关于harris corner的原理,参照 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corner_detection
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////// implement harris corner detection algorithm by my self and then compare it with the API in opencv ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * @brief myCornerHarris * @param src_ input image, only has one channel * @param dst all pixels‘ reponse R = det(M) - k*trace(M)^2 ,M is auto correclation matrix; * @param blockSize * @param kSize * @param k * @param borderType */ void myCornerHarris(const Mat& src_, Mat& dst, int blockSize, int kSize, double k) { Mat src; src_.copyTo(src); dst.create(src.size(),CV_32F); int depth = src.depth(); double scale = (double)(1 << ((kSize > 0 ? kSize : 3) - 1)) * blockSize; if( depth == CV_8U ) scale *= 255.; scale = 1./scale; assert(src.type() == CV_8UC1 || src.type() == CV_32FC1); Mat dx,dy; Sobel(src,dx,CV_32F,1,0,kSize,scale,0); Sobel(src,dy,CV_32F,0,1,kSize,scale,0); Size size = src.size(); Mat cov(size,CV_32FC3); int i,j; for(i = 0;i < size.height;i++){ float *covData = (float*)(cov.data + i*cov.step); const float *dxData = (const float*)(dx.data + i*dx.step); const float *dyData = (const float*)(dy.data + i*dy.step); for(j = 0;j < size.width;j++){ float dx_ = dxData[j]; float dy_ = dyData[j]; covData[3*j] = dx_*dx_; covData[3*j+1] = dx_*dy_; covData[3*j+2] = dy_*dy_; } } // compute the sum of blocksize window boxFilter(cov,cov,cov.depth(),Size(blockSize,blockSize),Point(-1,-1),false); if(cov.isContinuous() && dst.isContinuous()){ size.width *= size.height; size.height = 1; } else size = dst.size(); for(i = 0;i < size.height;i++){ float *dstData = (float*)(dst.data + i*dst.step); const float *covData = (const float*)(cov.data + i*cov.step); for(j = 0;j < size.width;j++){ float a = covData[3*j]; float b = covData[3*j+1]; float c = covData[3*j+2]; dstData[j] = a*c - b*b - k*(a+c)*(a+c); } } } void testCornerHarris(int argc, char* argv[]){ if(argc != 2){ PRINT "ERROR : program image\n"; return; } if(!csg::isFileExsit(argv[1])){ PRINT "",argv[1],"does not exsit\n"; return; } Mat src = imread(argv[1],CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR); if(!src.data){ PRINT "image data error\n"; return; } Mat grayImage; cvtColor(src,grayImage,CV_BGR2GRAY); //compare the difference of my cornerHarris and opencv cornerHarris Mat myHarrisCorner, harrisCorner; int blockSize = 3; int kSize = 3; double k = 0.04; cornerHarris(grayImage,harrisCorner,blockSize,kSize,k); myCornerHarris(grayImage,myHarrisCorner,blockSize,kSize,k); double error = 0.0; error = norm(myHarrisCorner,harrisCorner,NORM_L2); PRINT "error : ",error; }
harris corner detection 实现,布布扣,bubuko.com