在工作中,我在组里负责一个Proxy(代理)的Module,这个Module是针对微软的Office 365的邮件门户OWA实现,工作起来后,用户访问Office 365 OWA,无需再输入Office 365的网址,只需输入我们Proxy的地址,然后我们会将请求转送到Office 365 OWA,达到用户访问的目的,并使用户的体验如同实际访问Office 365 OWA一样。
其实我们Proxy的原理是,使用Node.js构建一个http Server,拿到client端(实际是Browser)的请求后,再将请求转给Office 365,将Office 365的返回内容Response再送给Client端,这样实现Proxy的功能。
但在工作中开发并维护此Module时,我发现一个问题,那就是虽然我们是将请求转发,但还是有很多请求我们需要特殊处理,而且有很多复杂的请求需要研究去支持,因此做为Proxy我必须知道Office 365,即目标网站都有哪些请求的类型,其实就是哪些不同的URL,不同的URL其实Path不同。
因此我做了一个优化,因为Proxy本质是一个Http Server,因此我将客户端发来的所有请求URL打印在Log中,这样我可以在Log中收集到所有的URL,同时将该URL发送出去后收到的结果(Response Status Code)也打印在一起,这样就能知道这个URL是否处理有问题,如果返回值200,则说明OK。
1 /___/outlook.office365.com/, 302 2 /owa/, 302 3 /__/login/login.srf, 200 4 /owa/prefetch.aspx, 200 5 /___/r1.res.office365.com/owa/prem/16.801.12.1741001/scripts/preboot.js, 200 6 /___/r1.res.office365.com/owa/prem/16.801.12.1741001/scripts/boot.worldwide.0.mouse.js, 200 7 /___/outlook.office365.com/GetUserRealm.srf, 200 8 /___/r1.res.office365.com/owa/prem/16.801.12.1741001/scripts/boot.worldwide.1.mouse.js, 200 9 /owa/ev.owa2, 200 10 /owa/ev.owa2, 200 11 /___/outlook.office365.com/, 302 12 /owa/ev.owa2, 200 13 /owa/, 302 14 /__/login/login.srf, 200 15 /owa/ev.owa2, 200 16 /owa/service.svc, 200 17 /owa/prefetch.aspx, 200 18 /___/r1.res.office365.com/owa/prem/16.807.12.1742334/scripts/preboot.js, 200 19 /owa/service.svc, 200 20 /___/r1.res.office365.com/owa/prem/16.807.12.1742334/scripts/boot.worldwide.0.mouse.js, 200 21 /owa/ev.owa2, 200 22 /owa/ev.owa2, 200 23 /owa/service.svc, 200 24 /owa/service.svc, 200 25 /___/outlook.office365.com/GetUserRealm.srf, 200 26 /___/r1.res.office365.com/owa/prem/16.807.12.1742334/scripts/boot.worldwide.1.mouse.js, 200 27 /__/login/ppsecure/post.srf, 200 28 /owa/, 302
每一行数据,前面是URL,后面是该请求收到的Response Status Code。
1 var lineReader = require(‘line-reader‘); 2 var fs = require(‘fs‘); 3 4 var fileReadData = "URLs.log"; 5 var fileWriteData = "result.txt"; 6 7 var ignoreNormalStatusCode = false; 8 if (process.argv && process.argv[2]) { 9 ignoreNormalStatusCode = process.argv[2]; // development to be passed as param 10 } 11 12 console.log("ignoreNormalStatusCode: " + ignoreNormalStatusCode); 13 14 // create data object 15 var createDataObjectFromLine = function (str) { 16 var data = str.split(","); 17 18 var obj = { 19 url: data[0].trim(), 20 statusCode: data[1].trim(), 21 number: 1 22 }; 23 24 return obj; 25 }; 26 27 // get the index in the array 28 var indexOfObjInArray = function (array, obj) { 29 var pos = -1; 30 31 for (var i=0; i<array.length; i++) { 32 var e = array[i]; 33 34 if (e.url === obj.url && e.statusCode === obj.statusCode) { 35 pos = i; 36 break; 37 } 38 } 39 40 return pos; 41 }; 42 43 // compare number to sort 44 var compare_number = function (a, b) { 45 return b.number - a.number; 46 }; 47 48 // write the array‘s data to file 49 var writeResultToFile = function (result, number) { 50 var string = ""; 51 string += "Here is this URL scan result blow, \n"; 52 string += "Orignial URL number: " + number + "\n"; 53 string += "Unrepeat URL number: " + result.length + "\n"; 54 string += "------------------------------------------\n\n"; 55 string += "req url, this url‘s response status code (200 is ok), number statics\n"; 56 fs.appendFileSync(fileWriteData, string); 57 58 for (var i=0; i<result.length; i++) { 59 fs.appendFileSync(fileWriteData, result[i].url + ", " + result[i].statusCode + ", " + result[i].number + "\n"); 60 } 61 }; 62 63 // create an array to save the urls 64 var result = []; 65 66 // count the orignial url number 67 var number = 0; 68 69 // main function 70 lineReader.eachLine(fileReadData, function (line, last) { 71 number++; 72 73 // parse the data from every line 74 var obj = createDataObjectFromLine(line); 75 //console.log(obj); 76 77 var pos = indexOfObjInArray(result, obj); 78 if (pos != -1) { 79 // this object already exists in result array 80 result[pos].number++; 81 } 82 else { 83 if (ignoreNormalStatusCode && obj.statusCode === ‘200‘) { 84 // ... 85 } 86 else { 87 // add this obj to result 88 result.push(obj); 89 } 90 } 91 92 if (last) { 93 // sort the array by number 94 result.sort(compare_number); 95 96 // write the result to file 97 writeResultToFile(result, number); 98 99 // stop reading lines from the file 100 return false; 101 } 102 });
这里使用了一个Node.js Module Line-reader,来从文件中一行行的读取数据。
1 Here is this URL scan result blow, 2 Orignial URL number: 142 3 Unrepeat URL number: 6 4 ------------------------------------------ 5 6 req url, this url‘s response status code (200 is ok), number statics 7 /owa/, 302, 10 8 /___/outlook.office365.com/, 302, 5 9 /owa/auth/15.1.225/themes/resources/segoeui-regular.ttf, 404, 3 10 /owa/auth/15.1.225/themes/resources/segoeui-semilight.ttf, 404, 1 11 /___/outlook.office365.com/favicon.ico, 302, 1 12 /owa/auth/15.1.219/themes/resources/segoeui-semilight.ttf, 404, 1
当然以上结果是没有显示Status Code为200的URL,原因是这是Proxy处理正常的URL,暂时没必要统计与分析。
Kevin Song
【工作】Proxy Server的优化 - 检测目标网站URL变化