1. 手机要有root权限
2. 下载tcpdump http://www.strazzere.com/android/tcpdump
3. adb push c:\wherever_you_put{color}tcpdump /data/local/tcpdump
4. adb shell chmod 6755 /data/local/tcpdump
5, adb shell, su获得root权限
6, cd /data/local
7, ./tcpdump -i any -p -s 0 -w /sdcard/capture.pcap
# "-i any": listen on any network interface
# "-p": disable promiscuous mode (doesn‘t work anyway)
# "-s 0": capture the entire packet
# "-w": write packets to a file (rather than printing to stdout)
... do whatever you want to capture, then ^C to stop it ...
8, adb pull /sdcard/capture.pcap d:/
9, 在电脑上用wireshark打开capture.pcap即可分析log
2:在filter 过滤器出输入:http,回车,就能将所有的http都过滤出来。
[Android Pro] 利用tcpdump和wireshark对android网络请求进行分析