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Adjust color space Constrast,Brightness,Hue,Saturation in YCbCr format.

时间:2015-07-24 20:43:01      阅读:513      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

The formula is :

  Y   = (y - 128) * C /128   + (B - 128)                        + 128. //About add 128 is ture or error ?

  Cb = [ (Cb - 128)*cos(H) + (Cr - 128)*sin(H)] * S/64 + 128.

      Cr = [-(Cb - 128)*sin(H)  + (Cr - 128)*cos(H)]* S/64 + 128.


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Adjust color space Constrast,Brightness,Hue,Saturation in YCbCr format.


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