPtr = IntPtr.Zero

            Ufs.Udop.AskUdop(IntPtr.Zero, udopPtr)
            Ufs.Udop.AskOper(udopPtr, operPtr)
            Ufs.Udop.AskPurpose(udopPtr, purpose)
            Ufs.Oper.AskName(operPtr, operName)
            Ufs.Oper.AskPath(operPtr, pathPtr)

            If purpose = UFUdop.Purpose.UserParams Then
                MBox.Show("User Params", NXMessageBox.DialogType.Information, "User Params")
            End If

            If purpose = UFUdop.Purpose.Generate Then

                Dim linearMotion As UFPath.LinearMotion
                linearMotion.feed_value = 0
                linearMotion.type = UFPath.MotionType.MotionTypeCut
                linearMotion.feed_unit = UFPath.FeedUnit.FeedUnitNone
                Dim pos As Double() = {0, 0, 0}
                linearMotion.position = pos
                Dim tAxis As Double() = {0, 0, 1}
                linearMotion.tool_axis = tAxis
                Ufs.Path.CreateLinearMotion(pathPtr, linearMotion)

                linearMotion.position(0) = 0
                linearMotion.position(1) = 0.707
                linearMotion.position(2) = 0.707
                linearMotion.tool_axis(0) = 0
                linearMotion.tool_axis(1) = 1
                linearMotion.tool_axis(2) = 0
                Ufs.Path.CreateLinearMotion(pathPtr, linearMotion)

                linearMotion.position(0) = 1
                linearMotion.position(1) = 0
                linearMotion.position(2) = 0
                linearMotion.tool_axis(0) = 0
                linearMotion.tool_axis(1) = 1
                linearMotion.tool_axis(2) = 1
                Ufs.Path.CreateLinearMotion(pathPtr, linearMotion)

            End If
            Return 0
        End Function


        Public Shared Function GetUnloadOption(arg As String) As Integer
            Return System.Convert.ToInt32(Session.LibraryUnloadOption.Immediately)
        End Function
    End Class
End Namespace


NX开发 刀路生成


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