-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Routine DDL -- Note: comments before and after the routine body will not be stored by the server -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELIMITER $$ CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `filter_record_time`(startTime timestamp, endTime timestamp, pointIndex int) BEGIN declare _recordtime timestamp; declare _pointIndex smallint; declare _value double; declare _result text; declare _previoustime timestamp; DECLARE done INT DEFAULT FALSE; declare fetchSeqCursor cursor for select distinct RecordTime,PointIndex,Value from flow_record where recordtime >= startTime and recordtime < endTime and pointIndex = pointIndex and recordtime is not null order by recordtime; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET done = TRUE; create table if not exists filter_record_time_temp(timeFrom timestamp, timeTo timestamp, times int); open fetchSeqCursor; seq_loop:loop fetch fetchSeqCursor into _recordtime, _pointIndex, _value; IF done THEN LEAVE seq_loop; END IF; if _previoustime is null then if _recordtime <> startTime then insert into filter_record_time_temp select startTime timefrom, _recordtime timeto, cast((unix_timestamp(_recordtime) - unix_timestamp(startTime) - 120) / 120 as signed) times; end if; else if unix_timestamp(_previoustime) + 120 < unix_timestamp(_recordtime) then insert into filter_record_time_temp select _previoustime timefrom, _recordtime timeto, cast((unix_timestamp(_recordtime) - unix_timestamp(_previoustime) - 120) / 120 as signed) times; end if; end if; set _previoustime = _recordtime; end loop; close fetchSeqCursor; if unix_timestamp(_previoustime) + 120 < unix_timestamp(endTime) then insert into filter_record_time_temp select _previoustime timefrom, endTime timeto, cast((unix_timestamp(endTime) - unix_timestamp(_previoustime) - 120) / 120 as signed) times; end if; select * from filter_record_time_temp; drop table if exists filter_record_time_temp; END
MySQL 存储过程,游标,临时表创建,布布扣,bubuko.com